Transfer Equivalencies

There are 80 transfer equivalencies on file for Indian Hills Cmty Coll Ottumwa

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
ACC 0109 Introduction to Accounting ACTG ELLD LD:Introduction to Accounting
ACC 0110 Intro to Accounting II ACTG ELLD LD:Intro to Accounting II
ACC 0121 Principles of Accounting I ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACC 0311 Computer Acct ACTG ELLD LD:Computer Acct
ADM 221 Career Development Skills ELEC ELLD LD:Career Development Skills
ANT 0105 Cultural Anthropology ANTH 2010 Cultural Anthropology
ART 0101 Art Appreciation ART 1030 Art Appreciation
ART 0133 Drawing ART 1620 Drawing I
ART 0170 Ceramics ART 2810 Ceramics I
ART 112 Intro to Graphic Imagery ART 2310 Graphic Design Technology
BIO 101 Introductory Biology BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIO 103 Introductory Biology Lab BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BUS 102 Intro to Business BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
BUS 128 Foundation to Entrepreneurship ENTR 2900 Entrepreneurship
BUS 204 Professionalism in the Work BCED ELLD LD:Professionalism in the Work
BUS 220 Introduction to International MGMT ELLD LD:Intro to International
COM 725 Workplace Communications COMM ELLD LD:Workplace Communications
CSC 0110 Intro to Computers INFS 1000 Introduction to Computers
CSC 105 Computer Essentials CSCI ELLD LD:Computer Essentials
ECN 0120 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN 0130 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
EDU 0235 Children's Literature ENGL ELLD LD:Children's Literature
EGT 400 PLTW Introduction to Engineer ENGR ELLD LD:PLTW Intro to Engineer
ELT 373 DC Circuit Analysis ET ELLD LD:DC Circuit Analysis
ENG 0105 Composition I ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 0106 Composition II ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENG 0225 Creative Writing:Poetry ENGL ELLD LD:Creative Writing:Poetry
ENG 101 Elements of Writing ENGL ELLD LD:Elements of Writing
ENV 0105 Intro Environmental Science ENVS 2810 Intro to Environmental Science
ENV 0106 Intro Environmental Lab ENVS 2810 Intro to Environmental Science
GEO 0121 World Regional Geography GEOG 2000 Intro to Regional Geography
GIS 0180 GIS Tools and Methods PGEO ELLD LD:GIS Tools and Methods
GIS 100 Intro to Geospatial Tec GEOL ELLD LD:Intro to Geospatial Tec
GIS 111 Introduction to Geographic PGEO ELLD LD:Introduction to Geographic
GIS 121 Introduction to Data Bases PGEO ELLD LD:Introduction to Data Bases
GIS 130 Remote Sensing PGEO ELLD LD:Remote Sensing
GIS 140 Global Positioning Systems GEOL ELLD LD:Global Positioning Systems
GIS 170 Introduction to Raster Based PGEO ELLD LD:Intro to Raster Based
GIS 190 GIS Programming PGEO ELLD LD:GIS Programming
GIS 200 Introduction to Cartography PGEO ELLD LD:Intro to Cartography
GIS 205 GIS Data Acquisition and Analy PGEO ELLD LD:GIS Data Acquisition & Anly
GIS 230 GIS Applications PGEO ELLD LD:GIS Applications
GIS 800 GIS Field Project I PGEO ELLD LD:GIS Field Project I
GIS 801 GIS Field Project II PGEO ELLD LD:GIS Field Project II
GIS 900 Internship PGEO ELLD LD:Internship
GIS 949 Special Topics in GIS PGEO ELLD LD:Special Topics in GIS
HIS 0151 US History to 1877 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIS 0257 African American History HIST 2040 Surv African American Hist I
HIS 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HSC 113 Medical Terminology HUM 2130 Medical Vocabulary
HUM 210 Humanities:Nature of Conflict HUM ELLD LD:Humanities:Nature of Confli
LIT 0101 Intro to Literature ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
LIT 157 Bible as Literature ENGL ELLD LD:Bible as Literature
MAT 0110 Math for Liberal Arts MATH 1010 Math for General Studies
MAT 0156 Statistics MATH ELLD LD:Statistics
MAT 120 College Algebra MATH ELLD LD:College Algebra
MAT 125 Precalculus MATH ELLD LD:Precalculus
MAT 210 Calculus I MATH ELLD LD:Calculus I
MAT 742 Technical Math MATH ELLD LD:Technical Math
MGT 101 Principles of Management MGMT ELLD LD:Principles of Management
MKT 0198 Sports Marketing MKT ELLD LD:Sports Marketing
MKT 110 Principles of Marketing MKT ELLD LD:Principles of Marketing
PEC 0162 Sports Officiating:Fall ATHC ELLD LD:Sports Officiating:Fall
PEH 0210 Elem Physical Education PHED ELLD LD:Elem Physical Education
PEV 0107 Techniques of Sports I PHED ACTY Techniques of Sports I
PHI 0105 Introduction to Ethics PHIL ELLD LD:Introduction to Ethics
PHI 0114 Critical Reasoning PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
PHI 101 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
POL 0111 American Natl Govt PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
PSY 0111 Intro Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSY 0112 Psychology of Human Relations PSY ELLD LD:Psychology of Human Relatns
REL 0101 Survey of World Religions RS 2030 Religion and Society
SDV 0101 How to Be Successful ELEC ELLD LD:How to Be Successful
SDV 142 Career Planning ELEC ELLD LD:Career Planning
SOC 0110 Intro Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOC 0120 Marriage & Family SOC 2500 Marriage and Family
SOC 0240 Criminology SOC ELLD LD:Criminology
SPC 0112 Public Speaking COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
WST 101 Women's Studies WGST 2100 Intro to Women's Studies