MARCH 30: A personal message from Dr. Sidney McPhee

Over the weekend, as I was walking our dog, I looked around and realized how quiet and serene our campus looked.  For just a few moments I was able to take an emotional escape from everything going on and just enjoy the beauty around me.  Walking around the Walnut Grove loop, enjoying the sunshine, talking to the occasional student I passed along the way; I found myself somewhat contemplative and much more importantly, with each step, increasingly hopeful!

Today, we start the second week of our new normal and I wanted to take just a moment to thank you, our students and employees, for your efforts and sacrifices, as we deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.  I am truly amazed at how much we have been able to accomplish – much of which has been achieved in record time.  From our faculty who quickly turned traditional coursework into creative, challenging (and according to some reports, even fun) remote learning opportunities, to our students, who have handled a major disruption in their lives with maturity and optimism, each of you have made a difficult situation manageable.

Passing by Kirksey Old Main I thought back to the incredible challenges this campus has faced.  In its more than 108 years, our community has experienced two World Wars, the Great Depression, conflicts in Korea and Vietnam, desegregation, and the modern recession.  Each time this campus and our Blue Raider family has emerged stronger, with an even greater sense of purpose and resolve.  I have no doubt that we will prove that once again, as we move beyond the health and financial challenges our world is facing.

Why am I so optimistic?  The answer is very simple – YOU!  I am confident because I know the character and values of our faculty, students and staff.  You have great capabilities and an amazing ability to handle challenges, no matter what they are.  In the very near future, we will thrive and that is directly attributed to each of you.  Each of you are vital to our campus’s success – no matter what role you play, I can assure you that you are important!

Our Vice President for University Advancement, Joe Bales, sent a note to his staff last week that had a message I found to be very uplifting and one I want to share with you.

….in this time of social distancing (there) is the critical need we each have to remain connected (believe me when you’re in the office alone for an entire day, you understand it!).  While I’m not advocating large gatherings or getting within six feet of each other, I am convinced that we truly need social connections – so I’m going to maintain physical distancing, but I’m certainly not distancing myself (except in person) from family, friends and neighbors, or co-workers.  I urge each of you to take a few minutes each day to reach out, talk across property lines, and use the phone, SKYPE or Zoom, with those close to you.  In times like this, we need each other and others need you.

For more than two weeks, the university’s’ executive leadership team and crisis council have been meeting almost daily.  While discussions often cover a broad range of issues, everything we consider and every decision we make has been with the best interests of our university family in mind.  I would be remiss if I didn’t offer my thanks to these two groups for their remarkable dedication and commitment to MTSU.

I am confident that we will soon be through this and I’m proud to lead this remarkable community.  You have given new meaning to the phrase True Blue and I look forward to seeing you soon.  If I or any of my staff can answer questions, we’re as close as email or the phone. Thanks for all that you do.

Sidney A. McPhee

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