Educator Knowledge of Reading Norming Study

A short overview of the study is provided in the flyer.

Educator Knowledge Norming Study Flyer

Teachers at a computer

What is the project about?

We are researching what educators across North America know about reading and reading instruction. To help us do so, we are developing a test that measures educators’ knowledge of reading and reading instruction! We need your help to accomplish this because we need educators who serve in different roles to complete our measure. We want to partner with schools and districts to collaborate and to serve as sites for norming the measure!

What is included in the survey? (or what does the survey entail?)

The survey consists of three main components. At each site, each educator will complete the survey on their own. The educators will

  1. Fill out simple background questions about their role in the school, level of education, and prior training experiences.
  2. Rate their perceptions of their knowledge and ability to teach six domains of literacy (phonological awareness, decoding, encoding, morphology, vocabulary, and reading comprehension).
  3. Complete the reading knowledge measure which consists of 60 questions about the six domains of literacy previously listed. It includes questions about academic and pedagogical knowledge of those domains.

What will your school/district need to do to be a study site?

  • Provide us a list with emails and roles for a cross-section of educators (e.g., Teachers, Instructional Coaches, School Psychologists, Administrators, etc.). Again, all information is kept confidential!
  • We will work with each site to customize some of the background items to best fit your group.