LGBT+ College Conference

2017 LGBT+ College Conference Schedule

Note: This is an archival copy of the schedule from the 2017 LGBT+ College Conference. The links below are not being maintained. You may use this page to learn about the 2017 conference events and participants.

Conference Theme – All Identities–Removing Obstacles to Inclusion

This year’s conference program will explore how key facets of identity–gender, race, culture, ethnicity, age, social class, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression–play a significant role in how we experience the world. We will hear from students, professionals, practitioners, and leaders on how access and opportunity intersect with identity to influence our interactions with education, commerce, community, government, and, most importantly, each other, and how to remove obstacles to inclusion based on identity.

Quick links

Thursday, April 6 Research and Examination
Thursday Evening LGBT+ College Conference Film Festival
Friday, April 7 Intersectons of Identity with the Broader Community
Friday Evening Open Mic Performances
Saturday, April 8 Working and Learning Sessions
Saturday evening
LGBT+ College Conference Awards Dinner