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University Policies

208  Determining Faculty Workload and Instructional Staffing

Approved by President
Effective Date: June 1, 2021
Responsible Division: Academic Affairs
Responsible Office:  University Provost
Responsible Officer: Associate Provost for Academic Administration and Resources

I. Purpose

This policy supplements the provisions of Middle Tennessee State University’s (MTSU or University) Policy 800 General Personnel. That policy requires all full-time personnel, including faculty, to devote a minimum of 37.5 hours per week to the University and to maintain appropriate office hours as determined by the President or designee. Academic year appointments include no obligation for, or guarantee of, Summer session employment. It also stipulates that within the overall work load provision “a full workload which shall be fifteen (15) workload units (WU) per term or two hundred and twenty-five (225) non-credit contact hours or the equivalent per term.” It further stipulates that “All equivalent teaching load activities shall be subject to prior review and approval by the Provost.” Faculty appointments on an academic year basis shall be on duty for not less than nine (9) months, which shall commence from the time designated by the President prior to the first (1st) day of class for the Fall term of each year through the time designated by the President at the end of the Spring term, and shall be subject to call for duty during that period regardless of whether classes are in session.  

II. General Statement

  1. Allocation of faculty time to various functions (i.e., instruction, advisement/mentoring, administration, research, service, etc.) falls within the responsibility of the Provost.
  2. Allocations of non-instructional assigned time should reflect the mission, goals, and needs of the University.

III. Faculty Workload Guidelines and Reporting Requirements

  1. The Office of the University Provost is responsible for the development of faculty workload guidelines, collection and analysis of workload data, and assurance of comparable workload reporting among departments and across college lines.
  2. Regardless of the nature of the approved workload assignment, the faculty member must remain on the payroll of MTSU and retain a condition of employment which continues all benefits for which he/she has qualified as a full-time faculty member.

IV. Development of Staffing Plan for Instructional Faculty

Staffing to meet workload requirements is the responsibility of the President. New instructional positions are requested by Department Chairs/Directors and Deans as a part of the annual budgetary process and are justified primarily upon student credit hour production and program needs. The Provost makes faculty staffing recommendations to the President. The President will approve new faculty positions and their funding and authorizes the filling of the positions.

Forms: none.

Revisions: June 5, 2017 (original); June 1, 2021.

Last Reviewed: May 2021.

References: Policy 800 General Personnel.