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MTSU Charlie and Hazel Daniels Veterans and Military Family Center

Admission to MTSU

Admission is the first step in starting the process of becoming an MTSU student.

How To Apply

Applying to MTSU starts with an admission application.

(Students using Federal Tuition Assistance must speak to their Educational Service Officer or their unit’s counselor prior to enrolling.)

Submit Military Training Records for Credit Evaluation

If you are a veteran, National Guard member, Reservist, or active duty service member, the training you received in the military can generally translate to elective credit towards your degree.

Additionally, if you are a member of one of the above groups and you are receiving the GI Bill® or TA education benefits, once you have applied to MTSU, you are:

  • required to submit the Member 4 DD214 or the Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) – all veterans or currently serving,
  • required to submit a Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) transcript – for those who are or have been in the Air Force,
  • required to submit a Joint Services Transcript (JST) – all other branches.

Credit from a DD214 or LES is determined by the amount of time served. Please note that some degree programs may limit the number of prior learning hours that can be used.

JST’s and CCAF’s need to be provided directly from the military when you request them, we cannot take a personal copy that you have. See below for the transcript ordering link.

Usually, all credit from the JST and Community College of the Air Force is posted as either upper division or lower division elective credit. These credits can generally be used to fulfill elective requirements. If you believe the credit is equivalent to an MTSU course, then you may petition the department to accept the elective credit as a substitution for a specific required course. We can assist you with this process. Please contact the Transition Manager, Mr. Jeremy Winsett. There may also be options via the B.S. in Liberal Studies in which military credit can be used as one area of emphasis.

Jeremy Winsett


Jeremy Winsett
Transition Manager


KUC 316C

To obtain military training records, please see the service/branch transcript request information below.

Army, Marines, Navy, Coast Guard
Joint Services Transcript

Air Force
100 S. Turner Blvd.
Maxwell AFB, AL 36114
Community College of the Air Force Transcript

Other Ways to Earn College Credit

  • Adult Degree Completion Program
  • Earn Credit by Examination
    • CLEP, CEEB, DSST, Credit by Special Exam, International Baccalaureate Program, Foreign Language Tests, the Advanced Placement Examinations (AP), and the American College Testing Program (ACT).  For more information, access the university undergraduate catalog.


To attend MTSU as a Full-Time student, you will need to provide proof of immunization against Mumps, Measles, Rubella, and Varicella (2 doses). You do this by submitting a:

  • copy of your DD214 (Mail: MTSU Box 0237, Murfreesboro, TN 37132 or fax: 615-898-5004), and
  • Hepatitis B / Meningitis Immunity online acknowledgment

Submission of both of these items will provide adequate proof for all immunizations for those students living off campus.

For information, visit immunization requirements.

Residency Requirements for Military-Connected Students

For all students within our community (active duty, veterans, and dependents), the Transition Manager will also handle your residency requests. Below is a list of ways military-connected students may be eligible to pay the In- State Tuition Rate.

** Please note, the VA does not cover out-of-state tuition rates in most situations **

Military Residency questions can be referred to 615-904-8146 (Daniels Center)

Student In-State Rate Eligibility

  1. Complete the In-State Classification Application
  2. Attach DD214

  1. Complete the In-State Classification Application
  2. Complete and attach all required documents for VA Education Certification (to include Statement of Understanding and Enrollment Certification on Veterans Tab)
  3. Attach a copy of proof of living in the state of Tennessee. We have four general ways to prove this (Please submit only 1):
    • Signed lease agreement within the state
    • Mortgage of property within the state
    • A letter from the homeowner stating the student is residing with them AND a mortgage/lease/property tax document proving ownership/residence of the address
    • If in campus housing, please indicate that on the application

  1. Complete the In-State Classification Application
  2. Attach a letter from Command stating the student is an active member in the TN National Guard

A Military Service Member who has Active-Duty Military Orders out of Tennessee but Still Maintains a Tennessee Domicile

  1. Complete the In-State Classification Application
  2. Attach a copy of the following:
    • Current military orders
    • Most recent LES indicating TN as a State Tax designation
    • Tennessee Driver’s License

A Dependent of an Active-Duty Military Member who has Military Orders out of Tennessee but Still Maintains Tennessee Domicile

  1. Complete the In-State Classification Application
  2. Attach a copy of the following:
    • Current military orders
    • Most recent LES indicating TN as a State Tax designation
    • Student’s and Active Duty service member’s TN Driver’s Licenses
    • Most recent Tax information to indicate parent claims child OR marriage certificate for spouse

Active-duty military personnel and dependents who are working on a College Degree at MTSU while stationed in Tennessee or Fort Campbell, Kentucky, then transferring or deploying before completing the degree

  1. Complete the In-State Classification Application
  2. Attach a copy of the following:
    • Current military orders
    • Most recent LES indicating the student is Active Duty Status

Discuss qualification requirements with Transition Manager

A Military Service Member who is Stationed in Tennessee or Fort Campbell, KY (for purposes other than primarily educational)

  1. Complete the In-State Classification Application
  2. Attach a copy of the following:
    • Current military orders to Tennessee or Fort Campbell, KY
    • Most recent LES indicating the student is on Active Duty Status
    • Driver’s License

A Dependent of a Military Member who is Stationed in Tennessee or Fort Campbell, KY but not a Tennessee Resident

  1. Complete the In-State Classification Application
  2. Attach a copy of the following:
    • Current military orders to Tennessee or Fort Campbell, KY
    • Most recent LES indicating the sponsor is Active Duty Status
    • Student and Active Duty service members Driver’s Licenses
    • Most recent Tax information to indicate parent claims child OR marriage certificate for spouse


For questions regarding owning a home in Tennessee or being married to a Tennessee Resident, please contact MT One Stop or Graduate Studies.

If VA benefits run out/expire prior to graduation, a student can continue to qualify for in-state tuition and fees for the remainder of that degree, if they:

  1. Maintain continuous enrollment (fall and spring terms); and
  2. Demonstrate objective evidence of established residency in this state by presenting three of the following:
    • A Tennessee driver’s license (issued for at least 1 year);
    • Proof of voter registration in the state;
    • A Tennessee motor vehicle registration;
    • Proof of established employment in the state;
    • Lease or mortgage

Military Service Withdrawals / Readmissions

Students who leave MTSU due to military service or are returning after fulfilling service obligations, should contact the Daniels Center to ensure their proper academic status is reinstated.

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KUC 124 / 316
