Behavioral & Health Sciences Candidates


Drake Allen

If I were elected to serve for SGA I would improve the quality of student life by being the voice of the students. Listening to the concerns and interests of the student body would be my main goal so that I could bring those to the rest of SGA and as a whole we improve our university.

Chloe Brandon

Well, seeing as though I serve on the 2015-2016 SGA Senate, I enjoy facilitating the lives of MTSU's student body. If selected to serve for SGA, I would propose different resolutions, projects, and ideas that would greatly benefit the students. The bills and resolutions would reflect what THEY want done or changed on campus. They would also reflect the majority of the students' wants and needs. With the student body consensus, this will surely improve the quality of student life at Middle Tennessee State University.

Michael Caldwell

If I, were to be selected for a position on SGA Senate, I would connect the campus more with the community.  In my opinion, the more that the campus connects with the community the more that we can do for the campus on and off.  Different events can be hosted for the campus that will bring people to our campus and participate in our school’s activities which will create more interaction between students on and off campus.  The more interaction that we do, the better the turn outs that we will have with our events.  Imagine our school with just our students having an event to clean up campus and we only get half of the campus clean.  Then imagine students from other schools, not just colleges, coming for a campus clean-up and we get the campus clean