Transfer Equivalencies

There are 242 transfer equivalencies on file for Henderson State University

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
ACC 2013 Prin of Actg ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACC 202301 Prin of Acct B ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
ACC 3043 Cost Accounting ACTG 3310 Cost Accounting
ACC 3053 Intermediate Accounting I ACTG ELUD UD: Intermediate Accounting I
ACC 3253 Acct Systems ACTG ELUD UD:Acct Systems
AP 1202 Ap Mus Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
APM 1011 Ap Mu Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
APM 1012 Ap Mu Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
APM 1542 Ap Mu Trombone MUAP 2491 Private Instruction Trombone
APM 1562 Ap Mu Trumpet MUAP 2471 Private Instruction Trumpet
APM 1782 Ap Mu Saxophone MUAP ELLD LD: Ap Mu Saxophone
APM 1913 Ap Mu Comp MUS ELLD LD: Ap Mu Comp
ART 1043 Design I ART ELLD LD: Design I
ART 1063 Ceramics I ART ELLD LD: Ceramics I
ART 1073 Drawing I ART 1620 Drawing I
ART 1793 Digital Skill/Artist ART 1650 Foundations Digital Art/Design
ART 2033 Humanities Art ART ELLD LD: Humanities Art
ART 2083 Drawing II ART 1640 Drawing II
ART 2273 Painting I ART 2710 Painting I
ART 2603 Hum Studio ART ELLD LD: Hum Studio
ART 2733 Three-Dimensional Design ART 1630 3-Dimensional Design
ART 2921 Art Seminar (Sophomore) ART ELLD LD:Art Seminar (Sophomore)
ART 3103 Art of the Non-Western World ART ELUD UD:Art of the Non-Western Worl
AVN 1013 Aeronautics AERO ELLD LD:Aeronautics
AVN 1171 Private Pilot Lab AERO ELLD LD:Private Pilot Lab
AVN 1403 Fundamentals of Aeronautics II AERO ELLD LD:Fundmntls of Aeronautics II
BIO 1013 Bio Science BIOL ELLD LD: Bio Science
BIO 1014 Intro Biology BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIO 1021 Intro Biol Lab BIOL ELLD LD: Intro Biol Lab
BIO 1023 Bio Science BIOL ELLD LD: Bio Science
BIO 2013 Bio Science BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIO 2114 Gen Zoology BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIO 3064 Hum Anat & Phys BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
BIS 2073 Fund of Info Systems INFS ELLD LD: Fund of Info Systems
CHM 1004 Intro Chemistry CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CHM 1014 Gen Chemistry CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
COM 1013 Media Culture EMC ELLD LD:Media Culture
COM 1111 Debate Practm COMM ELLD LD:Debate Practm
COM 1221 Newspaper Practicum JOUR ELLD LD:Newspaper Practicum
COM 1351 Intro Radio Practicu EMC ELLD LD:Intro Radio Practicu
COM 1613 Intro to Com Studies COMM 2100 Intro to Human Communication
COM 2013 Oral Comm COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
COM 2153 Argumentn/Debate COMM ELLD LD:Argumentn/Debate
COM 2513 Ldrshp & Group Comm COMM 2140 Intro to Organizational Comm
COM 2553 Production Methods I EMC ELLD LD:Production Methods I
COM 3273 Organiztnl Comm COMM ELUD UD: Organiztnl Comm
COM 3373 Comm Resrch Meth COMM ELUD UD: Comm Resrch Meth
COM 3413 Female/Male Comm COMM ELUD UD: Female/Male Comm
COM 3813 Busn& Profsnl Speak COMM ELUD UD: Busn & Profsnl Speak
COM 4093 Persuasion COMM 4320 Persuasion
COM 4313 Media Criticism JOUR ELUD UD:Media Criticism
COM 4333 Internship Comm EMC ELUD UD:Internship Comm
CSC 110301 Prog Lang I CSCI ELLD LD: Prog Lang I
CSC 1104 Fnd Comp Sc I CSCI ELLD LD:Fnd Comp Sc I
CSC 200301 Intro/Computer CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
ECO 201301 Prin of Econ A ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 2023 Microeconomics ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
EDU 2281 Observ/Part FOED ELLD LD: Observ/Part
EDU 2423 Foundation of Educ FOED ELLD LD: Foundation of Educ
EDU 3012 Meas & Eval ELED ELUD UD: Meas & Eval
EDU 3043 Inst Technology ELED ELUD UD: Inst Technology
EDU 3743 Ch Dev Lrng ELED ELUD UD: Ch Dev Lrng
EDU 4093 Spl Mth P E PHED ELUD UD: Spl Mth P E
EDU 4123 Ed Psychology FOED ELUD UD: Ed Psychology
ENG 0423 Basic English DSPW ELLD LD:Basic English
ENG 1003 Devml English DSPW ELLD LD: Devml English
ENG 146301 Freshman Eng A ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 1473 Freshman Eng B ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENG 1803 English Honors ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 2013 World Lit I ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 2023 World Literature II ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 2133 Rhetoric & Argument ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENG 2683 Masters/West Lit ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 2793 Mastr/W Lit Honor ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
FCS 1013 Textiles & Clothing TXMD ELLD LD: Textiles & Clothing
FCS 1081 Fam & Consumer Sci FCSE ELLD LD: Fam & Consumer Sci
FCS 2043 Clothing Constructi TXMD 3200 Apparel Construction I
FCS 2053 Meal Management NFS ELLD LD: Meal Management
FCS 2103 Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
FCS 3103 Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
FCS 3153 Family Relationship CDFS 3320 Family Relations
FCS 3263 Decorative Arts ART ELUD UD: Decorative Arts
FIN 3043 Bus Finance FIN ELUD UD:Bus Finance
GBU 1093 Intro Business BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
GBU 2013 Quant Analy BCED ELLD LD:Quant Analy
GBU 216301 Data Processing BCED ELLD LD: Data Processing
GBU 3143 Legal Environ BLAW ELUD UD:Legal Environ
GBU 314301 Legal Envirn Bus BLAW 3400 Legal Environment of Business
GEN 1031 Henderson Seminar ELEC ELLD LD: Henderson Seminar
GEO 102301 Intro to Geog GEOG 2000 Intro to Regional Geography
GER 1014 Elem Germ I GERM 1010 Elementary German I
GER 1024 Elem Germ II GERM 1020 Elementary German II
GER 2033 Inter German I GERM 2010 Intermediate German I
HIS 101301 Civ to 1660 HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HIS 1023 Civ Since 1660 HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HIS 1043 Hnr Civ Since 1660 HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HIS 2053 Us to 1865 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIS 2063 Us Since 1865 HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIS 3033 Colonial America HIST 4010 Colonial America
HIS 4683 Modern Middle East HIST ELUD UD:Modern Middle East
HPR 101101 Life Fit Concp PHED ELLD LD: Life Fit Concp
HPR 1033 Health & Safety HLTH ELLD LD: Health & Safety
HPR 1471 Beginning Swim PHED ACTY ACTY: Beginning Swim
HPR 1521 Racquetball PHED ACTY ACTY: Racquetball
HPR 1531 Conditioning PHED ACTY ACTY: Conditioning
HPR 1551 Tae Kwon Do Beg PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPR 2003 Paramedic III ELEC ELLD LD: Paramedic III
HPR 2053 Water Saf Inst PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPR 2063 Sch Health Educ HLTH ELLD LD: Sch Health Educ
HPR 2083 PE Principles HLTH ELLD LD: PE Principles
HPR 2101 Beginning Bowling PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
HPR 2173 Lifeguard/Trng Inst PHED ACTY ACTY: Lifeguard/Trng Inst
HPR 2303 Intro Recreation REC ELLD LD: Intro Recreation
HPR 2571 Methods Gymnastics PHED ACTY ACTY: Methods Gymnastics
HPR 258101 Scuba Diving PHED ACTY ACTY: Scuba Diving
HPR 261101 Tennis Non Major PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
HPR 262101 Golf PHED 2020 Beginning Golf
HPR 2641 Mthd Softball PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPR 2663 Mtr Dv & Sk Acq PHED ELLD LD: Mtr Dv & Sk Acq
HPR 2722 Mthd Rhy Games Play PHED 3430 Skills Themes Games Gymn Rhyth
HPR 2743 Anat For P E HLTH ELLD LD: Anat For P E
HPR 2761 Mthd In Golf PHED 2020 Beginning Golf
HPR 2783 Pls Saf/Fr Aid HLTH 3300 First Aid and Safety Education
HPR 2803 Prev & Treat Inj ATHT ELLD LD: Prev & Treat Inj
HPR 2891 Mthd Archery PHED 1160 Beginning Archery
HPR 2912 Jazz Dance I PHED ACTY ACTY: Jazz Dance I
HPR 2921 Methods Condition PHED ELLD LD: Methods Condition
HPR 2931 Mthd In Tennis PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
HPR 2941 Aerobics PHED 1180 Aerobic Walking
HPR 2966 Emrg Medc Tchn Int ELEC ELLD LD: Emrg Medc Tchn Int
HPR 2973 Paramedic I ELEC ELLD LD: Paramedic I
HPR 2983 Paramedic II ELEC ELLD LD: Paramedic II
HPR 3093 Kinesiology HLTH ELLD LD: Kinesiology
HPR 3113 Mth & Mt Hlth Ed HLTH ELLD LD: Mth & Mt Hlth Ed
HPR 3293 Meas & Eval Pe EXSC 4810 Measurement and Evaluation
HPR 3313 Recretn Ldrshp REC ELUD UD: Recretn Ldrshp
HPR 3673 Mth & Mat El Pe PHED ELLD LD: Mth & Mat El Pe
HPR 3753 Physiology For Pe HLTH ELUD UD: Physiology For Pe
HPR 4073 Adapted Phy Ed PHED ELUD UD: Adapted Phy Ed
HPR 4143 Activity/Sports PHED ELUD UD: Activity/Sports
HPR 416301 Cmpng Otdr Edu REC ELUD UD: Cmpng Otdr Edu
HPR 4183 Health Seminar HLTH ELUD UD: Health Seminar
HPR 4842 Cchg Thry Bb & Sb ATHC ELUD UD: Cchg Thry Bb & Sb
HUM 3073 Honors Colloquium UH ELUD UD:Honors Colloquium
HUM 4063 Hnr Ind Stu-European UH ELUD UD:Hnr Ind Stu-European
IMD 1143 Techn Skills Media EMC ELLD LD:Techn Skills Media
JOU 1013 Mass Media JOUR ELLD LD: Mass Media
JOU 2001 Prctm Yearbook JOUR ELLD LD: Prctm Yearbook
MGM 3013 Mgmt Comm MGMT ELUD UD:Mgmt Comm
MGM 3113 Mgm & Org Behavior MGMT ELUD UD:Mgm & Org Behavior
MIS 3103 Info Systems in Bus BCED ELUD UD:Info Systems in Bus
MKT 3013 Fund Mktg MKT 3820 Principles of Marketing
MMC 1013 Mass Media JOUR ELLD LD: Mass Media
MMC 1351 Intro Brdcast Prctm EMC ELLD LD: Intro Brdcast Prctm
MMC 2123 TV Production I EMC ELLD LD: TV Production I
MTH 0003 Elem Algebra DSPM ELLD LD:Elem Algebra
MTH 0013 Interm Algebra DSPM ELLD LD:Interm Algebra
MTH 100301 Fund of Math MATH ELLD LD: Fund of Math
MTH 1033 Math/Liberal Arts MATH ELLD LD: Math/Liberal Arts
MTH 1213 Inter Algebra DSPM ELLD LD:Inter Algebra
MTH 1213 Inter Algebra MATH ELLD LD: Inter Algebra
MTH 1233 Applied Trigonometry MATH ELLD LD:Applied Trigonometry
MTH 1243 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MTH 1253 Plane Trig MATH 1720 Plane Trigonometry
MTH 1261 G/Cal & Com MATH ELLD LD: G/Cal & Com
MTH 1273 Precal Math MATH ELLD LD:Precal Math
MTH 1275 Pre Calculus MATH 1730 Pre-Calculus
MTH 1295 Anyl Geom & Cal I MATH 1910 Calculus I
MTH 3011 Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MTH 3021 Chamber Chorale MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MTH 3071 Concert Choir MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MTH 3451 Jazz Improv Lab MUS ELLD LD: Jazz Improv Lab
MTH 3461 Percus Class MUS ELUD UD: Percus Class
MUAP 1053 Voice Principle MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUS 1011 Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUS 1012 Band Marching MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUS 1021 Chamber Chorale MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MUS 1051 Piano Class MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUS 1061 Piano Class I MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUS 1071 Concert Choir MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MUS 1080 Performn Lab MUS ELLD LD: Performn Lab
MUS 1081 Performn Lab MUS ELLD LD: Performn Lab
MUS 1171 Opera Wksp MUEN 3250 Opera Theater
MUS 1191 Lang & Diction I MUS ELLD LD: Lang & Diction I
MUS 1201 Lang & Diction MUS ELLD LD: Lang & Diction
MUS 1212 Intro Mus Lit MUS ELLD LD: Intro Mus Lit
MUS 1222 Intro Mus Lit MUS ELLD LD: Intro Mus Lit
MUS 1233 Theory I-B MUTH ELLD LD: Theory I-B
MUS 1243 Theory Ib MUTH ELLD LD: Theory Ib
MUS 1251 Stsg/Ear Trng I MUTH ELLD LD: Stsg/Ear Trng I
MUS 1261 Stsg Ear Train MUTH ELLD LD: Stsg Ear Train
MUS 1641 Woodwind MUEN ELLD LD: Woodwind
MUS 1771 Stage Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUS 1822 Intro Mus Theory MUTH ELLD LD: Intro Mus Theory
MUS 1851 Brass Ensemble MUS ELLD LD: Brass Ensemble
MUS 1941 Reddie Brass MUS ELLD LD: Reddie Brass
MUS 1951 Wind Ensemble MUS ELLD LD: Wind Ensemble
MUS 2033 Humanities Music MUS ELLD LD: Humanities Music
MUS 2273 Theory II A MUTH ELLD LD: Theory II A
MUS 2621 Stsg/Ear Trng 2 MUTH ELLD LD: Stsg/Ear Trng 2
MUS 3011 Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUS 3012 Band Marching MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUS 3021 Chamber Chorale MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MUS 3071 Concert Choir MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUS 3451 Jazz Improv Lab MUS ELUD UD: Jazz Improv Lab
MUS 3461 Percus Class MUS ELUD UD: Percus Class
MUS 3473 Srvy Non West Mus MUHL ELUD UD: Srvy Non West Mus
MUS 3671 Percus Ensemble MUS ELUD UD: Percus Ensemble
MUS 3771 Jazz Ensemble MUEN 3400 Jazz Ensemble
MUS 3851 Brass Ensemble MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUS 3941 Reddie Brass MUS ELUD UD: Reddie Brass
MUS 4363 Hist of Music MUS ELUD UD: Hist of Music
PHI 2003 Humanities PHIL ELLD LD: Humanities
PHI 2013 Intro to Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHI 2083 Intro Phi-Honors PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHI 3023 Religions/World PHIL 3300 Philosophy of Religion
PHS 105301 Earth Science GEOL 1030 Introduction to Earth Science
PHS 105301 Earth Science and GEOL 1031 Intro to Earth Science Lab
PHS 1063 Physical Science PSCI ELLD LD: Physical Science
PHY 1013 Descrp Astrnmy ASTR ELLD LD: Descrp Astrnmy
PHY 1024 Intro Physics PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PSC 1013 Am Nat Govt PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
PSC 4203 Pop Culture & Am Pol PS ELUD UD:Pop Culture & Am Pol
PSY 101301 Gen Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSY 2023 Abnormal Psy PSY ELLD LD: Abnormal Psy
PSY 2033 Applied Psyc PSY ELLD LD: Applied Psyc
PSY 2263 Devel Psyc PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
PSY 3113 Psy Personality PSY 3590 Personality
RDG 0043 Academic Reading DSPR ELLD LD:Academic Reading
SOC 1013 Intro to Soc SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SPA 1013 Spanish I SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SPA 1023 Spanish 2 SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
SPE 3013 Psy Ex Child SPED 3010 Learners with Exceptionalities
STA 2323 Statistical Methods STAT ELLD LD:Statistical Methods
THA 1241 Theatre Prctm THEA ELLD LD:Theatre Prctm
THA 1303 Acting I THEA 1015 Acting I
THA 2012 Theatre Dance I THEA ELLD LD:Theatre Dance I
THA 2033 Hum:Theatre Arts THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
THA 2103 Play Analysis THEA ELLD LD:Play Analysis
THA 2573 Prin/Stagecraft THEA 1025 Stage Craft I
THA 3333 Acting II THEA 3510 Acting II