Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Policies
Section 1. Governance Responsibilities
Public Trust. The Board of Trustees (Board) of Middle Tennessee State University is responsible for the governance of the University. Board members hold a position of public trust and are expected to carry out their governance responsibilities in an honest, ethical, and diligent manner. Pursuant to T.C.A. § 49-8-204, this policy applies to and governs the conduct of all members of the Board.
Welfare of the Entire University. Board members bring diverse backgrounds, experiences and expertise valuable to the governance of the University. In carrying out their duties, Board members must keep the welfare of the entire University paramount over any other interest.
Duty of Care. Board members must discharge their duties, including duties as members of committees, in good faith, with the care an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would exercise under similar circumstances, and in a manner the Board member reasonably believes to be in the best interest of the University.
Time Commitment. In undertaking the duties of the position, a Board member shall make the commitment of time necessary to carry out his/her governance responsibilities. Board members must regularly attend and actively participate in Board and committee meetings and special assignments.
Failure to attend three regular meetings in succession of the Board or of a committee on 2 meetings, Board members enjoy the same rights and privileges of any citizen of the State of Tennessee.
Section 2. Conflict of Interest
Purpose. Board members must perform their duties and responsibilities with objectivity and integrity consistent with their fiduciary responsibilities to the University. Board members must place the University’s interests ahead of their private interests. Therefore, conflicts of interests, both real and perceived, must be identified and avoided. A conflict of interest is a personal interest, financial or otherwise, that might impair or reasonably appear to impair a Board member’s independent, unbiased judgment in the discharge of his/her responsibilities to the University.
Prohibition. T.C.A. § 49-8-203(g), which applies exclusively to the Board, provides that it is unlawful for any member of the Board to be financially interested in any contract or transaction affecting the interests of the University, or to procure, or be a party in any way to procuring, the appointment of any relative to any position of financial trust or profit connected with the University. A Board member who violates these prohibitions is subject to removal by the governor or the Board. Board members shall not use the authority, title, prestige, or other attribute of the appointment for personal benefit or gain for themselves or for any relative.
Acknowledgement and Disclosures.
- Within 30 days of appointment and thereafter on or before January 15, each Board member shall submit to the Board Secretary, a written certification that he/she has read the Code of Ethics and acknowledges his/her responsibilities under this policy.
- Any time a Board member believes a conflict of interest or ethical violation may exist with any Board member(s), including himself/herself, the Board member shall immediately submit a written disclosure of the facts and circumstances surrounding the situation to the Chair.
- The Executive and Governance Committee shall evaluate the disclosure and determine what, if any, action is necessary. In no case shall a member who is involved in a potential or alleged violation of this policy participate in the disposition of the matter.
- When a Board member is in doubt as to the proper interpretation of this policy or whether a disclosure is required, the Board member is expected to seek the advice of the Chair or his/her designee.
Gifts, Favors, and Gratuities. Board members shall not knowingly accept or solicit any gift, favor, or gratuity from any person or entity under contract with the University or seeking a contract with the University. Board members shall not knowingly accept or solicit any gift, favor, or gratuity from any person or entity, including another Board member, which might affect or have the appearance of affecting a Board member’s judgment in the impartial performance of the duties of the appointment. However, this section shall not be construed to apply to a Board member’s incidental benefit from another Board member’s gift of money, property, or services to the University or to any benefit commonly available to Board members by virtue of the office. Nor shall this section be construed to prohibit acceptance of benefits from the University in connection with donations to the University.
Expenses. Board members serve without compensation. However, they are entitled to receive reimbursement for expenses incurred while representing the University in their official capacity.
Section 3. Penalty for Violation
Hearing. A Board member accused of a material violation of the Code of Ethics shall be afforded a due process contested case hearing in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4, Chapter 5.
Removal. If a contested case hearing results in a finding that a Board member materially violated the Code of Ethics, the Board may remove the Board member from the Board by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board. Upon removal, the position shall be considered vacant, and the vacancy shall be filled as provided by law.
Effective Date: June 5, 2017
Revisions: None.
Section 1.
The Middle Tennessee State University Board of Trustees (Board) is vested with the power and authority to govern Middle Tennessee State University (University). The Board reserves to itself certain powers and authority, and may delegate authority as provided for in state law, the Board Bylaws and as set forth in Board or University policy.
Section 2. Reservation of Authority
The Board reserves to itself all authority necessary to carry out its legal and fiduciary duties and responsibilities, to include the authority to set the overall direction of the Institution. The Board shall exercise its authority consistent with state law, and Board and University policies. No authority that the Board reserves to itself shall be exercised by any other person or body unless expressly authorized by Board policy or directive. The Board shall retain authority over matters unless otherwise specified as a delegation to the President.
The Board reserves the following authority, to include the review and approval of any University policies implementing these actions:
- To periodically review and approve the University’s mission, vision, and strategic direction, and approve plans for their attainment, implementation and evaluation.
- To conduct its business, create committees, set its agenda and meeting schedule, require reports from executive officers and employees, hear appeals, and establish policies and procedures providing for it to do such.
- As required by law, to adopt, amend or repeal administrative rules pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act, T.C.A. §4-5-101, et. seq.
- To approve the annual operating and capital budgets for the University; and, to approve requests for issuance of any bonds pursuant to state statute.
- To establish or abolish academic colleges, divisions, schools, and departments. The Board will receive reports prior to the establishment of any additional institutional centers/academic units.
- To approve the establishment or discontinuation of degree programs and academic majors.
- To select, appoint and annually assess the performance of the chief executive officer of the University, the President, and confirm his/her salary and benefits.
- To approve the award of tenure and promotion for faculty.
- To approve the appointments and compensation of Vice Presidents and other executives reporting directly to the President; and, Chairs of Excellence, including interim appointments. The Board will be apprised during the annual budget process of all new positions added to the organizational structure;
- Consistent with state statute and Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) policy, to approve student admission standards and graduation requirements.
- To authorize the awarding of degrees, including the awarding of honorary degrees.
- To establish tuition rates and mandatory fees consistent with THEC approved ranges; and, to approve non-mandatory fees, and room and board fees.
- To define and set in-state and out-of-state residency requirements consistent with statute.
- To retain responsibility for the expenditure of state funds by the University and its agents and employees.
- To approve a campus master plan or amended campus master plan.
- To approve the acquisition or disposal of properties not identified in the MTSU Master Plan.
- To approve a required “program statement” that shall be prepared for all capital outlay construction projects requiring approval by the State of Tennessee prior to implementation of the project. The Board will also approve major renovations with budgets totaling more than $500,000 in agreement with State Building Commission policy.
- To approve capital project requests, as defined by state statutes and which require approval by the Tennessee General Assembly, prior to the request of funds.This will require the University to prepare and submit an annual Capital Budget Request to the Board for approval before submission to THEC.
- To approve funding priorities to be presented to the legislature and, where appropriate, determine institutional priorities and significant public policy and advocacy positions
- To receive, accept and approve all non-cash gifts in kind as follows:
- Gifts of real property or any permanent interest in real property;
- Gifts that require an obligation to fund current or future expenditures for which there is no established or approved funding source;
- Gifts that require construction/renovation of facilities not previously authorized by the University;
- Gifts that substantially increase liability, commitments or risk;
- Gifts that require State approval;
- To approve the appointment of the Chief Audit Executive; review auditing proposals, select the external auditors and approve the University’s contract with the external auditors. The Board will receive and accept summaries of internal audit and compliance reports.
- To approve the naming of buildings, grounds and other identifiable physical features of the University, or to revoke such names.
Delegation to the President
- The President shall be the chief executive officer of the University. Subject to the ultimate authority of the Board, the President is delegated the authority necessary and appropriate for the efficient administration of the University and its programs, including the establishment of policies and procedures for the educational programs and operations of the University, except where the Board has reserved specific authority pursuant to the Bylaws and this policy as enumerated above. The discretionary powers of the President shall be sufficiently broad to enable him/her to discharge these responsibilities.
- Unless otherwise restricted by specific Board policies or directives, the President may delegate general executive management and administrative authority to other executive officers and employees as necessary and prudent, including authority to execute contracts and other legal documents. The President may condition, limit, or revoke any presidential authority so delegated. Notwithstanding any delegation, the President remains responsible for the proper functioning of the University.
- The President shall carry out all rules, orders, directives, and policies established by the Board, and shall approve and implement all other policies and standards for the management of the University.
- The organizational structure of the University will be established by the President except as otherwise specifically determined by the Board.
- The President shall notify the Board of any matter that significantly involves the authority and role of the Board, including its fiduciary, oversight and public accountability responsibilities.
- The President is authorized to negotiate and execute contracts on behalf of the University, including the aggregation of all contract extensions and renewals consistent with the policies and direction of the Board.
- The President is authorized to name identifiable sub-units or components of campus facilities.
- The President may hire all employees of the University and, within budgetary limitations, fix their salaries, and approve promotions, transfers, leaves of absence, and removal of personnel pursuant to the requirements of MTSU policies and subject to such prior approval or confirmation as the Board may require. The President is authorized to further delegate appointing authority to the Vice Presidents or other designees.
- The President of the University shall have the authority to negotiate banking and credit card services to periodically open and close bank accounts and to purchase and sell investments. The President may delegate this authority to other administrative officers.
- The President is authorized to act for the Board regarding all matters concerning grants and contracts for research, development, service and training.
- The President is authorized to act for the Board in the management of the student body and other matters incident thereto, except for the establishment of rules and policies regarding student conduct.
- The President is delegated the responsibility for the administration of the athletics program and mandates that the program operate with integrity and in full compliance with all applicable rules and regulations.
- The President is authorized to confer academic and honorary degrees, within the guidelines of the Board.
- The President is authorized to establish a reserve officers training corps unit, to execute and deliver bond, with or without surety, in such manner and on such terms and conditions as may be required by the United States, for the care and safekeeping of the transportation, animals, arms, ammunition, supplies, tentage, and equipment that may be necessary or desirable for the operation, conduct and training of any reserve officers training corps units of the armed forces of the United States authorized by law at any time.
- The President is authorized to act for the Board regarding the execution and administration of instruments and the general business and financial affairs of the University that occur in the usual course of business except as otherwise provided in the Board Bylaws.
- The President is authorized to approve the acquisition or disposal of real property in the ordinary and usual course of business as described by the MTSU Master Plan for the University, subject to other approvals that may be required.
- The President is authorized to act for the Board regarding all legal action necessary to protect the interests of the University.
- In the event of an emergency or in the event immediate action is in the best interests of the University, the President, after consultation with the Board Chair, is authorized to act, pursuant to authority otherwise available but for this Delegation of Authority.
Effective Date: June 5, 2017
Revisions: None
Gifts, Favors, and Gratuities. Board members shall not knowingly accept or solicit any gift, favor, or gratuity from any person or entity under contract with the University or seeking a contract with the University. Board members shall not knowingly accept or solicit any gift, favor, or gratuity from any person or entity, including another Board member, which might affect or have the appearance of affecting a Board member’s judgment in the impartial performance of the duties of the appointment. However, this section shall not be construed to apply to a Board member’s incidental benefit from another Board member’s gift of money, property, or services to the University or to any benefit commonly available to Board members by virtue of the office. Nor shall this section be construed to prohibit acceptance of benefits from the University in connection with donations to the University.
Section 1. Purpose
The Middle Tennessee State University Board of Trustees (Board) is responsible for the governance of Middle Tennessee State University. As provided in the Board Bylaws, the Board may establish standing and special committees as it deems appropriate and necessary to fulfill these responsibilities. This Board policy establishes the committees of the Board, defining their membership and duties.
Section 2. Standing Committees
The standing committees of the Board shall be:
Executive and Governance
Audit and Compliance
Finance and Personnel
Academic Affairs, Student Life and Athletics
Section 3. Membership
Each standing committee shall have at least three (3) voting members who shall each serve a two-year term.
Each standing committee shall have a chair who shall serve a one-year term.
Each standing committee shall have a chair who shall serve a one-year term.
The Board Chair shall serve as an ex officio member of all standing committees, entitled to vote.
Each committee shall have an administrator of the University to assist with its work.
The Board Chair may appoint additional member(s) to standing or special committees if the assistance of others with particular professional or business expertise is necessary to carry out the responsibilities of the committee or subcommittee. No such additional non- trustee member shall have voting privileges.
Section 4. Special Committees
The Board Chair or Vice Chair may appoint special committees for specific assignments. Membership may be as determined appropriate. The chair of a special committee shall be designated by the Board Chair at the time the special committee is appointed. Matters assigned to a special committees shall be subject to action and approval by a designated standing committee or the Board before becoming effective.
Section 5. Meetings
The Committees shall meet as often as necessary to carry out their responsibilities.
Meetings may be called by the Board Chair, the President of the University or the committee chair.
Section 6. Notice of Meeting; Agenda
When feasible, committee members shall receive at least ten (10) days’ notice of meetings to include the purpose of the meeting.
When feasible, a copy of the agenda and related materials shall accompany notice of the meeting.
Matters not appearing on the agenda of a standing or special committee meeting may be considered only upon an affirmative vote of the entire committee.
Section 7. Quorum
A majority of the voting members of each standing or special committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. In the absence of a quorum, those attending may adjourn the meeting until a quorum is present.
Section 8. Minutes
Minutes shall be made of all standing and special committee meetings and provided to the Board Chair, the President of the University and the Secretary to the Board. The minutes shall be maintained as the official record of such meetings.
Section 9. Open Meetings and Public Notice
All meetings of standing and special committees shall be open to the public except as authorized by a statutorily or judicially recognized exception to the Tennessee Open Meetings Act, T.C.A. § 8-44-101, et. seq. Notice provided to the public shall be compliant with the Open Meetings Act.
Section 10. Authority of the Standing and Special Committees
The authority of the standing and special committees shall be subject to action by the entire Board. The committees’ actions must be authorized and approved by the Board before becoming effective unless the Board delegates to the committee the authority to act on its own behalf.
The standing and special committees shall have the right to retain independent consultants.
Section 11. Executive and Governance Committee
The Executive and Governance Committee shall be composed of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Board, and the Chair of the Audit and Compliance Committee. The Chair of the Board shall be the chair of this committee.
The Executive and Governance Committee may act for the Board between regular Board meetings on urgent matters except the following, which shall be reserved to the Board:
- Presidential selection, evaluation and termination
- Amendments to the Board Bylaws
- Adoption of the annual budget
- Tenure and promotion decisions
The Executive and Governance Committee shall ensure the integrity of the Board and is responsible for:
- Establishing and maintaining standards of Board conduct.
- Assessing the performance of the Board and Board members by monitoring compliance with the Board’s Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest policies.
- Ensuring an effective orientation and continuing education process for Board members.
- Periodically reviewing and ensuring compliance with the Board Bylaws and other Board policies, recommending amendments when appropriate.
- Reviewing the committee structure of the Board for continued effectiveness.
- Overseeing the work of the other standing committees.
- Other matters as assigned by the Board.
The Executive and Governance Committee shall be responsible for regularly evaluating the Board’s responsibilities and expectations on at least a biennial basis, which shall include:
- Preparation of self-evaluation procedures and instrument.
- Presentation and discussion of results from completed self-evaluations, including board strengths, needs, and actions for improvement.
The Executive and Governance Committee shall have the right to retain independent consultants.
Section 12. Audit and Compliance Committee
The Audit and Compliance Committee shall assist the Board in exercising oversight of the University’s financial and accounting practices, internal controls and standards of conduct. The Committee shall have the authority to direct University management to initiate and address specific audit and compliance issues within the mandate of the Committee. It may conduct or authorize or facilitate any audit or investigation appropriate to fulfill its oversight responsibilities.
The Audit and Compliance Committee is responsible for and shall make recommendations to the Board related to:
- Oversight of adherence to laws, regulation and policies that pertain to the University’s operations.
- Oversight of the quality and integrity of the accounting and financial reporting practices and processes, and systems of internal controls regarding finance, accounting and legal compliance.
- Audit issues reported in the University’s external audits or reviews.
- Presidential audits.
- Oversight of the internal audit function including reviews of the internal audit reports and monitoring of the resolutions of any audit issues.
- Ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
- Oversight and monitoring of internal controls, compliance and risk management functions of the University.
- Oversight of the process for the reporting of suspected illegal, improper, wasteful or fraudulent activities involving University resources.
- Other matters as assigned by the Board.
The University’s Chief Audit Executive reports administratively to the President of the University and functionally to the Audit and Compliance Committee, and the Board. The Audit and Compliance Committee will review and recommend the appointment of the Chief Audit Executive who shall be removable only for cause by a majority vote of the Board. The Chief Audit Executive shall have direct and unrestricted access to the chair of the Audit and Compliance Committee. The Chief Audit Executive shall make a comprehensive report on the internal audit function to the Board through the Audit and Compliance Committee at a stated meeting. The report will include the annual audit plan and a review of all previous year audits completed and in progress, including any follow-up reviews and any audits that were scheduled but not completed.
Section 13. Finance and Personnel
The Finance and Personnel Committee shall oversee the integrity and stability of the University’s financial operations, long-term economic health and allocation of resources, and its physical assets of land, buildings and equipment.
The Finance and Personnel Committee is responsible for:
- Monitoring the financial performance of the University and reporting to the Board.
- Reviewing and recommending annual and long-range operating and capital and maintenance budgets.
- Reviewing and recommending rates for student tuition and fees.
- Overseeing financial reporting and related disclosures.
- Recommending adoption or modification of capital improvement plans and the facilities master plan, advocating for new structures, and rehabilitating or removing older structures.
- Creating and maintaining a maintenance capital expenditures budget and proposed timeline for all capital assets whose repair or replacement would result in an expenditure of $100,000 or more.
- Recommending appropriate action with regard to the acquisition and disposition of real property.
- Recommending execution of contracts as required by University policy.
- Actions related to personnel, including faculty and staff compensation.
- Ensuring adequate policies and procedures are in place to promote the effectiveness, integrity and security of the University’s information technology investments and their operation.
- Other matters as assigned by the Board.
Section 14. Academic Affairs, Student Life and Athletics
The Academic Affairs, Student Life and Athletics Committee shall oversee the quality of academic programs and services, student life and athletics consistent with the mission of the University. The committee shall make recommendations to the Board relating to:
- Approval of proposals for new academic programs and the significant revision of existing programs.
- Ensuring and protecting, within the context of faculty shared governance, the educational quality of the University and its academic programs.
- Matters regarding faculty tenure and promotion.
- Approval of admission, progression, retention and graduation standards.
- Institutional and program accreditation, and program review.
- Promoting the welfare of students attending the University.
- Metrics to measure efficiency of each academic department.
- The operation of the intercollegiate athletics programs to assist the Board in carrying out its responsibility of those programs.
- Other matters as assigned by the Board.
Effective Date: June 5, 2017
Revisions: None
Section 1. Purpose
This policy provides for the official channel of authority and communication with the Board of Trustees (Board) and the faculty, staff and students of Middle Tennessee State University. This channel shall officially be through the President. Board members have the right and duty to be fully informed on all matters that influence their obligations as trustees.
Section 2. University Community Responsible to the President
All faculty, staff, and students must, through appropriate channels, be responsible to the President, and through the President, to the Board, unless otherwise specifically directed by the Board.
Section 3. Communication to the Board
Communication from faculty, staff or students to the Board must flow through the President, unless otherwise specifically directed by the Board. Notwithstanding the foregoing, faculty members may communicate directly with the faculty trustee, and students may communicate directly with the student trustee.
Section 4. Communication from the Board
The Board Chair serves as the spokesperson for the Board on matters voted on and approved by the Board. Board information, such as meeting agendas, meeting minutes and the materials supporting agenda items, will be housed on the Board website.
Section 5. Recommendations for the Board
When faculty, staff and students bring forward recommended changes to policies, programs, and other matters on which they request Board consideration, such recommendations must be transmitted to the President. The President has the discretion to bring the matter before the Board and may confer with the Board Chair in making this decision. The President will convey the decision to the individual or body requesting consideration.
Section 6. Presidential Oversight of Campus Community
The Board has the responsibility for oversight of the President, but delegates authority to the President for oversight of faculty, staff, students, or others engaged in communications or by contract with the University.
Section 7.
Except for the purposes of inquiry or information, a Board member shall not give direction to or interfere with any employee, officer, or agent under the direct or indirect supervision of the President.
Effective Date: June 5, 2017
Revisions: None
Section 1.
The Tennessee Higher Education Commission shall coordinate and administer an orientation training program, as well as an ongoing continuing education program, for governing board members. This training shall include a perspective on higher education that incorporates national experts in higher education governance. This training shall address the roles and responsibilities of governing boards; the legal and ethical responsibilities of trustees; the board’s role in upholding academic standards, intellectual diversity, and academic freedom; budget development; presidential searches and evaluation; the role of higher education in K-12 collaboration; and setting strategic goals. All newly appointed members shall attend orientation seminars within their first year of service.
Section 2.
The Middle Tennessee State University Board of Trustees (Board) will additionally provide ongoing professional development for its members as it deems necessary and appropriate.
Effective Date: September 12, 2017
Revisions: None
Section 1. Purpose
The Middle Tennessee State University Board of Trustees (Board) has the authority to select, appoint, retain and assess the performance of the chief executive of the University (president). This policy shall set the general parameters for these processes.
Section 2. Selection of a President
The Board shall establish a selection process and the qualification criteria as it deems appropriate. The selection process should include a mechanism for consultation and input from the campus and the community, and should reflect the University’s commitment to diversity.
Prior to beginning a search for candidates for the office, the Board shall establish the qualification criteria for the position and shall announce the process it will follow for selecting a president.
The selection of the president shall be the sole responsibility of the Board.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of the president, the Executive and Governance Committee shall nominate an interim president to be approved by the Board.
Section 3. Appointment and Retention of the President
The Board may set the terms and conditions of the president’s appointment to include:
- A contract;
- Compensation;
- Conditions related to retention; and,
- Conditions related to removal from office.
The decision to retain or terminate the appointment of the president shall be the sole responsibility of the Board.
Section 4. Annual Evaluation of the President
The president shall be annually evaluated by the Board based on an evaluation process coordinated by the Board Executive and Governance Committee (Committee). The evaluation period will be July 1 through June 30.
The purposes of the annual evaluation are: (1) to assist the Board in determining whether the president’s performance is effective; (2) to enable the president to enhance his/her performance and leadership; (3) to promote good communication and strong working relations between the president, the Board and the campus community; (4) to enable the president and the Board to set mutually agreeable goals; and, (5) to inform Board decisions on compensation and other terms of employment for the president.
The president shall prepare a written self-assessment statement (statement) in a format and according to a timetable mutually agreed upon by the president and the Committee. The statement shall include the following:
- Progress toward meeting goals previously agreed upon by the president and the Board with accompanying data and metrics;
- Assessment of the overall academic quality of the university, including institutional achievements and accomplishments;
- Assessment of the financial status of the university;
- Identification of significant institutional challenges faced over the prior year that impacted progress toward goals with an assessment of continuing or future challenges facing the university;
- Goals proposed by the president for the upcoming year.
After receipt of the statement, the Chair of the Committee will share the statement with the Board and solicit their written comments. Once this feedback is collected, the Chair will meet with the president to discuss the self-assessment statement and the proposed goals, expectations and associated metrics for the upcoming year, along with the information gathered from the Board. The Chair will prepare an evaluation report to include a written assessment of the president’s performance and an aggregate summary of the views of the Board. The evaluation report may include a recommendation concerning the president’s compensation or other terms of employment. A copy of the evaluation report shall be provided to the president.
All job performance evaluations, as that term is defined in T.C.A. §10-7-504(a)(26), shall be confidential and not open for public inspection.
Section 5. Periodic Comprehensive Review
The president shall also be subject to a comprehensive evaluation every five years. When a comprehensive review is performed, it is to be incorporated into the annual review process, with such adjustments to the schedule as may be necessary.
This review may be performed with the assistance of one or more independent consultants to be chosen by the Executive and Governance Committee (Committee). The specific details for a comprehensive review will be determined by the Committee in consultation with the consultant and the president. However, the review will include input from the university administration, faculty, staff and students, as well as, alumni leadership and the community.
Effective Date: September 15, 2017
Revisions: None
Section 1. Purpose
This policy applies to travel by the Board of Trustees of Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU or University) in the performance of their official duties.
Section 2. General Provisions
- Requests for Reimbursement. Trustees may be reimbursed or have appropriate expenses paid in advance for travel expenses related to official University business up to the extent of the reimbursement limits outlined in Policy 658 Travel by submitting a standard Travel Expense Claim and appropriate receipts within 30 calendar days after the conclusion of the travel or event. Trustees shall be eligible for reimbursement for all mandatory regular, special, and emergency meetings of the Board and its committees. Travel Claims should be submitted to the Office of the Board of Trustees and approved by the Vice President for Business and Finance.
- Out of State or Out of Country Travel. Prior written authorization for out-of-state or out-of-country travel must be obtained by submitting a Travel Authorization Request to the Office of the Board of Trustees and approved by the Vice President for Business and Finance.
- Expenses that are Not Reimbursable. The following expenses are presumed not to be Reasonable or Necessary. These expenses are not eligible for Reimbursement.
- Alcohol
- Child care
- Dues in private clubs
- Golfing or green fees
- Gym and recreational fees, including massages and saunas
- In-room movies and mini-bar charges
- Life insurance, flight insurance, personal automobile insurance and baggage insurance
- Loss/theft of cash, airline tickets, personal funds or property
- Lost baggage or excess baggage charge for personal items
- “No-show” charges or penalties for flights, hotel and car service if incurred due to non-business related changes in schedules
- Parking or traffic fines
- Personal automobile repairs, grooming services, shoe shines
- Personal credit card annual fees or interest charges
- Charges for personal telephone calls in excess of reasonable calls
- Personal travel portion of a business trip
- Pet care
- Tips or service gratuities in excess of 20%
- Unauthorized car rentals, registration fees, etc.
- Discretionary upgrades (air, hotel, car, etc.)
- Expenses of any person other than the Trustee
- Personal Entertainment charges, such as movies, sightseeing tours, etc.
- Combining University and Personal Travel. If a Trustee, other than the Faculty or Student Trustee, takes an indirect route or interrupts a direct route for any reason other than University business, the University shall reimburse only the portion required for business purposes. When the University prepaid the airfare, rental car, or lodging the Trustee shall reimburse the University for the unrelated portion of the expense. The Trustee may travel with athletic teams, but will reimburse the University for expenses incurred on their behalf related to transportation and lodging. Weekends, holidays or other necessary diversions or layovers shall be eligible for reimbursement when required for business or will result in safer or more reliable or cost efficient travel.
- The University is not responsible for reimbursing for lost time from private work and other responsibilities or duties of a Trustee that are outside of those duties and responsibilities to the University as a Trustee. Per this policy, reimbursement is not available to Trustees for political fundraising events, political events, religious events, or events where the Trustee is not an official participant.
Effective Date: December 5, 2017.
Revisions: None.
Section 1. Purpose
This policy is to honor outstanding individuals for their commitment to the University, its mission and its goals, and to express appreciation to them for their long-standing dedication and exemplary service.
Section 2. Designation
Individuals who have previously served the University as Trustee and who have served the University with distinction may be elected as Trustee Emeritus.
Section 3. Criteria and Nomination
Trustee Emeritus is a status that is granted to individuals who have demonstrated significant dedication to the University. All individuals are eligible for nomination provided that they meet the stated distinguised and meritorious service requirements for Trustee Emeritus status as set forth below.
Section 4. Requirements
A full term as appointed by the Governor and approved by the legislature on the Board of Trustees, including consistent attendance, active participation, and sustained financial support or service to the University, the local community, or the global community with distinction.
Retired from active Board service for at least one (1) year.
Established record of exemplary commitment to the University through personal leadership, responsibility, and fund-raising, and exceptional dedication and commitment to the mission of the University.
All nominations must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation and submitted to the Executive and Governance Committee of the Board. The Executive and Governance Committee will review each candidate’s qualifications and present recommended candidates to the full Board for a vote. Any candidate receiving at least two-thirds (2/3) vote in favor by the trustees present, and entitled to vote, will be awarded Trustee Emeritus status.
Section 5. Privileges and Responsibilities
Emeriti Trustees will be invited to participate in the life of the University, attend sessions of Board meetings, and march at commencement.
Emeriti Trustees may, on occasion, be invited by the President of the University, or the Chair of the Board, to attend or particpate in other activities or special events.
Emeriti Trustees shall not have the privilege of voting or holding office. Emeriti Trustees shall not be counted in determining the number of trustees required to constitute a quorum at the meetings of the Board.
Effective Date: March 31, 2020.
Revisions: None.
Section 1.
During each regularly held meeting of the Middle Tennessee State University Board of Trustees (Board), the Board will provide an opportunity for member of the public to address the Board. (See Board Bylaws 8.d.4). This policy sets forth the procedure for requesting and conducting such presentations.
Section 2. Procedures for Requests
Requests to address the Board must be submitted to the Secretary of the Board and be received at least fourteen (14) days prior to the scheduled meeting of the Board. The request must include the requestor’s contact information and the issue to be addressed. Any written materials that the requestor wishes to provide to the Board or utilize during their presentation must be submitted with their request to address the Board.
The request will be discussed between the Chair and the President and, at least three (3) business days in advance of the meeting, the Secretary will either notify the requestor that the request has been approved or provide written reasons for the denial of the request.
Section 3. Permissible Subjects
Individuals may speak about items on the Board meeting agenda or other issues germane to the responsibility of the Board. Meeting agendas are posted on the Board website prior to each meeting.
This policy shall not apply to any matter for which state law mandates specific public comment requirements, such as T.C.A. § 49-7-1603 (relating to comments on increases of tuition and fees) and T.C.A. § 4-5-201 et.seq. (relating to public hearings on Univeristy rules). In addition, the Board will not hear speakers on the following topics: grievances or appeals to individual students or employees; pending or threatened litigation involving the University or University officials; the employment status of any specific individual; statements concerning the private activities, lifestyles, or beliefs of any individuals; proposals or bids for contracts.
Section 4. Time Allocation
A cumulative maximum of thirty (30) minutes will be allocated during each regular Board Meeting for individuals to address the Board.
Each speaker will be permitted to speak for a maximum of five (5) minutes. Time will be allocated to speakers in the order in which their requests are received.
Exceptions to these time periods will only be allowed at the discretion of the Board Chair.
Speakers may not combine their five (5) minute allotment with another speaker and may not give any part of their time to another person.
Section 5. Other Terms and Conditions
Only one (1) speaker will be permitted to speak at a time.
The Board Chair will designate the order in which speakers will address the Board.
Speakers will not be permitted to use audio/visual equipment during their remarks.
After consultation with the President and the Chair, and at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the Board meeting, the Board Secretary will distribute any written materials provided by the speaker to the Trustees.
Presentations to the Board are limited to informational matters only. The Board will not take any action during the public comment session. The speaker is not permitted to make a motion or request Board action during their presentation. The Chair, at his/her discretion, may refer a matter raised during the presentation session to the President for appropriate response, or may refer the matter for consideration at a subsequent Board or Committee meeting. The Chair may also request or permit comment by members of the University administration.
Effective Date: June 8, 2021
Revisions: None