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University Policies

725  Inclement Weather

Approved by President
Effective Date: January 21, 2025
Responsible Division:  Business and Finance
Responsible Office:  Business and Finance
Responsible Officer:  Vice President, Business and Finance

I. Purpose

Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU or University) is committed to the safety of its students, faculty, and staff and recognizes that many commuters must travel long distances to meet teaching, learning, and work commitments at the MTSU campus.

If inclement or dangerous weather occurs, or develops prior to and/or during the normal business day, MTSU will provide closure and/or continuity notifications to the campus community.

The assessment of such conditions will be made by the Provost and Vice President for Business and Finance, in consultation with University Police and Facilities Services, and will be based on definitions and announcements from the Tennessee Department of Transportation, state and local police agencies, and other public officials, using data provided by local and national weather services. While the conditions in specific locales may vary and local conditions may not apply uniformly to the entire region, MTSU will endeavor to meet its dual responsibilities of conducting classes and managing the safety of its students, faculty, and staff during hazardous weather conditions in the region. The President will make final decision based on assessment made by the Provost and Vice President for Business and Finance.

II. General Guidelines

When the President makes the decision to close the campus, delay the start of classes, or transition to remote operation, the regional media will be notified as soon as reasonably possible prior to the standard 8:00 a.m. reporting time for staff and before the start of the earliest scheduled class. The announcement will apply to all credit and non-credit classes for the period affected; that is, morning, afternoon, or evening, according to the specific scripts below. The MTSU website will also carry a message regarding the status of classes and opening of offices. 

Offices at MTSU will be considered open unless the announcement specifically states that they will be closed.

If there are events (i.e., athletic events, concerts, speakers) scheduled during a time the campus has been closed due to inclement weather, the President or designee will make a determination on a case-by-case basis whether those events shall be cancelled.

III. Principles Governing Faculty Practices

In the event that inclement weather or other emergencies disrupt university operations, the President may elect to close campus or delay the start of classes, as notes above. However, the decision may instead be to activate the campus Instruction Continuity plan, in which case the Provost will notify all faculty via MTSU e-mail and faculty will transition in-person instructional to remote operations. Online courses will continue with normal operations. Faculty members should therefore maintain continuity plans for their courses and will communicate these plans to students in advance (i.e., in course syllabi) and during disruption of classes.

IV. Principles Governing Staff Practices

Each department/unit must plan for operational continuity by identifying and notifying its designated emergency employees, as well as those employees who are expected to work remotely.

Regarding normal operations and inclement weather, if a staff member believes that he/she is in any danger, each employee should exercise her/his own good judgment about reporting to work. However, each staff member should understand the implications of personal decisions and follow the directions provided in Policy 828 Employee Attendance during Inclement Weather.

VInterpreting the Various Scripts Used by Media Outlets

MTSU will make every effort to deliver clear and concise messages to the media using the following statements:  

  1. Campus will open at [time will be indicated]. This statement applies to all but essential employees. All afternoon and evening classes will be held. Staff should report at the designated time.
  2. Campus will close at [time will be indicated]. All operations after the closing time will discontinue. All but essential staff will be authorized to leave at the time indicated.
  3. Campus is closed. Only essential staff should report.
  4. The University will transition to remote operations.

All students, faculty, and staff are expected to familiarize themselves with the above statements and follow the instructions carefully; however, some circumstances may warrant the necessity for sharing information or instruction, in addition to these statements.

Please note that some media outlets release only minimal information and may use terminology different than MTSU. Most media operators use computer systems with limited memory and often remove critical weather information after a few hours. Please pay careful attention to the broadcast media and check different outlets if you have any questions about the weather situation at the MTSU campus.

VI. Media Outlets Offering Weather Announcements

Radio StationsTelevisionMTSU Web Page
WMOT-FM 89.5WKRN-TV Ch. 2 
WSM-AM 650WTVF-TV Ch. 5 
WGNS-AM 1450WZTV – Fox 17 
WLAC-AM 1510  

Forms: none.

Revisions: June 17, 2024; January 21, 2025

Last Reviewed: January 2025

References: Policy 828 Employee Attendance during Inclement Weather.