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Office of Compliance and Enterprise Risk Management

Campus Safety and Security

MTSU’s University Police department provides safety and security for all campus employees, visitors, and community constituents.  The University Police Department additionally provides community oriented policing services, as well as services to support victims of crimes.  One such support service is the University Police’s Self-Defense training known as “Rape Aggression Defense Systems” or R.A.D. training.  Additional information regarding the support services of MTSU’s University Police, including information on R.A.D. training can be found on their website.

MTSU also complies with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act (“Clery Act”) and the Higher Education Opportunity Act (“HEOA”).  Copies of MTSU’s Annual Security Reports, in compliance with the Clery Act and HEOA, can be found on the University Police Department’s website under ‘Crime Statistics.’  The University’s annual Fire Safety Report, as well as a Tennessee Bureau of Investigations Crime Report, also can be found on the University Police’s website.

The following are additional resources utilized by MTSU to ensure campus safety and security, including updated information concerning changes to the Department of Education’s 2016 Handbook on the Clery Act’s Campus Safety and Security reporting requirements.