General Resources
Student Resources
- Change of Address
- It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that mailing addresses are up-to-date. While the University typically corresponds with students via their campus email address, some mailings are directed to permanent and/or mailing addresses.
NOTE: Students participating in the Academic Common Market program must maintain the permanent address of the state which granted academic common market status. - To change your address, you may
- access PipelineMT and update your address (all but permanent);
- complete and submit a Change of Address form on-line;
- stop by the MT One Stop and complete a Change of Address form; or
- send other written notification to the Registrar’s Office
- It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that mailing addresses are up-to-date. While the University typically corresponds with students via their campus email address, some mailings are directed to permanent and/or mailing addresses.
- Change of Major / Program
- Enrollment Verification Cover Letter
- Events Scheduling in Academic Space
- Financial Crisis Aid for Students
- Immunization Full-Time Enrollment Exception for Online Students
- Late Registration Form
- Name Change Request
- Non-Release of Directory Information
- Request to be Excluded from Receiving Credit Card Solicitations
- Request to Repeat a Course (Undergraduate Only)
- Selective Service Verification
- All male US citizens and male non citizens who take up residency in the United States of America before their 26th birthday must register with Selective Service prior to registering for classes at MTSU. This requirement does not apply to veterans and others exempt by federal law. Obtain additional information or register on-line at
- Eligible students who have not registered with Selective Service or have not verified with MTSU their registration with Selective Service will have a registration hold placed on their record and will not be allowed to register until the conditions for the hold have been satisfied. Selective Service holds can be cleared by submitting proof of your registration to the MT One Stop.
- For more information, please contact MT One Stop at [email protected].
- Transcript Request