MTSU Online and Distance Education Guidelines
This document outlines the responsibilities of those departments and divisions that support and are responsible for the success of online and distance education at MTSU, specifically the areas of technology, distance faculty and student services and resources, and administration. MTSU’s Online and Distance Education Guidelines are revised annually and reviewed and approved by the MTSU Distance Education Committee. The Guidelines are provided to all course developers at the beginning of the course development or redevelopment process.
MTSU Online Mission
MTSU Online exists to extend and amplify the teaching and learning resources of MTSU to create an educated and informed citizenry for Tennessee and beyond.
MTSU Online Vision
MTSU Online is a key contributor to increasing educational access, social mobility, and well-being for the citizens of Tennessee and beyond via high-quality online education.
Distance Education Definition
Distance education occurs when there is a physical separation of the instructor and the learner and when communication and instruction take place through or are supported by, any technological means, including any combination of present and future technologies. MTSU Distance Education Policy
Distance Education Purpose
Distance education is an established and effective method for extending educational opportunities. To provide the citizens of Tennessee with greater access to postsecondary education, Middle Tennessee State University affirms the effectiveness of distance education; recommends the use and development of distance education technologies, when appropriate, to meet student learning outcomes; and encourages academic departments to take advantage of such opportunities in carrying out their individual missions. MTSU Distance Education Policy
Distance education at MTSU began in the 1997 fall semester with seven courses and 53 student enrollments. Today, MTSU Online is nationally recognized, having been endorsed by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) for outstanding program administration. MTSU offers many online programs both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. A current description of available programs is listed on the MTSU Programs Site.
MTSU is a public institution accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) and is governed by its own Board of Trustees.
MTSU Course Types and Definitions
MTSU is committed to providing high-quality distance educational experiences for its students, and faculty members can develop and teach a variety of alternative delivery courses.
The types of courses approved to be offered at MTSU can be found and described on the MTSU Registrar’s course types page.
Roles and Responsibilities
University Roles and Responsibilities
The university must provide support to the administration, departments, and faculty to enable them to offer online courses. It is also responsible for offering the same services to students taking online courses and programs that it provides for students taking traditional, on-ground courses and programs. The following are distance education services provided by the university.
MTSU is responsible for complying with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) Principles of Accreditation. Section 10: Educational Policies, Procedures, and Practices states, “6. An institution that offers distance or correspondence education”:
- ensures that the student who registers in a distance or correspondence education course or program is the same student who participates in and completes the course or program and receives the credit.
- has a written procedure for protecting the privacy of students enrolled in distance and correspondence education courses or programs.
- ensures that students are notified, in writing at the time of registration or enrollment, of any projected additional student charges associated with verification of student identity. (Distance and Correspondence Education)
Student Authentication
This verification is accomplished by requiring the MTSU student to:
1) use a secure login and passcode into the MTSU learning management system, or 2) sit for proctored examinations.
MTSU uses students’ usernames and passwords to verify that a registered student is the same student who participates and earns academic credit for an online course. All instruction must take place inside the learning management system (LMS) to maintain verification integrity. Students must use their assigned username and create a password that meets university requirements to be authenticated.
MTSU Online offers several options for faculty conducting proctored activities in their courses, as described on this Proctoring Services page.
Verification may also occur if faculty teaching distance education courses require students to take an in-person or online proctored exam as long as required proctoring is noted on the course prior to students’ registration.
Credit Hour
MTSU defines the student credit hour in Policy 294.
Faculty Workload
The academic department chair and college dean determine faculty workload. MTSU’s Guidelines for Determining Faculty Workload includes information on expectations of faculty teaching online courses.
Adding, Dropping, and Withdrawing from Courses
Deadlines for adding, dropping, and withdrawing from distance education courses are the same as for courses taught on campus.
Online courses are subject to the same grading policies and procedures as conventional courses. Faculty teaching online courses should consult the appropriate current Undergraduate or Graduate Catalog for guidance.
Financial Aid and Class Attendance
Students enrolled in online courses should verify their financial aid eligibility with the MTSU Financial Aid Office. Students taking online courses must meet the same eligibility requirements for financial aid that they would have to meet if they were taking on-campus courses.
To comply with federal regulations regarding student engagement and participation in online courses, MTSU must demonstrate that students are engaged in regular and substantive interaction, as described in our workshops and course development process (RSI Approaches and Tools). Students who are reported as non-attending may be assigned a grade of FA, which may also have financial aid implications.
Course Enrollment
The Department Chair will determine the maximum capacity for a given online course based on the course content, duration, level, and any related accreditation requirements. The minimum capacity for an online course would be the same as for an in-person course of the same type and level.
College Roles and Responsibilities
Academic deans are responsible for:
- approving the development of each online course
- reviewing and approving for delivery of new and redesigned online courses when the course designer is a department chair or school director
- ensuring distance education students have access to academic advising
Department Roles and Responsibilities
Department chairs are involved in the development and redesign of online courses from the beginning of the process. The roles and responsibilities of departments related to distance education are below.
Online Course Scheduling and Cancellation
- Online and blended courses are usually taught as part of a faculty member’s course load.
- The department decides whether or not to cancel a course due to low enrollment.
- Academic departments are responsible for working with the Scheduling Center to schedule new online and blended courses for the target semesters of delivery noted in the Online and Blended Course Development Agreement.
- New online and blended courses may be added to the semester schedule no later than four weeks prior to the start of the semester if the review and approval process has been completed.
- New online and blended courses will not be added to the semester schedule until they have been reviewed and approved by MTSU Online and the department chair. The Course Approval Form must have been submitted to the MTSU Online Faculty Services Office.
- The course delivery method cannot be changed after registration begins.
- Requests to reserve on-campus facilities for distance courses and mandatory and optional meetings must be submitted to the Scheduling Center.
Online Course Review and Approval
- Department chairs are responsible for approval of all steps, including course development proposal, contract, final review, and delivery.
Other Responsibilities
- Department chairs encourage all faculty to receive training on the MTSU learning management system.
- Departments will offer and staff additional sections of online courses when needed.
- Department chairs will appoint new lead designers when original course designers leave MTSU or no longer teach online.
MTSU Online Roles and Responsibilities
MTSU Online provides central coordination for the development or redevelopment and delivery of distance education courses and programs. This central coordination contributes to uniform delivery, ensuring student access consistency while maintaining instructional flexibility.
MTSU Online recruits faculty members to develop and deliver distance education courses, provides services specific to distance learners, disseminates materials, works with departments and University Scheduling to ensure approved distance courses are added to semester schedules, and works with ITD to provide technical assistance and training for faculty developing and teaching distance education courses. The specific services provided by MTSU Online are below.
- MTSU Online coordinates the development and delivery of MTSU distance education courses and programs.
- MTSU Online Student Services provides services and resources specific to distance learners.
- MTSU Online provides a contact form for visitors to its website. Comments are directed to the appropriate offices and answered promptly.
- MTSU Online conducts regular feedback surveys of distance education students and faculty. The summarized results are shared with administrators and faculty.
MTSU Online Faculty Services
This office provides resources, assistance, and direction to faculty members who want to develop and teach online and blended courses. Responsibilities include:
- Ensure that faculty are aware that only courses approved by the University Curriculum Committee and the Graduate Council (if applicable) are eligible for online or blended development. Online or blended development is a change in delivery method, not a change in the curriculum. Courses that are new to MTSU (those that have not been taught on-ground) must receive approval from the University Curriculum Committee and the Graduate Council (if applicable) prior to development.
- Ensure that MTSU faculty are paid a stipend (based on credit hours of course developed) by MTSU Online for online and blended course development within the MTSU Online development process. Department chairs determine which faculty member in their department will design a course and receive the development stipend. Stipends are only paid for those courses not previously developed in the online or blended format. Approved courses are used as blueprint courses from which to clone additional sections for instruction. Minor revisions are permitted within the cloned sections.
- Ensure that online and blended courses are developed in accordance with criteria stipulated by MTSU Online as described in the course development process and the expectations for course developers.
- Provide in the LMS and update annually a syllabus template for use in online courses to provide information and resources specific to online learners.
- Provide direction to individuals and offices who can assist instructors and students with hardware and software questions or who can refer the questions to the appropriate sources.
- Coordinate the administration of online and blended courses by assisting instructors with tasks that are not a part of their usual duties and are unique to online and blended course instruction.
- Distribute course access instructions to instructors.
- Update the online Permission of Department (POD) Form prior to each semester.
- Assist faculty with scheduling on-campus orientation and testing facilities when requested.
- At the request of distance education faculty, contact students who are having difficulty accessing their online courses.
- Provide professional development opportunities for faculty who design and teach online and blended courses when funding is available.
MTSU Online Student Services
The MTSU Online Student Services personnel are dedicated to assisting prospective and current distance learners. Responsibilities include:
- Maintaining and regularly updating the Student Resources page so that students can access services related to online education.
- Distribute course access instructions to students.
- Provide resources such as online tutoring and directions to other student resources.
- Conduct regular student satisfaction surveys
Faculty Course Developer Responsibilities
Preparation for Online Course Development
- Prior to development, review this guideline document as well as the course development process and the expectations for course developers. Faculty course developers will comply with the requirements and the process described in these two documents.
- Determine the best delivery method for their course based on content, student needs, and according to MTSU course definitions.
- Use development shells for course creation as opposed to semester shells. Content will be lost if a semester shell is deleted.MTSU requires full-time and adjunct faculty to receive training on the university learning management system or certify that they have prior online teaching experience with this system prior to instruction.
- Successfully complete sexual harassment prevention training offered by the university before (or shortly after) the beginning of online course instruction.
- Complete course development before the deadline noted in the Online Course Development Agreement.
Documentation of Online Course Development
- Complete and submit for approval all course development documents to MTSU Online Faculty Services as described in the course development process and the expectations for course developers, including the Course Development Agreement.
Course Development Guidelines
- All courses developed by faculty developers and administered by MTSU Online must comply with the course development process and the expectations for course developers.
- All course content should be housed within the university-supported LMS, allowing students to complete course requirements within the course and authenticating students taking the course.
- Do not share student educational records with e-publishers or other third-party vendor websites so as to comply with FERPA regulations. All faculty complete FERPA compliance training.
- Comply with intellectual property rights and policies (
- Comply with ADA accessibility standards ( Instructors receive accessibility training as part of the course development process. Instructional designers assist with compliance with ADA standards.
- Provide students with detailed information on all assignments and course requirements
- Provide regular and substantive interaction within the course per MTSU’s Distance Education Policy 254
- Ensure that online and blended courses meet or exceed the same standards and criteria set by departments for classroom courses
Online Course Approval
- When the course is completely developed, conduct a self-evaluation and submit it to the instructional designer assigned to the course.
- Consider changes recommended by the instructional designer, and resubmit the self-evaluation, if necessary.
- When the course is approved, serve as the lead developer of the approved course for the term of the three-year contract. The duties include:
- sharing approved course content with sectional instructors
- updating the blueprint shell each semester as necessary
- familiarizing other professors with how the course is taught, and serving as an instructional mentor throughout the term
- assisting new instructors with revisions of basic course components such as the welcome, contact information, and course calendar
- working with the department to obtain textbooks and other course materials
- Note: These services should be provided by the lead developer even if the developer is not teaching a section of the course during the semester.
Course Redevelopment
- Propose redeveloping the course when the three-year contract expires or as needed.
- The same development, review, and approval processes apply for redevelopment.
Online Course Instruction Responsibilities
- Faculty (adjuncts or full-time) teaching sections of online courses developed by others must meet with the lead course developer to review course content and to revise the welcome page and faculty contact information. Faculty teaching sections of an approved online course must not change online course content.
- Faculty new to online instruction must complete a training course from MTSU Online.
- Submit the online and blended course information to the department for inclusion in the target semester’s schedule. New online and blended courses are added to the semester schedule no later than four weeks prior to the start of the semester if the review and approval process has been completed. The course delivery method may not be changed after registration begins.
- Adhere to and support MTSU’s Information Technology Resources Policy and encourage students to do the same.
- Review and comply with copyright guidelines as they pertain to the Internet, media, and online instruction.
- If external websites are used in the design of online and blended courses, provide detailed descriptions of how the sites will be used in conjunction with required LMS activities and assignments.
- Follow these instructional recommendations and best practices each semester and share them with sectional instructors:
- Log in to the course the day courses begin and several times throughout the week.
- Respond to student questions (e-mails and other postings) within 48 hours.
- Post assignment feedback and grades as soon as possible and within two weeks of the assignment submission, depending on the nature and length of the course and assignment type.
- Follow the university’s posted schedule during all academic terms.
Distance Education Student Responsibilities
- Access the course on the first day of classes and regularly throughout the week.
- Complete the student orientation to online learning.
- Review MTSU student regulations and policies as described in the orientation.
- Obtain any required course materials and textbooks.
- Ensure you have access to a reliable computer and internet connection.
- Complete the Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) at the conclusion of the term.
Information Technology Roles and Responsibilities
The Information Technology Division (ITD) supports information technology resources for faculty and students (both on campus and online), including the Service Portal and faculty and student email accounts.
College Of Graduate Studies Roles and Responsibilities
The College of Graduate Studies serves as a coordinator for the admission and graduation of students enrolled in MTSU graduate programs. Persons wishing to pursue an online graduate degree at MTSU must apply and be admitted by the College of Graduate Studies in addition to being accepted into a particular graduate program. The college provides a Graduate Program Liaison for each online graduate program, just as it does for on-ground graduate degrees. These liaisons work with the student and graduate program coordinator to ensure that all requirements of the program, college, and university are met.
Roles and Responsibilities
The Walker Library provides the following services in support of online and blended courses:
- The library’s catalog
- Electronic course reserves in which instructors’ materials can be accessed through the library catalog
- Online databases, including many with full-text journal articles, which can be viewed, printed, and emailed from any location
- Online Research Guides created by librarians with links to subject-specific library resources
- An online request form for delivery of requested library materials by mail or electronically to students who need access to materials
- Ask a Librarian page on the library’s website, which provides access to an online chat service for immediate assistance during library hours
- Distance Education Library Services webpage, which contains useful information and links for online students