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MTSU Charlie and Hazel Daniels Veterans and Military Family Center

Roll of Honor

Bass, Roy D.

Branch of Service: USAAF
Location of Burial: Salem Cemetery
Town of Burial: Liberty, TN

Mr. (Master Sergeant) Roy D. Bass was born October 5, 1908 at Liberty, Tennessee. He attended schools in Liberty, worked at several jobs and attended State Teachers College (STC), now MTSU. He enlisted in the US Army Air Corps on 10 November 1939, eleven months before WWII in the Pacific was declared by the Unites States on December 8, 1941(Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese Navy on December 7, 1941). Mr. Bass rose to the rank of Master Sergeant with his final overseas assignment basedwith the Cactus Air Force on Guadacanal. He supported US Army Air Corps Bomber and Fighter organizations in the Pacific. His wounds of war and catching of rheumatic fever led to his evacuation to Brooke Army Medical Hospital in San Antonio, TX. MSG Bass’ medical condition suffered a chronic myocarditis (weakening of the heart) which led to his death on 22 December 1943. His body was shipped home to his widowed mother and buried at Salem Baptist Church Cemetery in Liberty, TN.

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