Professional Services

Richard's professional services include the following:

Article/Manuscript Reviewer

I have reviewed articles submitted both for presentation at professional conferences and for publication in scholarly journals:

  • Review for Conferences: I reviewed papers for conferences organized by several professional associations, including the Academy of Management (Business Policy/Strategy Division and International Business Division), the American Society for Competitiveness, the Association for Global Business, the International Academy of Business and Economics, the Society of Business, Industry and Economics, and the Institute for Behavioral and Applied Management
  • Review for Journal Pulbications: I reviewed manuscripts for such journals as Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, the Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, and Herald Journal of Geography and Regional Planning.


  • Discussant: I have chaired conference sessions at professional meetings for associations such as the International Academy of Business and Economics, the International Academy of African Business and Development, the American Society for Competitiveness, and the Society of Business, Industry and Economics
  • Panelist: On several occasions, I was involved in panel discussion for McGraw-Hill Publishing Company

Book Review: 

I have reviewed several textbooks in the areas of strategic management and internaitonal business for such publishers as Pearson, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company,  and Prentice-Hall Publishing.