Transfer Equivalencies

There are 125 transfer equivalencies on file for DeVry University Nashville

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
ACCT 0212 Fin Acct ACTG ELLD LD:Fin Acct
ACCT 0346 Managerial Accounting ACTG ELUD UD:Managerial Accounting
ACCT 304 Intermediate Accounting I ACTG ELUD UD:Intermediate Accounting I
BIOS 0105 Fundamentals of Human Anatomy BIOL ELLD LD:Fund of Human Anatomy
BIOS 0260 Fund of Pathophysiology BIOL ELLD LD:Fund of Pathophysiology
BIOS 0275 Pharmacology & Med Treatment BIOL ELLD LD:Pharmacology & Med Trmt
BIS 0155 Data Analysis-Spreadsheet CSCI ELLD LD: Data Analysis-Spreadsheet
BIS 0245 Database Essentials INFS ELLD LD:Database Essentials
BSOP 0326 Total Quality Management MGMT ELUD UD:Total Quality Management
BUSN 0115 Intro to Business & Technology BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
BUSN 0319 Mktg MKT ELUD UD:Mktg
BUSN 0379 Finance FIN ELUD UD:Finance
BUSN 278 Budgeting and Forecasting BCED ELLD LD:Budgeting and Forecasting
CARD 0205 Career Dev ELEC ELLD LD:Career Dev
CARD 0405 Career Development ELEC ELUD UD: Career Development
CEIS 100 Engineering Tech/Info Sciences ENGR ELLD LD:Engineering Tech/Info Scien
CIS 0115 Logic and Design CSCI ELLD LD:Logic and Design
CIS 0170 Programming with Lab CSCI ELLD LD:Programming with Lab
CIS 0206 Arch and Oper Sys w/Lab CSCI ELLD LD:Arch & Oper Sys w/Lab
COLL 0148 Critical Thinking & Prob Solv PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
COMP 0100 Comp App for Business CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
COMP 0129 PC Hardware & Software with CSCI ELLD LD: PC Hardware & Software
COMP 0230 Intro to Scripting & Database CSCI 1170 Computer Science I
CRMJ 0300 Criminal Justice CJA ELUD UD: Criminal Justice
CRMJ 0310 Law Enforcement CJA ELUD UD: Law Enforcement
CRMJ 0315 Juvenile Justice CJA ELUD UD: Juvenile Justice
CRMJ 0320 Theory & Practice Corrections CJA ELUD Theory & Prac Corrections
ECOM 0210 Fund of E-Com MKT ELLD LD:Fund of E-Com
ECON 0312 Principles of Economics ECON ELUD UD:Principles of Economics
ECT 222 Circ Analy Fund ET ELLD LD:Circ Analy Fund
ENGL 0032 Dvlpmntl Writing & Reading ENGL ELLD LD:Devl Writing & Reading
ENGL 0062 Intro Reading & Writing DSPR ELLD LD:Intro Reading & Writing
ENGL 0112 Composition ENGL ELLD LD: Composition
ENGL 0135 Advanced Composition ENGL ELLD LD:Advanced Composition
ENGL 0216 Technical Writing ENGL ELLD LD:Technical Writing
ENGL 0227 Professional Writing ENGL ELLD LD: Professional Writing
ENGL 0230 Professional Communication ENGL ELLD LD:Professional Communication
ETHC 232 Eth & Legal Iss in Professions ELEC ELLD LD:Eth & Legal Iss in Profsns
ETHC 445 Principles of Ethics PHIL 3150 Ethics
FIN 351 Investment Fund & Sec Analysis FIN 3810 Investments
FIN 364 Money and Banking FIN 3210 Financial System & The Economy
GSP 0111 Intro to Game & Simulation Pro ELEC ELLD LD:Intro to Game & Simulat Pro
GSP 0115 Intro to Progrmg in C++ W/ ELEC ELLD LD:Intro to Progrmg in C++ W/
GSP 0125 Intmed Programming in C++/Oop ELEC ELLD LD:Intmed Prgrmg in C++/Oop
GSP 0215 Cmptr Sys for Prgrmrs w/L ELEC ELLD LD:Cmptr Sys for Prgrmrs w/L
GSP 0221 Math Programming for Games ELEC ELLD LD:Math Programming for Games
GSP 0240 Practical Game Design with Lab ELEC ELLD LD:Practical Game Design w/Lab
GSP 0261 Intro CG Modeling & Prgm w/Lab ELEC ELLD LD:Intro CG Modeling & Prgm w/
GSP 0281 Sim Design & Prgrmng w/Lab ELEC ELLD LD:Sim Design & Prgmg w/Lab
GSP 0295 Data Structures with Lab ELEC ELLD LD:Data Structures with Lab
GSP 0315 AI for Games & Sims w/Lb ELEC ELUD UD:AI for Games & Sims w/Lb
GSP 0321 Programming Game Physics w/Lab ELEC ELUD UD:Prgrmg Game Physics w/Lab
GSP 0340 Modfic & Level Design w/Lab ELEC ELUD UD:Modfic & Level Design w/Lab
GSP 0381 Cmptr Graphics Prgmg I w/Lab ELEC ELUD UD:Cmptr Graphics Prg I w/Lab
HIT 0110 Basic Medical Terminology HUM 2130 Medical Vocabulary
HIT 0120 Intro to Health Service HLTH ELLD LD:Intro to Health Service
HIT 0141 Health Info Processes w/Lab HLTH ELLD LD:Health Info Processes w/Lab
HIT 0170 Senior Project Development Lab HLTH ELLD LD:Sr Proj Dev Lab
HIT 0202 Icd Coding with Lab I HLTH ELLD LD:Icd Coding with Lab I
HIT 0204 Icd Coding with Lab II HLTH ELLD LD:Icd Coding with Lab II
HIT 0211 Procedural Terminology Coding HLTH ELLD LD:Procedural Terminology Cdg
HIT 0220 Legal & Reg Issues in Health HLTH ELLD LD:Legal & Reg Issues in Hlth
HIT 0225 Data Appl and Health HLTH ELLD LD:Data Appl and Health
HIT 0230 Health Ins and Reimburse HLTH ELLD LD:Health Ins and Reimburse
HIT 0271 Hlth Info Practicum Capstone HLTH ELLD LD:Hlth Info Practicum Capston
HIT 111 Basic Medical Terminology HUM 2130 Medical Vocabulary
HOSP 0310 Hospitality Mgmt ELEC ELUD UD:Hospitality Mgmt
HOSP 0320 Hotel Mgmt ELEC ELUD UD:Hotel Mgmt
HOSP 0420 Food Safety ELEC ELUD UD:Food Safety
HRM 0320 Employment Law BLAW ELUD UD:Employment Law
HSM 0310 Health Svcs Mgmt ELEC ELUD UD:Health Svcs Mgmt
HSM 0340 Health Svcs Finance ELEC ELUD UD:Health Svcs Finance
HUMN 0232 Ethical and Legal Issues HUM ELLD LD:Ethical and Legal Issues
HUMN 0432 Technology, Society, & Culture HUM ELUD UD: Tech, Society, & Culture
HUMN 0445 Prin of Ethics HUM ELUD UD:Prin of Ethics
HUMN 427 Studies in Poetry HUM ELUD UD:Studies in Poetry
HUMN 448 Comparative Religions HUM ELUD UD:Comparative Religions
LAS 0432 Tech,Society and Culture EMC ELUD UD:Tech,Society and Culture
LAWS 0310 Legal Environment BLAW ELUD UD:Legal Environment
LTRE 0422 Film and Literature EMC ELUD UD:Film and Literature
MATH 0062 Beginning Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Beginning Algebra
MATH 0092 Basic Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Basic Algebra
MATH 0104 Algebra for College Students MATH ELLD LD:Algebra for Coll Students
MATH 0114 Algebra for College Students MATH ELLD LD: Algebra for Col Students
MATH 0190 Pre-Calculus MATH ELLD LD:Pre-Calculus
MATH 0221 Statistics for Decision Making MATH ELLD LD: Statistics for Dec Making
MATH 0233 Discrete Mathematics MATH ELLD LD:Discrete Mathematics
MATH 103 Beginning Algebra MATH ELLD LD:Beginning Algebra
MGMT 0303 Principles of Mgmt MGMT 3610 Principles of Management
MGMT 0340 Business System Analysis MGMT ELUD UD:Business System Analysis
MGMT 0404 Project Management MGMT ELUD UD:Project Management
MGMT 0410 Human Res Mgmt MGMT ELUD UD:Human Res Mgmt
NETW 0202 Intro to Networking w/Lab CSCI ELLD LD:Intro to Networking w/Lab
NETW 0204 Intro to Routing w/Lab CSCI ELLD LD:Intro to Routing w/Lab
NETW 0206 Intro to Switching w/Lab CSCI ELLD LD:Intro to Switching w/Lab
NETW 0208 Intro to WAN Tech w/Lab CSCI ELLD LD:Intro to WAN Tech w/Lab
NETW 0230 NETW Op Sys-Windows w/Lab CSCI ELLD LD:NETW Op Sys-Windows w/Lab
NETW 0250 Voice/VoIP Admin w/Lab CSCI ELLD LD:Voice/VoIP Admin w/Lab
NETW 0310 Wired,Optical,Wrless Cmun w/Lb CSCI ELUD UD:Wrd,Optcl,Wrlss Cmun w/Lb
NETW 0320 Converged Networks with Lab CSCI ELUD UD:Converged Networks with Lab
NETW 0360 Wireless Tech & Svcs w/Lab CSCI ELUD UD:Wireless Tech & Svcs w/Lab
NETW 0410 Enterprise Netwk Dsgn w/Lab CSCI ELUD UD:Enterprise Netwk Dsgn w/Lab
PHIL 0447 Logic and Critical Thinking PHIL ELUD UD:Logic & Critical Thinking
PHYS 0216 Physics with Lab PHYS 2111 Calculus-Based Physics Lab I
POLI 0330 Political Science PS 3210 International Relations
POLT 0330 Political Science PS 1010 Intro to Global Politics
PROJ 0330 HR & Comm in Projects MGMT ELUD UD:HR & Comm in Projects
PROJ 0420 Project Risk Management MGMT ELUD UD:Project Risk Management
PSYC 0110 Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 0285 Developmental Psychology PSY ELLD LD:Developmental Psychology
PSYC 0305 Motivation and Leadership PSY ELUD UD: Motivation & Leadership
PSYC 0315 Social Psychology PSY ELUD UD:Social Psychology
RELI 0448 Comparative Religions RS 3020 Comparative Religion
SCI 0204 Environmental Sci w/ Lab PSCI ELLD LD: Env Sci w/ Lab
SCI 0228 Health & Wellness with Lab HLTH 1530 Health and Wellness
SEC 0280 Principles Info Sys Security INFS ELLD LD:Principles Info Sys Securit
SOCS 0190 Cultural Anthropology ANTH 2010 Cultural Anthropology
SOCS 0315 Marriage and Family SOC ELUD UD: Marriage & Family
SOCS 185 Culture and Society SOC ELLD LD:Culture and Society
SPCH 0275 Public Speaking COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
WGD 0201 Visual Design Fundamentals ELEC ELLD LD: Visual Design Fund
WGD 0205 Adv Dsgn & Rapid Visualization ELEC ELLD LD: Adv Dsgn&Rapid Visual
WGD 0210 Digital Imaging Fundamentals ELEC ELLD LD: Digital Imaging Fund
WGD 0229 Information Design ELEC ELLD LD: Information Design