University Policies
258 Criteria for the Evaluation of Bureaus, Centers, and Institutes
Approved by President
Effective Date: April 10, 2020
Responsible Division: Academic Affairs
Responsible Office: University Provost
Responsible Officer: Vice Provost for Academic Programs
I. Purpose
This policy explains the criteria Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU or University) considers in the establishment and evaluation of MTSU bureaus, centers, and institutes.
II. Process
The President shall approve the creation or termination of bureaus, centers, and institutes within the University. Notification of the creation or termination of a bureau, center, or institute will be reported at each regular meeting of the Board.
III. Procedures
The following criteria will be considered in the decision to establish new bureaus, centers, and institutes.
- An assessment of need.
- An analysis of the purpose of the entity identifying it as a research, public service, or instructional unit. Such units should be budgeted in such a way as to reflect their purpose. Units proposed as combinations of research, public service, or instruction should be described in detail sufficient to ascertain the primary purpose of the entity.
- A description of how the entity relates to the University’s role and scope.
- An identification of the campus discipline base from which the entity will operate, and the faculty strengths upon which it will draw.
- A description of the activities of the unit indicating relationships to purpose.
- A statement regarding the anticipated duration of the unit.
- A projection of the costs and revenues associated with the operation of the bureau, center, or institute over the first five (5) years, and an indication of what institutional support, if any, may be required.
- An organizational chart identifying the location of the administrative unit and the individual responsible for the successful operation of the proposed unit.
- An identification of any similar or related services already being offered by an institution or agency within the state.
- A description of procedures for regular evaluation of the unit.
Forms: none.
Revisions: June 5, 2017 (original); April 10, 2020.
Last Reviewed: November 2020.
References: none.