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Department of Military Science

Military Science Alumni Chapter Bylaws (Nov 2019)

P.O. BOX 52

ARTICLE 1 – Bylaws

Section 1 – Scope of Bylaws: The bylaws shall provide for the management and government of the Chapter.

Section 2 – Name: The name of the Chapter is: Military Science Alumni Chapter of Middle Tennessee State University. The Chapter is hereinafter referred to as the MSAC.

Section 3 – Location: The location of the MSAC will be in Rutherford County, Tennessee and the address of the MSAC is Box 52, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN 37132.

Section 4 – Duration: The period of existence of the MSAC shall be perpetual.

Section 5 – Purpose: The purpose of the MSAC is to facilitate comradeship; mentorship and support to the MTSU ROTC Cadets, cadre and the unversity. This can be accomplished by:

  1. Providing a clearinghouse of information relevant to each member on active duty, reserve status, or in the process of receiving a military appointment. The MSAC members can be located on the MTSU ROTC Alumni Link.
  2. Promote long-term comradeship for MSAC members through annual social activities and special events.
  3. Sponsoring and encouraging advance Military Science students with special areas of interest within the military field.
  4. Ensuring continuity and maintaining a home base organization for all MSAC members. 
  5. Providing a liaison relationship with the University and MSAC members. Act as an alternate information center of campus activities/achievement of MSAC members.

ARTICLE II – Membership

Section 1 – Eligibility: Membership of the MSAC shall consist of all persons who are commissioned graduates of Middle Tennessee State University and any other person who may be admitted to membership in such a manner as outlined in Article II, section (1) (a) (b).

  1. Affiliate Membership: This category of member is open to all members who are currently serving or have served as a staff member of the Military Science Department.
  2. Honorary Membership: Honorary membership is provided to those recognized persons who have contributed to the overall growth, development and support of the Military Science Department in a non-staff capacity.
  3. Membership in the MSAC shall be open to those persons who are: (1) interested in advancing the objectives of the MSAC; and (2) willing to subscribe to the bylaws.

Section 2 – Membership Dues: The Board of Officers shall fix dues of the MSAC and the time when dues become payable. Membership Dues shall be divided into two categories Life-Time and Yearly (see breakdown below). Life-Time memberships are scaled by age. And Yearly memberships are subdivided into three payment levels. Yearly dues shall be paid once a year and by the end of each calendar year.

  • Life-Time Membership: (scaled by age)
    • 40 & under: $350
    • 41 – 50:  $300
    • 51 – 60:  $250
    • 61 – 70:  $150
    • 71 – 80:  $125
    • Above 80:  $100
  • Yearly Membership:
    • Gold Hooah: $80
    • Silver Trooper: $40
    • Bronze Raider: $20
  1. Dues shall be used to fund: general MSAC operation expenses; annual Cadet awards and plaques; expenses required to promote MSAC activities and programs as determined by the Board of Officers.
  2. Membership dues and application shall be announced through normal newsletter correspondence and annual membership meeting. 

ARTICLE III – Board of Officers 

Section 1 – Management: The management of the affairs of the MSAC shall be vested in the Board of Officers, the legally constituted governing body. It shall be the duty of the Board to carry out the objectives and purposes of the MSAC.

Section 2 – Duties: The duties of the Board of Officers shall include: to establish policy for the operation of the MSAC; to review and approve all plans; to approve the budget; to expand membership to all MTSU commissioned graduates; to review and approve proposals, reports and recommendations; and to perform other functions as appropriate to the organization’s goals.

Section 3 – Officers: The officers of the MSAC shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, and such other officers and assistant officers as may be elected annually.

Section 4 – Terms: Each officer shall serve for a term of two years and until a successor is duly elected.

Section 5 – Resignation or Removal: Any officer may resign by giving written notice to the President or Vice President of the Board. The Board of Officers shall be empowered to remove the President by a three-quarters vote of the full Board of Officers at a regular meeting or at a special meeting for which notice thereby shall specify such purpose. 

Section 6 – Vacancies: If the President is unable to serve, the Vice President shall assume office. Vacancies in any other office may be filled by the President with the approval of a majority of the Board at any regular or special meeting. 

Section 7 – President of the Board: The President shall be the Chief Elected Officer and primary spokesperson for the MSAC and shall preside at all meetings of the membership of the MSAC and the Board of Officers. The President shall determine the agenda for all Board meetings in consultation with the other Board members. The President shall report annually to the membership on the accomplishment and financial state of the MSAC. The President shall make such appointment as necessary or determined by the Bylaws.

Section 8 – Vice President: In the event of absence or inability to serve by the President, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President, and when so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the President. The Vice President shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President. 

Section 9 – Treasurer: The Treasurer shall advise the Board of Officers regarding the finances of the MSAC and shall exercise continuing surveillance over the operational finances. The Treasurer shall be in charge of the MSAC’s funds and financial records; shall have established proper accounting procedures for the handling of the MSAC’s funds, including establishing an account in the name of the MSAC in a bank insured by the FDIC with checking account set forth to require two signatures from the Treasurer and a designated Board of Officer member; and shall report on the financial condition of the MSAC at all meetings of the Board of Officers and at other times when called upon.

Section 10 – Secretary: The Secretary of the MSAC shall be responsible to give notice of all meetings of the MSAC; to see to the proper recording of proceedings of meetings of the MSAC, Board of Officers, and all committees; and to see that accurate membership records are maintained. 

ARTICLE IV – Nominations and Elections

Section 1 – Availability of Officers: The availability of the Officers to serve on the Board will normally be limited but not restricted to those who are in close proximity to Middle Tennessee State University. Any member of the MSAC may be nominated for a position on the Board. 

Section 2 – Nomination: A request for nominations will begin at the “off-year” annual meeting and will be highlighted in each following newsletter until the elections of Board members at the appropriate annual meeting.

Section 3 – Election: Election of the Board of Officers will take place at the official annual meeting. Transition will occur immediately. 

ARTICLE V – Membership Meetings

Section 1 – Annual Meeting: The annual meeting of the MSAC shall occur once a year. Until changed by necessity the annual meeting will be held in conjunction with the MTSU “Salute to Veteran” day. The meeting will be conducted in the morning of that day prior to all other MTSU events, at the Army ROTC building, unless changed by the President. The date, time, and place will be determined by the Board of Officers and announced online and in the newsletter.

Section 2 – Special Membership Meeting: Special membership meetings of the MSAC may be called by the Board of Officers at any time. 

Section 3 – Voting: At all membership meetings of the MSAC each member shall have one (1) vote, and may take part and vote in person or by proxy. A quorum will consist of those members present, plus those proxies which may be exercised by members present. 

Section 4 – Quorum: A majority of the voting members of the Board of Officers shall constitute a quorum for all purposes during a meeting.

ARTICLE VI – Committees

Section 1 – Committees: In addition to such committees as may be specified in these Bylaws, the Board of Officers may establish such other committees as it may find necessary.

Section 2 – Membership: The President shall, with the approval of the Board, appoint the Chairs of Committees established. Each Committee Chair shall appoint committee members as appropriate to each committee. 


Section 1 – Fiscal and Administrative Years: The fiscal and administrative years of the MSAA shall be determined by the Board of Officers.

Section 2 –Audit: A financial report shall be made to the members in the annual printing of the directory. Any member may review the budget at anytime with the Treasurer.

Section 3 – Order of Business: The order of business at all meetings of the MSAC shall be prescribed by the presiding officer. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all meetings on any point not covered in the Bylaws or Policies of the Board.

ARTICLE VIII – Amendments

Section 1 – Procedures: The Bylaws of the MSAC may be amended at any special or annual meeting of the MSAC provided that a statement of the nature of the amendments is included in the notice of the meeting. Amendment must be approved by a majority of the members and proxies present.

Section 2 – Effective Date: Amendments should be effective on the date if approved, or on the date specified in the amendment.

Section 3 – Publication: Notice of adopted changes in the Bylaws shall be highlighted in the MSAC newsletter that is published immediately after the changes are adopted. The complete by-laws will be available on the Alumni section of the ROTC Alumni Link. 


Section 1 – MTSU ROTC Alumni Hall of Fame:  Divided into two subcategories:  (1) General Officers and (2) COL-2LT

  1. General Officers

–Any officers upon promotion to the rank of General will be inducted into the General Officers(GO) Hall of Fame.  Their official photograph will be included on the GO display board in the ROTC Department.

–All Generals must always be in good standing with the values, ethics, and conduct of the MSAC or their picture will be removed.

b.  COL to 2LT:

–Nominations can be initiated by any person utilizing the Nomination form.

–Nomination forms are on the MS Department Web Page.  Nominations for the Hall of Fame should include a short biography of your nominee.  Please include both military and civilian.  Nominations must be received by the first week of October each year to be considered at the annual chapter meeting (which is currently being held on the morning of the Vets Salute activities).

–Photograph will be displayed on current Hall of Fame board at the ROTC Department.

Section 2 – Mrs. Virginia S. Austin Memorial Award

–This award was established late 1994 to recognize an individual, not a MTSU ROTC commissionee, for their exceedingly outstanding support to the MSAC and the ROTC Department.

–Nominations/Approval:   Nominations for the Virginia S. Austin Memorial Award should include a short biography of your nominee, a detailed description of actions and results for why the nominee is deserving.

–There are no nomination forms online at the MS Department’s website, but when available nominations should be submitted on that form.  Emails, letters, memorandums can be used for current nominations and can be submitted to Nancy Garner, Executive Aide, Military Science Department at [email protected].

–Nominations must be received by the first week of October each year to be considered at the annual chapter meeting (which is currently being held on the morning of the Vets Salute activities).

Section 3 – Presentation:  Board will decide best presentation date/time and venue for all awards.

CERTIFICATION (updated & signed when approved)

I hereby certify that the foregoing Bylaws were adopted by the Members of the MSAC at the Annual Meeting held on the 16th day of November 2019.  

R. David Ogg, Jr.

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