Prepare for a career in diagnostic medical sonography, nuclear medicine, or radiation therapy.
Science, Allied Health Technology Concentration, B.S.
The Allied Health Technology concentration is for students who expect to enter a professional school for diagnostic medical sonography, nuclear medicine technology, or radiation therapy technology after completing an appropriate pre-professional curriculum.
The Allied Health degree leads to an MTSU degree through completion of 120 credit hours at MTSU, or completion of at least 90-course hours, acceptance into a professional school, and successful completion of the professional program (3+1). For some programs, this concentration leads to an MTSU degree through completion of at least 90 credit hours at MTSU, acceptance into a professional school, and either successful completion of one year or completion of the professional program (3+1).
Students considering high-level health professions such as medicine should pursue a four-year major such as chemistry or biochemistry.
Admission to the MTSU pre-professional program does not assure admission to a professional program. The admissions committees of the respective programs select students according to their selection standards, but selection is competitive.
News Briefs

The value of shadowing
All of MTSU's Health Science Pre-Professional Programs require a good amount of shadowing — of following and observing professionals in the field as they go through the daily routine. For many students, this requirement is also the experience that cements their determination to pursue their career of choice. Students in the Pre-Medical Technology program have the opportunity to shadow two hours a week at either Vanderbilt University Medical Center or the Veteran's Affairs Medical Center.

Be Pre-pared
Pre-Scripts is a pre-professional organization for students pursuing careers in the health sciences. The organization brings in local pharmacists, physicians, physical therapists, and other health care professionals, as well as representatives of schools and the armed services, to provide students firsthand insights into the different health science careers and valuable information about applying for health professional schools and programs. Pre-Scripts in also involved in community service projects and organizes trips to professional schools. (The organization meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month.)
News Briefs
The value of shadowing

All of MTSU's Health Science Pre-Professional Programs require a good amount of shadowing — of following and observing professionals in the field as they go through the daily routine. For many students, this requirement is also the experience that cements their determination to pursue their career of choice. Students in the Pre-Medical Technology program have the opportunity to shadow two hours a week at either Vanderbilt University Medical Center or the Veteran's Affairs Medical Center.
Be Pre-pared

Pre-Scripts is a pre-professional organization for students pursuing careers in the health sciences. The organization brings in local pharmacists, physicians, physical therapists, and other health care professionals, as well as representatives of schools and the armed services, to provide students firsthand insights into the different health science careers and valuable information about applying for health professional schools and programs. Pre-Scripts in also involved in community service projects and organizes trips to professional schools. (The organization meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month.)
Related Media

Science, Allied Health Technology Concentration, B.S.
In the medical field especially, it seems that every day brings with it a new breakthrough. Choosing a career as a medical technologist means choosing a career where there is always something new to learn—and someone whose health will benefit as a result. Career options include
- Analytical chemist
- Bacteriologist
- Biochemist hemotherapist
- Blood bank technologist
- Chemist
- Clinical chemistry technologist
- Clinical pathologist
- Crime lab analyst
- Cytotechnologist
- Food and drug inspector
- Histologist
- Medical equipment sales representative
- Medical laboratory manager
- Medical librarian
- Medical technologist
- Microbiologist
- Quality control specialist
- Parasitologist
- Pharmaceutical sales representative
- Public health specialist
- Research assistant
- Toxicologist
Pre-Professional students have gone on to programs at
- Auburn University
- Austin Peay State University
- Belmont
- Creighton University
- DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine
- East Tennessee State University
- Logan University
- Medical College of Georgia
- St. Louis University
- Samford University
- Southern College of Optometry
- South University
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
- University of Health Sciences Antigua
- University of Louisville
- University of Tennessee
- Vanderbilt University Medical Center
- Western Kentucky University

MTSU’s Career Development Center
MTSU offers a comprehensive Career Development Center that serves students throughout the full student experience and beyond. They collaborate with faculty and staff to equip students with the tools to be marketable to the world of work and continuing education.
Students can schedule an appointment or check online resources and job boards at mtsu.edu/career.
Students can find current internship opportunities by talking to faculty and visiting the University job and internship board called Handshake.
Wondering what you can do with your major? Check out our What Can I Do with A Major In guides.

Students in the Pre-Medical Technology program can pursue a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in medical technology by either of two paths: 1) two years of study at MTSU, followed by two years at the University of Tennessee, Health Science Center School of Medical Technology, or 2) three years of study at MTSU followed by one year at a nationally approved school of medical technology.
For complete curriculum details, click on REQUIREMENTS.
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