Quest for Student Success 2025
Strategic Priority 2
Eliminate achievement gaps by using analytics, refining, and expanding student support programs, and increasing faculty diversity.
2024 Update and Recommendations
Recommendation 1: Create a high-touch, multi-member early alert system to increase student persistence and retention rates
- Challenge: P & R rates are as much as 20% lower in some sub-populations
- Task: Initial launch should specifically target the Black male population and other sub-populations (e.g., Pell-eligible, students on probation, transfer students)
Early Alert Program
- High-student touch
- Allows all members of success team (advisors and instructors) to be notified
- Low initial cost – already available through EAB Navigate
- Has been shown to increase student persistence and retention.
Short-Term Recommendations
- Implement early alert program for black, male sub-population of students.
- Structurally expand program to include other sub-populations (e.g., students on probation, REBOUND, transfer students)
Long-Term Recommendations
- Create Team/Office to handle alerts to expand response to information gathering and future recommendations
- Peer mentoring program for students with repeated/multiple alerts
Recommendation 2: Increase support for existing systems focused on mental health services on campus
- Challenge: 79% of MTSU students reported moderate to severe psychological distress and 52% of students scored positive on a validated loneliness scale in 2022
- Task: Link/coordinate systems and structures to create “wrap-around care”
2022 Update and Accomplishments
- Student Success check-ins were sent to professors of African American freshmen twice during Spring 2022.
- The Black Faculty and Staff Association (BFSA) has been re-established.
- Dr. Monica Smith hired as Assistant to the President for Inclusion and Community Engagement.
- Three Diversity Dissertation Fellows were hired.
- The College of Education’s Center for Fairness, Justice, and Equity has been established.
- “Man Up Teacher Fellowship” (MUTF) has begun efforts.
Work Group
Co-Chair: Michelle Arnold | Office of Student Success |
Co-Chair: Eric Oslund | College of Education |
Lando Carter | LT&ITC |
Matthew Duncan | University Studies |
Andrienne Friedli | College of Basic and Applied Sciences |
Jonell Hinsey | Office of Student Success |
Jimmy Mumford | College of Liberal Arts |
Julie Myatt | MT Engage; College of Liberal Arts |
Mary Ellen Sloane | Walker Library |
Monica Smith | Community Engagement |
Michelle Stevens | College of Education |
Chandra Story | College of Behavioral and Health Sciences |
Sam Zaza | Jones College of Business |