Dr. Alfred Lutz


Dr. Alfred Lutz
Room 346, Peck Hall (PH)
MTSU Box 70, Murfreesboro, TN 37132

Departments / Programs

Degree Information

  • PHD, University of Colorado Boulder (1993)
  • MA, University of Colorado Boulder (1987)
  • BA, University of Tubingen (1982)


A native of Germany, Alfred Lutz teaches courses in Eighteenth-Century British literature and various introductory and survey courses. He organized the English Department's intramural soccer team.


Lutz, Alfred. "Commercial Capitalism, Classical Republicanism, and the Man of Sensibility in The History of Sir George Ellison. " Studies in English Literature 39 (Summer 1999): 557-574. 
___. "Goldsmi...

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A native of Germany, Alfred Lutz teaches courses in Eighteenth-Century British literature and various introductory and survey courses. He organized the English Department's intramural soccer team.


Lutz, Alfred. "Commercial Capitalism, Classical Republicanism, and the Man of Sensibility in The History of Sir George Ellison. " Studies in English Literature 39 (Summer 1999): 557-574. 
___. "Goldsmith on Burke and Gray." Papers on Language and Literature 34 (1998):225-249. 
___. "Holocaust Remembrance in W.G. Sebald's Work: Melancholy Storytelling about an Uncanny Heimat." Papers on Language and Literature 48 (2012): 137-171.
___. "Oliver Goldsmith's 'The Deserted Village' and the Politics of Genre." Modem Language Quarterly 55 (1994): 149-68. 
___. "The Poet and the Hack: Goldsmith's Career as a Professional Writer." Anglia 123 (2005): 414-440. 
___. "The Politics of Reception: The Case of Goldsmith's 'The Deserted Village'." Studies in Philology 95 (1998): 174-196. 
___. "Representing Scotland in Roderick Random and Humphry Clinker : Tobias Smollett's Development as a Novelist."Studies in the Novel 33.1(2001): 1-17.


___. Review of Tobias Smollett, The Adventures of Roderick Random, edited by James G. Basker, Paul-Gabriel Boucé, and Nicole A. Seary. Athens: U of Georgia P, 2012.1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era 20 (2013): 238-41
___. Review of Die Politisierung des Utopischen im 18Jahrhundert, edited by Monika Neugebauer-Wölk, Richard Saage (Tübingen: Max Niemeyer 1996). Utopian Studies 12.2 (Spring 2001): 350-352.
___. Review of Understanding Ian McEwan, David Malcolm (Columbia: U of South Carolina P, 2002). Utopian Studies 13.1 (2002): 221-22.
___. Review of The Cambridge Companion to British Romanticism , edited by Stuart Curran (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993). English Language Notes 31(1994): 74-76. 
___. Review of Liz Bellamy, Commerce, Morality and the Eighteenth-Century Novel (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998). English Language Notes 37(3)2000: 76-79. 
___. Review of Robert W. Jones, Gender and the Formation of Taste in Eighteenth-Century Britain: The Analysis of Beauty(Cambridge University Press, 1998). English Language Notes 38(1): September 2000, 83-87. 
___. Review of The Illustration of Robinson Crusoe, 1713-1920 , David Blewett (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996).English Language Notes 34(1997): 77-79. 
___. Review of The Material Word• Literate Culture in the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century , Richard W.F. Kroll (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991). English Language Notes 29(1991): 88-90. 
___. Review of Recreating Jane Austen. John Wiltshire (Cambridge UP, 2001). English Language Notes 40.3 (2003): 86-91. 
___. Review of Revising Women: Eighteenth-Century "Women's Fiction" and Social Engagement. Ed. Paula Backscheider (Johns Hopkins UP, 1999). English Language Notes 39.3 (2002): 88-92. 
___. Review of Teaching Eighteenth Century Poetry , edited by Christopher Fox (New York: AMS, 1990). English Language Notes 28(1991): 81-82.

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