Women's and Gender Studies, Graduate Certificate

Women's and Gender Studies

Designed to provide students with specialized knowledge and training in the field of Women's and Gender Studies

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Women's and Gender Studies, Graduate Certificate

The Women's and Gender Studies Certificate program provides students with specialized knowledge and training in the field of Women's and Gender Studies. Students will have an opportunity to acquire advanced training and expertise in feminist theory, feminist methodology, and in fundamental issues in the field, such as issues of gender inequality, difference, and the intersection of gender and other forms of social identity and positioning. These include race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic class, age, ability, religion, and nationality.

The program exposes students to new ways of thinking about women and gender that interrogate and expand the processes by which knowledge about human beings is acquired, interpreted, and transmitted. Students will have the opportunity to research these new ways of thinking and to apply the knowledge acquired to their personal and professional life.

The program uses global feminist perspectives, integrating theory and practice, and producing scholar-activists.


News Briefs

Women’s and Gender Studies lecture views plagiarism through feminist lens

The long-term impact that plagiarism accusations have on faculty and students will be the topic of the next MTSU Women’s and Gender Studies Research lecture. “Feminism and Radical Trust: Stories of Plagiarism and Its People” is slated for 3 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 18, in Room 100C of the James Union Building. The presenter will be [ Read More ]

Women's & Gender Studies Conference graphic including photos of 2019 conference keynote speaker Daisy Hernandez and MTSU professors Paul Chilsen and Adelle Monteblanco superimposed on a photo of a Border Patrol agent standing on a fence line with children taken into custody in South Texas

Women’s and Gender Studies conference examines migration, gender March 28-30

Scholars from around the world will join local feminists for a very timely conference at MTSU March 28-30. “Gendered Migrations, Bodies and Borders” is the theme of MTSU’s 13th Interdisciplinary Conference in Women’s and Gender Studies, encompassing both geographical migration and migration through gender, border crossings as well as contested bodies, identities and spaces. All [ Read More ]

News Briefs

Women’s and Gender Studies lecture views plagiarism through feminist lens

The long-term impact that plagiarism accusations have on faculty and students will be the topic of the next MTSU Women’s and Gender Studies Research lecture. “Feminism and Radical Trust: Stories of Plagiarism and Its People” is slated for 3 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 18, in Room 100C of the James Union Building. The presenter will be [ Read More ]

Women's & Gender Studies Conference graphic including photos of 2019 conference keynote speaker Daisy Hernandez and MTSU professors Paul Chilsen and Adelle Monteblanco superimposed on a photo of a Border Patrol agent standing on a fence line with children taken into custody in South Texas

Women’s and Gender Studies conference examines migration, gender March 28-30

Scholars from around the world will join local feminists for a very timely conference at MTSU March 28-30. “Gendered Migrations, Bodies and Borders” is the theme of MTSU’s 13th Interdisciplinary Conference in Women’s and Gender Studies, encompassing both geographical migration and migration through gender, border crossings as well as contested bodies, identities and spaces. All [ Read More ]

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Women's and Gender Studies, Graduate Certificate

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Certificate Requirements

Candidate must

  1. complete 15 hours of graduate courses, with at least 6 hours at the 6000 level (see Curriculum section below for specifics);
  2. maintain a cumulative graduate grade point average of 3.00 in courses leading to the certificate.

Curriculum: Women's and Gender Studies

Candidate must complete 15 hours in the following course of study:

Electives (9 hours)

Approved courses must be taught by a WGST graduate faculty member to count towards the certificate.

Program Notes

Students may transfer up to six (6) credit hours of approved coursework into the certificate program. The time limit for use of credit toward the certificate is six years from the date of enrollment in the earliest course applied toward the certificate, including transferred courses.

Candidate must file a Notice of Intent to Graduate form in the College of Graduate Studies within the first two weeks of the semester in term in which candidate intends to graduate.



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