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Journalism, Environmental Journalism and Communication Concentration, B.S.

Environmental journalists and related professionals will use their knowledge to cover the always-topical, data-driven subjects of environmental research, preservation, and law. Students will learn how to critically examine and effectively convey complex information, keeping in mind relevant scientific and cultural context. This is a growing area for journalists and media researchers, whose work can touch on a variety of diverse issues covered in an equally diverse number of media outlets.

What We’re Doing:

Dr. Sanjay Asthana Speaks at EPA Conference

Concentration head Dr. Sanjay Asthana recently presented his paper, “Engaging EPA’s Toxics Release Inventory in Telangana, India, and Tennessee, USA,” at the Toxics Release Inventory National Conference in West Virginia! Per the EPA website, the 2023 TRI National Conference was a collaborative gathering of researchers and representatives from both government and private organizations to “demonstrate the application of toxic chemical data while discussing strategies… to better protect human health and the environment.” Congratulations, Dr. Asthana!


News Briefs

School of Journalism and Strategic Media professor helps bring new Baldwin Gallery exhibit to life

School of Journalism and Strategic Media professor helps bring new Baldwin Gallery exhibit to life

Dr. Andrea Hall of the School of Journalism and Strategic Media played a part in bringing the new Baldwin Gallery exhibit to life. Under Dr. Hall’s direction, her grad students helped create the audio component of Deep Roots: Evocations of the Mississippi Blues, further enhancing Bill Steber’s incredible photography. Visitors can use their phones to scan a code at the entrance of the gallery to access the audio; those who do so are encouraged to use headphones. The exhibit will be displayed through December 9, 2023.

MTSU’s School of Journalism hosts Come to Voice event

MTSU’s School of Journalism hosts Come to Voice event

The School of Journalism and Strategic Media recently held Come to Voice, an event conducted in partnership with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Rutherford County. Come to Voice affords children the opportunity to gain experience with new and useful technologies; this year’s activities included recording podcasts, learning about audio editing, and visiting the Extended Reality Stage. The event was put together by Drs. Jennifer Woodard and Ken Blake, with Kinsey McBride and Bianca Spencer working with and supervising the visiting group.

News Briefs

School of Journalism and Strategic Media professor helps bring new Baldwin Gallery exhibit to life

Dr. Andrea Hall of the School of Journalism and Strategic Media played a part in bringing the new Baldwin Gallery exhibit to life. Under Dr. Hall’s direction, her grad students helped create the audio component of Deep Roots: Evocations of the Mississippi Blues, further enhancing Bill Steber’s incredible photography. Visitors can use their phones to scan a code at the entrance of the gallery to access the audio; those who do so are encouraged to use headphones. The exhibit will be displayed through December 9, 2023.

MTSU’s School of Journalism hosts Come to Voice event

The School of Journalism and Strategic Media recently held Come to Voice, an event conducted in partnership with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Rutherford County. Come to Voice affords children the opportunity to gain experience with new and useful technologies; this year’s activities included recording podcasts, learning about audio editing, and visiting the Extended Reality Stage. The event was put together by Drs. Jennifer Woodard and Ken Blake, with Kinsey McBride and Bianca Spencer working with and supervising the visiting group.

Related Media



Graduates with a concentration in environmental journalism and communication will be ready for a variety of careers depending on their particular areas of interests. Examples include:

  • Academic researcher
  • Climate conservation coordinator
  • Climate and environmental advocacy fellow
  • Digital content creator
  • Environmental media consultant
  • Environmental reporter
  • Public policy associate
  • Sustainability specialist

Environmental Journalism and Communication Advising Worksheet. For official Catalog requirements, see the Requirements tab. 







MTSU’s School of Journalism and Strategic Media offers a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree with a major in Advertising and Public Relations or Journalism.

Concentrations within Advertising and Public Relations include:

Concentrations within Journalism include:

For complete curriculum details, click on REQUIREMENTS.

Undergraduate or graduate students outside the College of Media and Entertainment may choose to minor in Mass Communication with an emphasis in any of the School of Journalism and Strategic Media’s concentrations.

A Master of Science (M.S.) degree is available in Media and Communication.

Accreditation Equals Excellence

About 1,000 schools across the US offer study in journalism, public relations or some form of media.  Only 112 of these are accredited journalism and media programs.  We’re proud that MTSU is one of these.

Accreditation is a voluntary self-assessment and external review by educators and media professionals.  The reviewers examine program resources, classes and student success. Every six years, MTSU’s program is measured against national standards to ensure that we’re offering the best, most up-to-date experience we can provide. Accreditation provides an assurance of quality to students, parents, and the public.

The MTSU School of Journalism and Strategic Media was found in full compliance on all nine accreditation standards.

Go to the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication for more information about the value of accreditation.

Our Mission Statement

The School of Journalism and Strategic Media’s mission statement is comprised of five key points:

  • Provide an undergraduate education combining contemporary media instruction with hands-on professional experience.
  • Educate students about the role and responsibilities of a free press and media in a democratic and diverse society.
  • Prepare students for careers in journalism, communication, and strategic media in an ever-evolving media environment.
  • Contribute to the body of knowledge in journalism, communication, and strategic media through research, scholarship, creative, and professional activity.
  • Create an inclusive environment that celebrates diversity in its curriculum, organizations, and community engagement through its students, faculty, staff, and alumni.

A PDF copy of the Mission Statement can be downloaded here.

Our Strategic Plan

The SoJSM’s Strategic Plan can be viewed here.

Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan

The SoJSM’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan can be viewed here.

Our Assessment Plan

The SoJSM’s Assessment Plan can be viewed here.


In the spirit of sharing information related to the program’s performance with the public, the following data is provided:

Contact Information:

Dr. Sanjay Asthana
[email protected]

Who is My Advisor?

Janell Fisher (A-B)
[email protected]
615-494-7999 | BRAGG 230E

Leann McBride (C-J; N-Z)
[email protected]
615-898-5499 | BRAGG 230I

Josh Douglas (K-M)
[email protected]
615-494-4997 | BRAGG 230F

Related Links:

Mailing Address:

Middle Tennessee State University
MTSU Box 64
1301 East Main Street
Murfreesboro, TN 37132


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