D2L Awards: Incentivizing Behavior and Recognizing Achievement

Fall 2020


More Details

The D2L Awards tool enables faculty to distribute digital badges to students. There are many uses for awards, from adding a gamification component to your course to determining which of your course objectives students are achieving.  In this workshop, faculty will see examples of D2L awards and learn how to create awards specific to their course objectives.


Topic: D2L Awards Workshop

Time: Sep 9, 2020 03:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)


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Registration closed

Want to propose a workshop topic related to teaching and professional development? Please share your genius with us and fill out the LT&ITC workshop proposal form. We're looking for a variety of interesting and diverse topics -- please help! 

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on planned workshops, special events, and faculty book groups as well as highlighted articles that may be of interest to you.

If you're unable to attend a scheduled workshop, we typically record them and make them available via our YouTube channel.

Workshop registration and attendance information for inclusion in your tenure and promotion materials can be accessed directly via the university's workshop registration system.

If you're looking for some just-in-time training or want to dig a little deeper into a specific topic of interest, MTSU subscribes to both Teaching Professor ("reflects the changing needs of today's college faculty and the students they teach") and Academic Leader ("reflects the evolving needs of academic deans, department chairs and heads, program directors, and others with leadership responsibilities") online publications. If attempting to access either publication off-campus, you'll be asked to enter your MTSU credentials.

If you have an idea for a potential future workshop, please feel free to send your suggestions to Dr. Lando Carter.