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Sexual Violence


For confidential advice and support

MTSU Counseling Services
Keathley University Center #326-S

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Center
1423 Kensington Square Ct.
24-hour crisis line: 615-494-9262 or 615-896-2012
Domestic violence crisis line 615-896-2012
Sexual assault crisis line 615-494-9262

Additional support resources:

MTSU June Anderson Center for Women and Nontraditional Students
Student Union Building #330

Sexual Assault Center – Nashville, TN

Tennessee Domestic Violence Hotline

Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence

Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN)
1-800-656-HOPE to be routed to a rape crisis center near you

National Center for Victims of Crime Victim Service Helpline 1-800-FYICALL

For medical assistance:

MTSU Student Health Services

St. Thomas Rutherford Hospital

StoneCrest Medical Center

To report an offense to law enforcement:

Emergency: 911

MTSU University Police

Murfreesboro Police Department

Rutherford County Sheriff’s Department

To report an offense to the University:

MTSU Title IX Coordinator
[email protected] 

MTSU Office of Student Conduct
[email protected]   

For legal assistance:

Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee

Educational Programs, Training


“Stepping Up to Stop Sexual Assault”
The New York Times
February 7, 2014.


Each October, the June Anderson Center plans events to educate and promote awareness of domestic violence to the MTSU community. See poster here.


The JAC, with the help of the Rutherford-Cannon County Bar Association, holds free legal clinic for members of the MTSU campus community. The attorneys offer non-binding consultation for a wide range of topics including employment discrimination, sexual harassment, landlord-tenant disputes, financial problems, and family issues. Appointments are necessary, as space is limited. To register or to get more information, please call 898-5989. Consultations are confidential.


MTSU University Police Department is proud to provide the Rape Aggression Defense System for women at this university. The RAD program is a program of realistic, self-defense tactics and techniques. The course begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance, while progressing on to the basics of hands-on defense training.

The Rape Aggression Defense System is dedicated to teaching women defensive concepts and techniques against various types of assault, by utilizing easy, effective and proven self-defense/martial arts tactics. This system of realistic defense will provide a woman with knowledge to make an educated decision about resistance.

The ability to defend one’s self in a stressful situation is the most often neglected part of a woman’s education. Safety and survival in today’s world requires a definite course of action. We provide effective options by teaching women to take an active role in their own self-defense and psychological well-being.

The RAD basic program is not a traditional martial arts class. The program consists of six, three hour sessions, stressing education as well as physical tactics. The final session allows a woman to test her self-defense skills in simulated attacks by a certified RAD instructor. The class provides accommodations for students with physical limitations.

The RAD program is taught by MTSU police officer, David Smith . Officer Smith has twenty-six years of experience in law enforcement and over thirty years of experience as a martial arts instructor. For more information please contact Officer Smith by phone at 494-8855 or visit the University Police Department website.


Rave Guardian, a service provided to you by Middle Tennessee State University through the MTSU Critical Notification (Rave Alert) System, transforms your mobile phone into a personal safety device. This service, along with practicing safety strategies such as paying attention to your surroundings, walking in well-lit areas, and utilizing the MTSU University Police Raider Escort program or walking with a friend will aid in helping you stay safe on campus. When a student, faculty, or staff member calls University Police from their mobile phone, Rave Guardian automatically delivers a complete caller profile – to include current location, medical conditions, emergency contacts, addresses, vehicles, course schedule, photograph and other critical data that the user may choose to provide.

An optional module allows individuals to set a Rave Guardian timer. Use the Guardian timer whenever you’re out alone, in an unfamiliar area or would like University Police to check on you if you cannot deactivate your timer. Just call the timer number (provided upon registration), set a realistic time frame to reach your destination, and leave a voice message containing details about yourself and your situation (e.g. your clothing, route of travel, etc.). When you reach your destination safely, simply dial the timer number, enter your PIN, and the Guardian Timer will be deactivated.

If the Rave Guardian timer is not deactivated before it expires, University Police Department is automatically alerted and provided with your Rave Guardian profile, allowing University Police the ability to identify and check on the individual.

How does Rave Guardian work? To use Rave Guardian, you must first fill out your Guardian profile by logging into your MTSU Critical Notification System (Rave Alert) Account. You should review your Guardian profile periodically to ensure it is up to date. Profile data is provided by the user through Rave’s secure web-portal. With Rave Guardian, user profiles are shared only when a member of the MTSU community calls University Police, or allows a previously set Rave Guardian timer to expire. To activate Rave Guardian: Log into your MTSU Critical Notification System (Rave Alert) Account (using your PipelineMT username and password) at the following link: Click on the yellow box at the top that says, “Complete Your Guardian Profile.”   Click here for more information about the Rave Guardian system.   


A variety of events are planned each spring to educate and promote awareness of sexual assault to the MTSU community. o National Women’s History Month MTSU’s National Women’s History Month programming recognizes, promotes, and celebrates women’s contributions and causes by providing education and entertainment from a feminist perspective that emphasizes cultural transformation to achieve social justice and women’s empowerment.