Dorethe and Clay Tucker Theatre
Policies and Procedures
Tucker Theatre is part of the institution of Middle Tennessee State University and sets forth the following policies and procedures for all Users. Violation of these policies and procedures may result in the immediate termination of contract, dismissal from property, or additional charges applied to the User. All parties are expected to adhere to the policies and procedures. Tucker Theatre is comprised of skilled student workers who make up the primary work crew and technical staff under the direct supervision of the Tucker Theatre Management.
Additional Security information can be found here
I. Patrons
- Smoking is not permitted on the campus of Middle Tennessee State University.
- Food and drinks are not permitted in the theatre or other auxiliary spaces, without the express consent of Tucker Theatre Management.
- The User and its patrons shall not obstruct: (i) any entrances or exits from the building, (ii) any stairways, hallways, or access to utilities within the building, or (iii) any sidewalks immediately outside the building. Enforcement of this policy is the responsibility of the user and failure to comply can result in the termination of the event with no refund.
- Animals (other than certified service animals) will not be allowed in the building for any reason without the express consent of the Tucker Theatre Management prior to load-in.
- Decorations and signs may not be placed in any rooms, hallways, lobbies, or theaters in the building without express consent of the Tucker Theatre Management. Costs to repair any damage caused by placing such decorations or signs will be paid by the User.
- No sign or decoration is allowed on the building exterior or sidewalk without the express consent of Tucker Theatre Management.
- No tape is allowed in the lobby of Tucker Theatre. If cables must be ran in the lobby they must be ran through approved pathways or matted. All cabling should adhere to OSHA standards of safety.
- Firearms are prohibited in all state buildings. Handguns, grenades, explosives, large knives, and lasers are all prohibited in Tucker Theatre.
- Backpacks, Shoulder bags, duffle bags are prohibited inside Tucker Theatre. Small personal items are subject to search.
II. Production Related Policies
- Prior to the event, the User must communicate directly with the Tucker Theatre Management to specify all necessary information regarding to event preparation, load in, load out, tech and run including all pertinent logistical, technical and staffing elements and requests.
- Prior to the event, the User shall provide a complete list of all persons affiliated with the client, event, or property that will be permitted access to Tucker Theatre and the Boutwell Dramatic Arts Building. Tucker Theatre Management reserves the right to restrict access to any parties.
- The house opens 30 minutes prior to the scheduled performance. All set-up and sound checks must be completed by this time. The Tucker Theatre Management will assist the User in opening the house on time.
- Firearms are prohibited in all state buildings. The Tucker Theatre Management must approve all “prop” weapons prior to the event.
- The express consent of the Event Manager, in collaboration with the User’s representative, is required to begin each performance and end each intermission.
- House seats will not be removed to accommodate sound and lighting boards, or additional equipment. Tucker Theatre will provide space in the theatre when available for additional equipment.
- Tucker Theatre reserves the right to control the final sound level for any event.
- No additional locks will be permitted on any door of the premises. It is recommended that valuables be collected by the User’s representative prior to the event and kept until the event is completed. Although Middle Tennessee State University maintains twenty four (24) hour security in all areas under its jurisdiction, Tucker Theatre assumes no responsibility for valuables left, lost, or stolen from the facility.
- Any room that is not used in accordance with its intended purpose that could result in damage, theft or obstruction of the policies and procedures set forth will be the responsibility of the User and subject to additional charges at the discretion of Tucker Theatre Management.
- Tucker Theatre Management must approve all smoke and pyrotechnics effects under the guidance of the University Fire Marshall. In addition, pyrotechnic effects must first be approved by the State Fire Marshall’s office. The User must provide a written description of each effect and may be called upon to demonstrate that effect to the University Fire Marshall prior to approval. Pyrotechnic effects permits also require a drawing of the stage showing locations of the effects with respect to audience, actors and/or performers and scenery, and a letter attesting to the expertise of the pyro-technician. The User shall work in conjunction with the Tucker Theatre Management in coordinating demonstrations with the University Fire Marshall. Pyrotechnic permits must be issued ten business days prior to the demonstration. Substantial fees are involved in this process. Some atmospheric and smoke effects may be provided by Tucker Theatre and must be requested prior to the event.
- All scenery and paraphernalia must be flame proofed by the User to satisfy legal standards and the highest standards of accepted contemporary practice.
- All electrical equipment brought into the building by the User shall comply with all rules and regulations of city, state, and federal governments.
- Any use and/or change of rigging and equipment must be approved in advance by Tucker Theatre Management.
- The User shall not allow nails, tacks, stage screws or similar articles to be driven or placed in any part of the building without prior express consent by Tucker Theatre Management.
- The User shall not allow flags, banners, signs, poster, etc. to be taped, stapled, pinned, or attached to any portion of the building, curtains, or furniture without the express consent from Tucker Theatre Management. Any damage incurred from this use, shall be the responsibility of the User
- Food is not permitted in Tucker Theatre at any time. Refreshments may be served in the lobby area. User will be responsible for cleanup of all food and/or refreshment refuse and service equipment prior to leaving the Facility each day. All refuse shall be placed in the appropriate waste containers. Failure to fully cleanup all food and/or refreshment refuse or service equipment daily will result in a cleaning fee of $500.00/day.
- The User may not use a forklift in the Boutwell Dramatic Arts building or Tucker Theatre.
- The facilities are a place of public accommodation and are accessible to those with a disability in compliance with Titles II & III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The User shall not allow any of its artists, employees, contractors, agents, invitees, or other persons it permits on the premises to render the facilities inaccessible to disabled persons or otherwise cause the facilities to be out of compliance with the ADA. In the event the User permits any person to render the facilities inaccessible to disabled persons or otherwise cause the facilities to be out of compliance with the ADA, the User shall immediately remove the cause and return the facilities to compliance.
- The Tucker Theatre Management must be informed anytime chemical smoke or haze is used to insure building management is informed and proper safety precautions are taken.
- No Fixture, Lighting or scenic may be used on the balcony railings. These railings are overhead of potential patrons, and not rated for any additional weight. The cabling from these fixtures also creates a safety hazard on the audience level.
- All aisle ways must be kept free and clear at all times. This includes but is not limited to tables in the front aisles, stairs in the front aisles, and lighting stands in the balcony. Deviation from this policy requires ample signage and must be approved by Theatre Management prior to load in.
- Doors to the exterior of the building are not permitted to be propped open at anytime. These are rated and used to control fire in the event of an emergency. The doors on the theatre leading into the Tech Room and the hallway are on the Fire Zone line. These doors must be kept closed at all times.
III. Labor Policies and Procedures
As Tucker Theatre is part of the Institution Middle Tennessee State University, the majority of its labor force is comprised of skilled student workers who make up the primary work crew and technical staff under the direct supervision of the Tucker Theatre Management.
Required Labor
- All policies and procedures regarding required labor are at the final discretion of the Tucker Theatre Management and the Event Manager on duty.
- Tucker Theatre Management is required anytime the User wants access to the Facility.
- All Events require at least one (1) Event Manager, one (1) House Manager, and one (1) Stage Manager staffed by Tucker Theatre. Additional staff may be required given event parameters and needs.
- The presence of an audience of more than ten (10) persons requires a qualified House Manager whose sole responsibility for the production is to be the House Manager. Two House Managers are required for events with an estimated audience of more the two-hundred fifty (250) persons. Said House Manager(s) must be present prior to the entry of any audience and for the duration of the event. Qualification as defined here is at the sole discretion of Tucker Theatre Management.
- Use of lighting, sound, mechanical, electrical, and/or other equipment owned by the Facility requires the presence of the appropriate trained operators and/or crew for said equipment. Tucker Theatre Equipment must be operated by Tucker Theatre Personnel.
- One Usher is required for every 100 persons expected to be in attendance. The User must provide ushers as long as they meet the minimum qualifications set forth by Tucker Theatre Management. Ushers must be present at least thirty minutes prior to the presence of an audience in the facility. Alternatively, any User unable to meet the minimum requirements for Ushers may elect to have the Facility provide said Ushers for an additional fee.
- All ticketed events require a Box Office Manager to be present. For ticketed events utilizing the box office, a box office staff is required.
- Box office staff consists of one (1) Box Office Manager and three (3) Box Office Operators.
- All policies and procedures regarding time and crew call are at the final discretion of the Tucker Theatre Management and Event Manager on duty. The Event Manager on duty will be responsible for tracking the relief of crew called.
- The Event Manager must be present any time there are production personnel in the building.
- Minimum crew call will be four (4) hours for load-in, rehearsals, and performances. Minimum call will be three (3) hours for load-out. All billing will be assessed in half hour increments.
- All events will have one (1) hour of mandatory event preparation/reset time added onto any estimated call.
- All events must allow one (1) hour walkaway breaks for every eight (6) hours on call or User may provide a full meal for the crew with a thirty (30) minute meal break.
- All events must allow one (1) hour of break between any tech and show on calls that exceed eight (6) hours
- All events must allow one (1) ten (10) minute break for every four (3) hours of estimated call.