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Institutional Review Board (Cayuse Era)


The IRB Training page provides researchers with a link to a site where they can complete training and obtain certification for conducting research involving human participants.


The IRB Forms page provides information on the required forms for IRB submissions, such as consent and recruitment documents.


In case of Compliance Breach, Adverse Event Reporting, Study-related injury, or if you have concerns about a research project, please contact the Office of Research Compliance by [email protected] or call 615-494-8918

Federal Wide Assurance (FWA)

The FWA is a contract or agreement that establishes standards for human participants research as approved by the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP). It is the policy of the Middle Tennessee State University IRB to uphold its Assurance as filed with the OHRP. See more.

Institutional (FERPA) Data

Institutional data is any data that is utilized by the university for non-research purposes. Even if the data does not fall under the FERPA definition it is still subject to permission to utilize institutional data. 

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student information and mandates that educational institutions uphold strict confidentiality standards.

Please refer to our FERPA guidelines in the “About Us’ section.


Before starting your IRB application, you MUST complete all necessary trainings at CITI Program.

Click here to check the List of required trainings


Prepare all consent, recruitment, materials, and other forms that will be submitted with your application. Note that incomplete applications will be returned to be completed prior to review.

See forms to access templates


Review takes place in stages as noted on the Cayuse portal; researchers can be asked to add additional information at any stage and all requested information must be supplied before final approval can be granted.

To request for a new user to be added to Cayuse, fill out the Cayuse New User Request Form (Dynamic Form).


Applications are submitted via the Cayuse IRB portal.

Review the Cayuse Quick Start Guide to prepare to submit

  • The Cayuse IRB portal will automatically access your CITI training and pull it into the system. Your email address in CITI needs to match the email address in Cayuse for this to work. Check your profile in Cayuse to find out what email address has been uploaded. Update your email address in CITI to match by following the instructions on the CITI email update page.
  • Students, new employees, and researchers from outside of MTSU will need to be added to the Cayuse people finder before they can be added to your protocol in Cayuse. Student PIs will need to be added before beginning a submission. To request for a new user to be added to Cayuse, fill out the Cayuse New User Request Form (Dynamic Form).

Need Assistance?

If you have questions and want to speak with someone directly, please reach out to:

+1 615-494-8918