University Policies
750 Tobacco-Free Campus
Approved by President
Effective Date: June 5, 2017
Responsible Division: Business and Finance
Responsible Office: Business and Finance
Responsible Officer: Vice President, Business and Finance
I. Purpose
Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU or University) promotes a healthy, safe, and aesthetically pleasing work, educational, and living environment. The MTSU community acknowledges that long-term health hazards may accrue to people who use tobacco products or who are subjected to second-hand smoke. As a result, MTSU is a tobacco-free campus and the use of tobacco will not be permitted except as specifically permitted under this policy.
II. Scope
This policy applies to all faculty, staff, students, contractors, and visitors of MTSU and is in effect twenty-four (24) hours a day, year round. This policy applies to all forms of tobacco products including, but not limited to, cigarettes, pipes, cigars, chewing tobacco, snuff, smokeless electronic cigarettes, and other similar devices.
III. General Rules
- Prohibited Smoking Areas. Tobacco use is not permitted in any MTSU-owned or leased property. This includes all grounds, vehicles, and buildings owned or leased by MTSU, including off-campus property.
- Areas and Circumstances in which Smoking is Permitted. Notwithstanding the above, use of tobacco will be allowed on MTSU property in the following circumstances:
- Individuals may use tobacco while inside private vehicles situated on MTSU property.
- Additional exceptions may be approved for academic, artistic, educational, or research activities.
Any individual or group seeking an exception under this provision for an academic purpose should submit the Request for Exception form to the Provost’s Office; otherwise, the Request for Exception form should be submitted to the Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance. The activity may be approved provided that Campus Planning and Environmental Health and Safety Services concur with the proposed use of the facility, including confirming that the proposed space may be safely used for the requested activity and, to the extent applicable, has adequate ventilation and separation from non-smokers.
IV. Support
Understanding the addictive nature of tobacco products, MTSU will make every effort to assist those who may wish to stop using tobacco. Students who wish to stop using tobacco are encouraged to contact Student Health Services for information about smoking cessation programs. Faculty and Staff who wish to stop using tobacco are encouraged to contact Human Resource Services for information about tobacco cessation resources.
V. Compliance and Enforcement of Policy
- Compliance
All members of the MTSU community shall be responsible for compliance with this policy. It is expected that all faculty, staff, students, contractors, and visitors will voluntarily comply with the spirit and intent of this policy. Violation of this policy may be regarded as a willful safety violation. - Enforcement of Policy
The success of this policy will depend on the thoughtfulness, consideration, and cooperation of both tobacco users and non-users. Fines and citations will not be part of the basic enforcement of this policy; however, the discipline policies applicable to students, faculty, and staff may be invoked, if necessary, to secure compliance with this policy.
Violations of this policy will be enforced in the following manner:- The names of faculty and staff who violate this policy should be brought to the attention of the employee’s supervisor;
- The names of students who violate this policy should be brought to the attention of Student Affairs;
- The names of visitors who violate this policy should be brought to the attention of University Police; and,
- The names of contractors who violate this policy should be brought to the attention of the department for whom the contractor is working or Facilities Services, as applicable.
Revisions: none.
Last Reviewed: June 2024.
References: none.