University Policies
031 Faculty and Student Participation in Development of Campus Policies and Programs
Approved by Board of Trustees
Effective Date: June 5, 2017
Responsible Division: Academic Affairs/Student Affairs
Responsible Office: Provost/Vice President for Student Affairs
Responsible Officer: Provost/Vice President for Student Affairs
I. Purpose
Faculty and students are vital components of the campus community, and the University embraces the concept of shared governance. This policy establishes that faculty and students be provided the means to effectively contribute to the progress and general welfare of Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU or University) concerning the formation of policies and programs relating to academic affairs and student affairs, respectively.
II. Student and Faculty Participation in Development of Campus Policies and Programs
- Students have a primary interest in matters of student life, including discipline and housing. Faculty have a primary interest in academic affairs, including curriculum, program changes, development, admission, and graduation requirements. Furthermore, both students and faculty have a direct interest in both student and academic affairs.
- The Faculty Senate serves as the principal representative body of the faculty at MTSU. It advocates for the faculty and academic policies within the University community at large.
- The Student Government Association serves as the official liaison between the student body and the administration of the University. It is the official channel of communication for all students. The Student Government Association is responsible for listening to the concerns of all students.
- Policy 30 Policy Development and Review sets out the means by which both faculty and students provide input into the creation and review of University policies.
- Policy 32 University Committees provides that both faculty and, as appropriate, students shall be members of committees that shape institutional culture, policy, and procedures.
Forms: none.
Revisions: none.
Last Reviewed: September 2022.
References: Policies 30 Policy Development and Review; 32 University Committees.