Open Educational Resources
Embracing Equity through Open Educational Resources (OER) at MTSU
Open educational resources are a major focus of the Academic & Student Success Subcommittee of MTSU’s Community Engagement Advisory Group (CEAG). This working group supports course material affordability by promoting the use of free open educational resources (OER) and other affordable resources available for our students. Our programs save students money and promote student success.
If you would like more information about OER at MTSU, please contact librarian, Ginelle Baskin at [email protected].
Academic & Student Success Subcommittee
- Ginelle Baskin, Co-Chair, Student Success & Open Education Librarian, Walker Library
- Jordan Nielsen, Co-Chair, Access Services Librarian, Walker Library
- Grover Baker, Visual & Performing Arts Librarian, Walker Library
- Greyson Billingham, Advisor, Jones College of Business
- Sarah Bleiler-Baxter, Professor, Mathematical Sciences
- Kim Godwin, Assistant Professor, Womack Educational Leadership Dept.
- Beka Moore, Director, Career Development Center
- Keneisha Mosley, Library Assistant, Walker Library
- Karen Nourse, Research & Data Librarian, Walker Library
- Sharon Parente, Distance Learning Services Librarian, Walker Library
- Chandra Story, Professor, Health & Human Performance
- Maigan Wipfli, Director, June Anderson Center for Women & Nontraditional Students
Bring together key stakeholders from across the university to advocate and provide support for our campus’ OER program. Our purpose is to expand the use of open educational resources at MTSU and to educate and promote the value of OER to the MTSU community.
- Promote the creation, adaptation, adoption, curation, and discovery of openly licensed materials by our instructors and students
- Provide support for instructors to incorporate openly licensed educational resources into their curriculum
- Improve availability and affordability of course materials
- Advocate for inclusivity and removal of barriers for student learning through OER adoption
Our Impact
As we build our OER website and presence at MTSU, you’ll find more OER resources and tools in this space. Below is a collection of videos that will help you better understand OER practices.