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University Policies

621  Facilities Planning and Design

Approved by President
Effective Date: September 4, 2019

Responsible Division: Business and Finance
Responsible Office:  Campus Planning
Responsible Officer: Assistant Vice President, Campus Planning

I.  Purpose

This policy sets forth responsibilities relative to the planning and design of facilities on the Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU or University) campus property.

II.  Facilities Planning and Design

  1. Prior to proceeding with preplanning or design of any project for which an architect or engineer is engaged, Campus Planning staff, with representation by the affected University department(s) or program(s), shall develop a facility program statement for the project.
  2. This program statement shall fully set forth the scope of the proposed project and the functional requirements to be satisfied.
  3. The program statement shall be the basis for the preplanning and design of the project. 
  4. The Assistant Vice President of Campus Planning shall ensure that the preplanning, design, and final plans of each project are carried out in conformance with the approved program statement.

Forms: none.

Revisions: June 12, 2018 (original) to be effective July 1, 2018; Sept. 4, 2019.

Last Reviewed: June 2024.

References: none.