Building Access

MTSU Key Shop

Facilities Services is responsible for the management of the University keying and electronic access control systems. That responsibility includes controlling the production, storage, and issuance of keys; the replacement or rekeying of lock cylinders; the acquisition of new keying systems; the maintenance of accurate records; and the cataloging of and adherence to key system authorizations. All locks and keys must be approved by the Key Shop before installation.

Facilities Services is also responsible for the purchase, installation, and maintenance of campus-wide electronic access control systems. Additionally, the Facilities Key Shop is responsible for stand-alone access locks, alarm systems, and key boxes.

The University Police Department is responsible for overall campus security. Any deviation from established security policies and practices must be submitted to the University Police Department in writing for approval.

Main Office:

Director of Engineering Services & EH&S: 
Alan Parker  615-898-2392

Electronic Access Request FormKey Return Form

Required Approval and Disposition of Key/Access Requests 
Key Type / Access Level Key/ Access Request Approved by Key/ Access Disposition 
Master Key V.P. Business and Finance Approved Individual 
Classroom Key Department Head Department
Other Doors – such as outside doors, supply rooms, etc.  Department Head or Building Supervisor  Department
Residential Life  Director of Housing Housing Office