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Student Technology Access Fees

Student Technology Access Fees

The Instructional Technology Committee will be reviewing the proposals received for the fiscal year 2025-2026 in the next months and will finalize recommendations in early May.

The Instructional Technology Committee recommendations were approved for fiscal year 2024-2025.  Proposals updated with a yes and index number can submit requisitions starting July 1, 2024.  Click the Purchase Process for details on how to purchase.  If you have questions, contact Maria Knox at [email protected]. 

TAF Process

TAF funds are required to be spent in the year collected. Projects are approved by line items, not by dollars. Because projects are not allocated dollars, any savings through the purchase process are collected in the overall TAF accounts and used to balance the TAF accounts at the end of the year. Purchases requested past March may not receive funding. The TAF committee revised the allocation process in October 2020.  For all the allocation processes, please follow this LINK

The Committee allocates $4,143,100 among the following seven categories. Any additional dollars are allocated by the Instructional Technology Committee among these seven categories as needed based on university priorities. The TAF budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year is $4.293 million.

  • Category 1 Infrastructure ($400,000)
  • Category 2 Repair, Replacement, and Renovation ($912,259)
  • Category 3 Recurring Costs ($780,222)
  • Category 4 Discipline Specific Equipment ($904,000)
  • Category 5 Smart Classrooms ($438,941)
  • Category 6 ITC Approved University Computer Labs ($200,000)
  • Category 7 Enterprise Software ($477,678)

Additional Information

If you need additional information, contact Maria Knox at [email protected] or 615-898-5184 or David Edgar at [email protected] or 615-898-5389.