MT Engage
What is MT Engage?
Program Goal
The program goal for MT Engage is to foster a culture of engaged learning by supporting students’ growth as integrative, reflective thinkers.
Student Learning Outcome
The student learning outcome for MT Engage is: students will use integrative thinking and reflection to demonstrate the ability to make connections across multiple contexts and educational experiences. MT Engage courses and the program will achieve this outcome by:
- Incorporating high-impact pedagogies within courses and through beyond-the-classroom engagement activities and strategies.
- Challenging students to use integrative thinking and reflection across multiple contexts and educational experiences and develop an ePortfolio presentation that showcases the integration of knowledge, skills, and abilities gained during their time at MTSU.
What are the initiatives/activities of the program?
- MT Engage Foundation Pathway (lower division courses are offered)
- MT Engage Major Pathway (courses in the major are offered)
- MT Engage Faculty Development (FLCs, summer institute, etc.)
- MT Engage Experiences (ePortfolio development, MT Engage Week)
- MT Engage Recognition Program (sophomore scholarship awards, senior cash awards and electronic badge)
How does MT Engage benefit students?
The goals of MT Engage include fostering a culture of engaged learning and integrative thinking, enhancing student satisfaction with their learning, and increasing retention and graduation rates. Students may also improve their 1) integrative/reflective thinking, 2) personal and professional development, and 3) effective communication.
How do students participate?
MT Engage is an opt-in program for students with no additional cost. Students who want to participate will enroll in MT Engage courses and develop an ePortfolio which will showcase the integration of the knowledge, skills, and abilities gained during their time at MTSU.
What is an ePortfolio?
An ePortfolio (electronic portfolio) is an electronic collection of evidence that shows a student’s learning journey over time. MT Engage ePortfolios will also include critical reflections of the student’s learning.
What are the incentives for students to participate?
As a participating student, you will have the opportunity for scholarships, cash awards, a recognition reception, electronic badges, and the opportunity to mentor other students.
How will the University support faculty who teach MT Engage courses?
As part of MT Engage, a faculty development plan will be established to support faculty who choose to teach MT Engage courses which are enhanced with high impact pedagogies and integrative/reflective thinking. Support may include faculty learning communities, a workshop series, and summer faculty institutes.
How do faculty participate?
If you are interested in teaching an MT Engage course, contact Julie A. Myatt at [email protected].