AMP Connects

Creating Accessible Media and Advising Forms

This workshop section has been canceled.
241, College of Education Building (COE)

Advisor Mastery Program (AMP) Connects 

MTSU Advising social and network opportunities. This can include Brown Bag lunches, Mentorships, Social Hour, Potlucks, etc. 

Connects will be offered once a month, and will generally be worth 1/2 point (unless otherwise stated).

More Details

The Advisor Training Committee is now hosting targeted trainings throughout the semester to replace the Refresher Training. This training is a repeated event. In the Creating Accessible Media and Advising Forms session, advisor Bailey Schneider will focus on teaching you tricks and tools to help improve your creative communication with students, particularly with the online program Canva and the software Adobe Acrobat. This overview and workshop will walk you through how to create easy, accessible documents for your students. Participants from this Accessible Media training session are encouraged to look to the spring semester for our advanced session in Canva. 

Registration closed