General Education English Program
First-Year Writing at MTSU
Here at MTSU, first-year writing consists of a two-semester sequence.
- ENGL 1010: Expository Writing (3 hours) focuses on writing as a genre and on learning to adapt composing processes to a variety of expository and analytic writing assignments. ENGL 1010 is offered each semester, with the greatest number of classes being taught in the Fall semesters.
- ENGL 1020: Research and Argumentative Writing (3 hours) focuses on writing and analyzing arguments, the research process, informational literacy, and on locating, organizing, and using library resource materials for writing projects. ENGL 1020 is offered each semester, with the greatest number of classes being taught in the Spring semesters.
Both courses work to satisfy six of the nine hours of required communication courses for all MTSU students.
For a more detailed description of each course’s objectives, how these courses align with one another, and suggested course assignments, please consult the First-Year Writing Program Objectives. These objectives have been approved by the General Education English Committee and are aligned with TBR Communication Outcomes. Key concepts and additional materials are intended as teaching tools for instructors. They are also meant to differentiate between the two courses, helping both students and instructors understand how the courses build upon each other.
Program Objectives are derived from the Council of Writing Program Administrators (WPA) (the national body that researches first-year writing) Outcomes Statement and MT Engage Student Learning Outcomes.
For grade requirements, please consult the English Course Offering page and the Academic Policies and Procedures page.
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General Education English Director:
Dr. Christopher Weedman
Peck Hall 324
(615) 898-2579