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Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund

Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act (HEERF II) Disclosures

Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act (HEERF II) was signed into law by President Trump on 12/27/20. The CRRSA Act requires the university to publish the following disclosures to explain how much funding we received and how we used it.

Emergency Financial Aid Grants

Congress recently approved the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA), also known as HEERF II funds, which was signed by President Trump on 12/27/20.  The emergency student grant funding is intended to meet expenses related to any component of the financial aid cost of attendance or emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus such as tuition, food, housing, health care, and childcare.  MTSU has received $8,649,706 to award through CRRSAA / HEERF II funding to students.  As of February 22, 2021, based on the following criteria, 16,914 students have been identified as eligible to receive an award:

  1. Students must be U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens.  Federal guidance clarifies that CRRSAA / HEERF II funds may not be distributed to international, DACA, or undocumented students. If citizenship is not verified through the FAFSA Social Security Administration / Homeland Security data base match, the student’s status is verified through the MTSU citizenship status on file and proof of being lawfully present as determined by the Eligibility Verification and Entitlement Act (EVEA) process.
  2. Students must be undergraduate or graduate degree-seeking students (including those seeking teacher licensure) and attending at least half-time, including all types of instruction.   Credit hours related to the PC191 employee discount waiver are excluded from the calculation of at least half-time enrollment.  Students assessed fees based on corporate rate are excluded from eligibility.
  3. Eligible undergraduate and graduate students as defined above will receive the same base award.  As required under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), priority will be given to students with exceptional need.  MTSU defines exceptional need as being (1) an undergraduate Federal Pell Grant recipient during Spring 2021 or (2) graduate students with completed federal financial aid files whose EFC is less than 3801 (excluding those receiving a graduate assistantship who will otherwise qualify for the base amount).  Students identified with exceptional need will receive an additional amount beyond the amount of the base award.

The Bursar Office will notify eligible students through campus email.  Grant amounts will vary, with a base award of $400.  Students with exceptional need (as defined above) will receive $705.  Beginning February 24, 2021, MTSU will begin sending direct deposit refunds to eligible students.  Since direct deposit is the quickest way for students to receive a refund, the Bursar Office will notify students who have not signed up for direct deposit on how to do so.  For students who choose not to sign up for direct deposit, refund checks will be mailed beginning March 12, 2021.  It is very important for these students to ensure their primary mailing address is correct on PipelineMT.

Congress approved the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA Act), also known as Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF II), which was signed by President Trump on 12/27/20.

On February 16, 2021, MTSU received our Grant Award Notification (GAN) from the U.S. Department of Education related to HEERF II funding.

MTSU will receive a total of $28,959,281 from the U.S. Department of Education to assist with COVID-19 related institutional expenses and to provide emergency grants to students. Of this amount, MTSU must minimally expend $8,649,706 to students.

As of March 31,2021, MTSU has disbursed $8,649,325 through HEERF II funding to students.

As of March 31, 2021, MTSU has identified 16,978 students who are eligible to be considered for HEERF II funds based on federal criteria and additional local requirements listed below. Of this number, HEERF II funds have been disbursed to 16,953 students.

Subsequent to the initial awarding of HEERF II funding on February 23, 2021, 64 additional students were identified who met the eligibility requirements listed below. Funding was only sufficient to award 39 additional students. Prioritization was given to students who had resolved citizenship issues and attendance in at least half-time status. Beyond this group of students, prioritization was given to graduate students whose combined mixed enrollment in undergraduate coursework (typically prerequisites) and graduate coursework was necessary to achieve at least half-time enrollment status. Given limited funds, preference was given to graduate students whose combined mixed enrollment was full-time.

Based on guidance received from the U.S. Department of Education regarding eligibility requirements and the allowance of local flexibility, students must meet the following requirements to be considered for HEERF II funding at MTSU:

  • Students must be U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens. Federal guidance clarifies that CRRSAA / HEERF II funds may not be distributed to international, DACA, or undocumented students. If citizenship is not verified through the FAFSA Social Security Administration / Homeland Security data base match, the student’s status is verified through the MTSU citizenship status on file and proof of being lawfully present as determined by the Eligibility Verification and Entitlement Act (EVEA) process.
  • Students must be undergraduate or graduate degree-seeking students (including those seeking teacher licensure) and attending at least half-time, including all types of instruction. Credit hours related to the PC191 employee discount waiver are excluded from the calculation of at least half-time enrollment. Students assessed fees based on corporate rate are excluded from eligibility.
  • Eligible undergraduate and graduate students as defined above will receive the same base award. As required under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), priority will be given to students with exceptional need. MTSU defines exceptional need as being (1) an undergraduate Federal Pell Grant recipient during Spring 2021 or (2) graduate students with completed federal financial aid files whose expected family contribution (EFC) is less than 3801 (excluding those receiving a graduate assistantship who will otherwise qualify for the base amount). Students identified with exceptional need will receive an additional amount beyond the amount of the base award.

The following chart represents a breakdown of how the student portion of HEERF II funding has been awarded through March 31, 2021:

Undergraduate: Base9,470$400.00$3,788,000.00
Undergraduate: Base+ Need5,557$705.00$3,917,685.00
Graduate: Base1,358$400.00$543,200.00
Graduate: Base + Need568$705.00$400,440.00
TOTALS16,953 $8,649,325

Students awarded HEERF II funding receive the following guidance from the MTSU Bursar through campus email once payment is made to their MTSU account.  The guidance below is specific to students who signed up for direct deposit to their personal banking account. The latter portion of the guidance varies if manual checks are created and mailed to the student.

“You are receiving a federal emergency financial aid grant as a part of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA), also known as HEERF II funds, which was signed by President Trump on 12/27/20. The funding is intended for your use in meeting expenses related to any component of your financial aid cost of attendance or emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus such as tuition, food, housing, health care, and childcare. Please refer to for information on awarding criteria.

You are not required to provide receipts in regard to use of funds. The amount refunded is the full amount of the grant and no outstanding balances owed to MTSU have been deducted from the grant payment.

This is an automated message to inform you that your refund is in process of being direct deposited into your bank account. Please note that it may take 1 to 3 business days for the funds to be deposited into your account. Please verify with your bank that the money has been deposited before writing checks. If you have entered the wrong bank account information or changed accounts, it may take 7 to 10 business days for your funds to return. You will receive a notice if your banking information was deleted due to an incorrect or closed account.

For questions about your refund, please email [email protected].”

There have been no changes since the CRRSA Act (HEERF II) Quarterly Report dated March 31, 2021. In time, there will probably be uncashed refund checks that will be cancelled and reissued to other eligible students once the checks become stale dated. At that point, the current balance to award of $381 will also be awarded.

Congress approved the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA Act), also known as Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF II), which was signed by President Trump on 12/27/20.

On February 16, 2021, MTSU received our Grant Award Notification (GAN) from the U.S. Department of Education related to HEERF II funding.

MTSU will receive a total of $28,959,281 from the U.S. Department of Education to assist with COVID-19 related institutional expenses and to provide emergency grants to students. Of this amount, MTSU must minimally expend $8,649,706 to students.

As of June 30 ,2021, MTSU has disbursed $8,649,325 through HEERF II funding to students.

As of June 30, 2021, MTSU has identified 16,978 students who are eligible to be considered for HEERF II funds based on federal criteria and additional local requirements listed below. Of this number, HEERF funds have been disbursed to 16,953 students.

Based on guidance received from the U.S. Department of Education regarding eligibility requirements and the allowance of local flexibility, students must meet the following requirements to be considered for HEERF II funding at MTSU:

  • Students must be U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens. Federal guidance clarifies that CRRSAA / HEERF II funds may not be distributed to international, DACA, or undocumented students. If citizenship is not verified through the FAFSA Social Security Administration / Homeland Security data base match, the student’s status is verified through the MTSU citizenship status on file and proof of being lawfully present as determined by the Eligibility Verification and Entitlement Act (EVEA) process.
  • Students must be undergraduate or graduate degree-seeking students (including those seeking teacher licensure) and attending at least half-time, including all types of instruction. Credit hours related to the PC191 employee discount waiver are excluded from the calculation of at least half-time enrollment. Students assessed fees based on corporate rate are excluded from eligibility.
  • Eligible undergraduate and graduate students as defined above will receive the same base award. As required under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), priority will be given to students with exceptional need. MTSU defines exceptional need as being (1) an undergraduate Federal Pell Grant recipient during Spring 2021 or (2) graduate students with completed federal financial aid files whose expected family contribution (EFC) is less than 3801 (excluding those receiving a graduate assistantship who will otherwise qualify for the base amount). Students identified with exceptional need will receive an additional amount beyond the amount of the base award.

The following chart represents a breakdown of how the student portion of HEERF II funding has been awarded through June 30, 2021:

Undergraduate: Base9,470$400.00$3,788,000.00
Undergraduate: Base+ Need5,557$705.00$3,917,685.00
Graduate: Base1,358$400.00$543,200.00
Graduate: Base + Need568$705.00$400,440.00
TOTALS16,953 $8,649,325

Students awarded HEERF II funding receive the following guidance from the MTSU Bursar through campus email once payment is made to their MTSU account. The guidance below is specific to students who signed up for direct deposit to their personal banking account. The latter portion of the guidance varies if manual checks are created and mailed to the student.

“You are receiving a federal emergency financial aid grant as a part of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA), also known as HEERF II funds, which was signed by President Trump on 12/27/20. The funding is intended for your use in meeting expenses related to any component of your financial aid cost of attendance or emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus such as tuition, food, housing, health care, and childcare. Please refer to for information on awarding criteria.

You are not required to provide receipts in regard to use of funds. The amount refunded is the full amount of the grant and no outstanding balances owed to MTSU have been deducted from the grant payment.

This is an automated message to inform you that your refund is in process of being direct deposited into your bank account. Please note that it may take 1 to 3 business days for the funds to be deposited into your account. Please verify with your bank that the money has been deposited before writing checks. If you have entered the wrong bank account information or changed accounts, it may take 7 to 10 business days for your funds to return. You will receive a notice if your banking information was deleted due to an incorrect or closed account.”

For questions about your refund, please email [email protected].”

The only update to the “Quarterly Report – June 30, 2021” is related to uncashed refund checks of $18,210 that were cancelled and reissued to other students and the awarding of a remaining balance of $381 that had never been awarded. Note the August 24, 2021 notation below.

Congress approved the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA Act), also known as Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF II), which was signed by President Trump on 12/27/20.

On February 16, 2021, MTSU received our Grant Award Notification (GAN) from the U.S. Department of Education related to HEERF II funding.

MTSU will receive a total of $28,959,281 from the U.S. Department of Education to assist with COVID-19 related institutional expenses and to provide emergency grants to students. Of this amount, MTSU must minimally expend $8,649,706 to students.

On August 24, 2021, the MTSU Bursar canceled stale-dated refunds (total of $18,210) for 44 students who had never cashed their refund checks. This amount plus $381 balance of HEERF II funding that had never been awarded equaled a total of $18,591 to award. A determination was made to prioritize undergraduate / graduate students enrolled during Summer 2021 who met the eligibility criteria below inclusive of having exceptional need. Given limited funding, further priority was given based on the 2020-21 FAFSA filing date. The outcome was that 18 undergraduate students received an award of $705 and 8 graduate students received an award of $705 and 1 graduate student received a reduced award of $261 based on remaining funds. A total of 27 students, out of 86 students identified as eligible, received an award. 59 of the 86 students did not receive an award due to insufficient funds.

As of September 30, 2021, MTSU has disbursed $8,649,706 through HEERF II funding to students.

As of September 30, 2021, MTSU has identified 17,064 students who are eligible to be considered for HEERF II funds based on federal criteria and additional local requirements. Of this number, HEERF II funds have been disbursed to 16,936 students (excluding 44 students whose refunds were never cashed and were therefore canceled) and 84 students who were not paid due to insufficient funds.

Based on guidance received from the U.S. Department of Education regarding eligibility requirements and the allowance of local flexibility, students must meet the following requirements to be considered for HEERF II funding at MTSU:

  • Students must be U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens. Federal guidance clarifies that CRRSAA / HEERF II funds may not be distributed to international, DACA, or undocumented students. If citizenship is not verified through the FAFSA Social Security Administration / Homeland Security data base match, the student’s status is verified through the MTSU citizenship status on file and proof of being lawfully present as determined by the Eligibility Verification and Entitlement Act (EVEA) process.
  • Students must be undergraduate or graduate degree-seeking students (including those seeking teacher licensure) and attending at least half-time, including all types of instruction. Credit hours related to the PC191 employee discount waiver are excluded from the calculation of at least half-time enrollment. Students assessed fees based on corporate rate are excluded from eligibility.
  • Eligible undergraduate and graduate students as defined above will receive the same base award. As required under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), priority will be given to students with exceptional need. MTSU defines exceptional need as being (1) an undergraduate Federal Pell Grant recipient during Spring 2021 or (2) graduate students with completed federal financial aid files whose expected family contribution (EFC) is less than 3801 (excluding those receiving a graduate assistantship who will otherwise qualify for the base amount). Students identified with exceptional need will receive an additional amount beyond the amount of the base award.

The following chart represents a breakdown of how the student portion of HEERF II funding has been awarded through September 30, 2021:

Undergraduate: Base9,431$400.00$3,772,400.00
Undergraduate: Base+ Need5,573$705.00$3,928,965.00
Graduate: Base1,355$400.00$542,000.00
Graduate: Base + Need576$705.00$406,080.00
Graduate: Base + Need – Prorated1$261.00$261.00
TOTALS16,936 $8,649,706.00

Students awarded HEERF II funding receive the following guidance from the MTSU Bursar through campus email once payment is made to their MTSU account. The guidance below is specific to students who signed up for direct deposit to their personal banking account. The latter portion of the guidance varies if manual checks are created and mailed to the student.

“You are receiving a federal emergency financial aid grant as a part of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA), also known as HEERF II funds, which was signed by President Trump on 12/27/20. The funding is intended for your use in meeting expenses related to any component of your financial aid cost of attendance or emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus such as tuition, food, housing, health care, and childcare. Please refer to for information on awarding criteria.

You are not required to provide receipts in regard to use of funds. The amount refunded is the full amount of the grant and no outstanding balances owed to MTSU have been deducted from the grant payment.

This is an automated message to inform you that your refund is in process of being direct deposited into your bank account. Please note that it may take 1 to 3 business days for the funds to be deposited into your account. Please verify with your bank that the money has been deposited before writing checks. If you have entered the wrong bank account information or changed accounts, it may take 7 to 10 business days for your funds to return. You will receive a notice if your banking information was deleted due to an incorrect or closed account.”

For questions about your refund, please email [email protected].”

Note: This update to the “Quarterly Report – September 30, 2021 – Final Disclosure” is related to subsequent adjustments / awarding as noted below dated February 1, 2022.

Congress approved the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA Act), also known as Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF II), which was signed by President Trump on 12/27/20.

On February 16, 2021, MTSU received our Grant Award Notification (GAN) from the U.S. Department of Education related to HEERF II funding.

MTSU will receive a total of $28,959,281 from the U.S. Department of Education to assist with COVID-19 related institutional expenses and to provide emergency grants to students. Of this amount, MTSU must minimally expend $8,649,706 to students.

On February 1, 2022, the MTSU Bursar canceled stale-dated refunds (total of $1,505) for 3 students who had never cashed their refund checks. On the same day, $1,505 was awarded to 3 eligible students who were enrolled Summer 2021. The outcome is reflected in the revised table below.

As of March 31, 2022, MTSU has disbursed $8,649,706 through HEERF II funding to students.

As of March 31, 2022, MTSU has identified 17,064 students who are eligible to be considered for HEERF II funds based on federal criteria and additional local requirements. Of this number, HEERF II funds have been disbursed to 16,935 students (excluding 47 students whose refunds were never cashed and were therefore canceled) and 82 students who were not paid due to insufficient funds.

Based on guidance received from the U.S. Department of Education regarding eligibility requirements and the allowance of local flexibility, students must meet the following requirements to be considered for HEERF II funding at MTSU:

§ Students must be U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens. Federal guidance clarifies that CRRSAA / HEERF II funds may not be distributed to international, DACA, or undocumented students. If citizenship is not verified through the FAFSA Social Security Administration / Homeland Security data base match, the student’s status is verified through the MTSU citizenship status on file and proof of being lawfully present as determined by the Eligibility Verification and Entitlement Act (EVEA) process.

§ Students must be undergraduate or graduate degree-seeking students (including those seeking teacher licensure) and attending at least half-time, including all types of instruction. Credit hours related to the PC191 employee discount waiver are excluded from the calculation of at least half-time enrollment. Students assessed fees based on corporate rate are excluded from eligibility.

§ Eligible undergraduate and graduate students as defined above will receive the same base award. As required under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), priority will be given to students with exceptional need. MTSU defines exceptional need as being (1) an undergraduate Federal Pell Grant recipient during Spring 2021 or (2) graduate students with completed federal financial aid files whose expected family contribution (EFC) is less than 3801 (excluding those receiving a graduate assistantship who will otherwise qualify for the base amount). Students identified with exceptional need will receive an additional amount beyond the amount of the base award.

The following chart represents a breakdown of how the student portion of HEERF II funding has been awarded through March 31, 2022:

Undergraduate: Base9,429$400.00$3,771,600.00
Undergraduate: Base + Need5,572$705.00$3,928,260.00
Undergraduate: Base + Need: Prorated1$356.00$356.00
Graduate: Base1,355$400.00$542,000.00
Graduate: Base + Need578$705.00$407,490.00
TOTALS16,935 $8,649,706.00

Students awarded HEERF II funding receive the following guidance from the MTSU Bursar through campus email once payment is made to their MTSU account. The guidance below is specific to students who signed up for direct deposit to their personal banking account. The latter portion of the guidance varies if manual checks are created and mailed to the student.

“You are receiving a federal emergency financial aid grant as a part of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA), also known as HEERF II funds, which was signed by President Trump on 12/27/20. The funding is intended for your use in meeting expenses related to any component of your financial aid cost of attendance or emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus such as tuition, food, housing, health care, and childcare. Please refer to for information on awarding criteria.

You are not required to provide receipts in regard to use of funds. The amount refunded is the full amount of the grant and no outstanding balances owed to MTSU have been deducted from the grant payment.

This is an automated message to inform you that your refund is in process of being direct deposited into your bank account. Please note that it may take 1 to 3 business days for the funds to be deposited into your account. Please verify with your bank that the money has been deposited before writing checks. If you have entered the wrong bank account information or changed accounts, it may take 7 to 10 business days for your funds to return. You will receive a notice if your banking information was deleted due to an incorrect or closed account.”

For questions about your refund, please email [email protected].