Institutional Review Board (Cayuse Era)
IRB Forms (Cayuse Era)

Recruitment Forms:
Recruitment is part of the consent process, and recruitment forms must comply with OHRP requirements.
Modify the existing templates to fit your study context, but do not remove required elements.
For studies in which participants will interact with or wear equipment, the IRB suggests including images of the equipment on recruitment forms. Since participants may be unfamiliar with the equipment used, images can help convey a clearer understanding of the study or procedure they may be signing up for.
Language to Be Inserted into Informed Consent for Special Cases:
Biological Specimens, DNA, Data Use:
For Research with Adults:
The consent templates have been designed to include all required elements of consent.
Modify the existing templates to fit your study context, but do not remove required elements.
For Research with Minors:
Please note that parents must provide consent for allowing their children to participate in research. An “opt-out” consent procedure will not be approved.
Modify the existing templates to fit your study context, but do not remove required elements.