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University Policies

955 Purchasing Educational and Administrative Mobile Applications

Approved by President
Effective Date: June 5, 2017
Responsible Division: Information Technology
Responsible Office:  Information Technology
Responsible Officer: 
Vice President for Information Technology

I.  Purpose

This policy sets forth the procedures by which Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU or University) employees may purchase, and receive reimbursement for, applications that are used to create a learning activity or through which the learning activity is delivered (educational mobile applications) or an administrative process is delivered.

II.  Scope

This policy applies to the purchase of all educational or administrative mobile applications by individual employees for use in the performance of their job duties, either administratively or academically, while employed at MTSU for which reimbursement is sought. This policy does not apply to purchases of instructional mobile applications purchased by MTSU or a department. This policy likewise does not apply to purchases of instructional mobile applications to be used in labs. These purchases will be made by the MTSU Information Technology Division (ITD), which will seek reimbursement from the department. These mobile application purchases should be requested through the ITD work order system.

III.  General

  1. Use of Purchasing Cards Prohibited. Employees may not use departmental Purchasing Cards (PCard) to purchase mobile applications.
  2. Reimbursement. Subject to the conditions below, reimbursement for purchases by individual employees will only be granted for purchases of educational or administrative mobile applications. Other purchases will not be subject to reimbursement. If sales tax is charged, it will be reimbursable to the extent that it was charged for the purchase of educational mobile applications.
  3. Payment Authorization:
    1. Documentation is required to be attached to the payment authorization. Documentation consists of detailed receipts, indicating which mobile applications were purchased, the date, and the amount of each application. Proof of download of purchase may be required.
    2. If the mobile application is for a subscription service, the Subscription/Membership Application will need to be submitted for approval, attached to the payment authorization, and signed by the appropriate levels before a reimbursement will be granted.
    3. All payment authorizations must be approved by the next higher level of authority.
    4. Requests for reimbursement will be denied when the purchases are older than three (3) months or the purchases were made in a fiscal year with reimbursement request in the next fiscal year.


Subscription/Membership Application

Revisions: none.

Last Reviewed: May 2018.

References: none.