University Policies
209 Post-Retirement Service Program for Tenured Faculty
Approved by President
Effective Date: June 5, 2017
Responsible Division: Academic Affairs
Responsible Office: University Provost
Responsible Officer: Vice Provost for Faculty and Strategic Initiatives
I. Purpose
This policy provides procedures for the administration of the Post Retirement Service Program for Tenured Faculty (PRSP) at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU or University). The program consists of a definitive description of its fundamental features and agreement forms for both academic year faculty and fiscal year faculty. To work effectively, the program requires regular communication and interaction between the prospective participant and numerous University offices and staff (i.e., President, Department Head, Academic Affairs, Human Resource Services (HRS), Budget/Business, and Payroll Office staff).
II. Process
- Required Documents. The following documents are required for administering the PRSP:
- Optional Documents. The following documents may be used to facilitate the processing of PRSP agreements from start to finish.
- Approval Process.
- The Check List for Processing PRSP Agreements provides both faculty and departments with a brief summary (i.e., overview) of the steps required to process agreements for this program. Definitive information about the complete process is provided in the following sections.
- Faculty contemplating participation in the PRSP are advised to schedule an appointment with HRS to discuss the retirement process, as well as the application process for participation in the PRSP.
- During this meeting, faculty will be given a copy of the program, a sample Request to Participate, and the agreement/contract form to review. Faculty who wish to participate in the Post Retirement Service Program must submit the written Request to Participate through the Department Head and Dean, to the Provost.
- Upon receipt of the PRSP Request, appropriate staff will begin a review of the University’s staffing needs, as well as costs and savings associated with the pending notice.
If the Provost elects to proceed with the approval process, the faculty member and department head will discuss the retirement date, re-employment date, length of the agreement, and schedule of services to be performed.
- Renewal, Continuation, Change, and Termination Options. The program provides no renewal/continuation options, except as provided in Post Retirement Service Program for Tenured Faculty Form, Section V. Re-employment Obligation.
- Therefore, the decision regarding the desired period of the agreement must be agreed upon by both the University and faculty member prior to the faculty member’s retirement.
- The agreement may be modified to accommodate changes in the work assignments and work schedule, if mutually agreed upon in writing by both the University and participant, and made a part of the agreement.
- Eligibility: Faculty must be eligible to retire under the State Retirement System. For eligibility information, visit the Retire Ready Tennessee website.
- Converting Semester Hours to Non-instructional Hours.
- While the majority of participants will return solely to teaching positions, some may be assigned non-instructional duties.
- Others may have both types of responsibilities. In such instances, it will be necessary to convert semester hours to non-instructional hours. Listed below is the conversion formula:
1 day = 7.5 hours
120 days = 900 non-instructional hours per 12-month period
18 hours = Maximum instructional hours per 12-month period
1 semester hour = 50 non-instructional hours (900 hours/18 hours)
- Calculating Hourly Rates for Non-instructional Hours for Participants Whose PRSP Assignment Is Academic Instruction.
- Rates are based on 1,462.5 hours (195 days @ 7.5 hours per day).
- MTSU will compensate only for time actually worked (i.e., 1/30 of the employee’s fiscal year salary per credit hour or a percentage proration of the employee’s fiscal year salary equaling no more than fifty percent (50%) if working in a fiscal year capacity under the PRSP.)
- All salaries will be converted to an academic year salary for purposes of calculating the PRSP. Special permission is needed for calculating on a fiscal year basis with justification provided.
- Calculating Fiscal Year Salary Rate. Percentage proration of the fiscal year salary may not equal more than fifty percent (50%) of the employee’s fiscal year salary.
- Insurance Supplement and Maintenance of Insurance Supplement Records/Data. The amount of the initial insurance supplement is contingent upon the coverage for which the participant is eligible at the time of retirement.
- The age of the participant, spouse, and/or dependents will significantly affect the plan coverage for which the participant is entitled and, subsequently, the amount of the supplement.
- HRS will monitor the supplement based on the above factors. However, it is the participant’s responsibility to inform HRS in a timely manner of any other significant changes in status (i.e., marriage, divorce, child no longer qualifies as a dependent, death of spouse and/or dependents, etc.) that would impact plan coverage and/or the amount paid for future insurance supplements.
- Changes in the amount of the supplement will become effective with the first (1st) payment following receipt of written documentation regarding the change in status.
- Post Retirement Service Program for Tenured Faculty
- PRSP Agreement
- Check List for Processing PRSP Agreements
- Request to Participate
- Applicant Information
- Amendment to Agreement
- Notice of Final Approval
- Senior Affiliate Faculty Notice of Schedule
Revisions: none.
Last Reviewed: November 2020.
References: none.