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MTSU Campus Recreation

Club Sports Policies and Procedures

Sport Club Handbook

This Sport Club Handbook contains policies and guidelines to be followed by all clubs currently affiliated or those requesting to be affiliated with the Middle Tennessee State University Sport Club Program. This handbook serves as a guide for club participants and officers in the daily management of their respective clubs. It should be used as a resource for all questions regarding conducting club business.

Sport Clubs are subject to discipline and even suspension from the Sport Club Program for not following the rules and regulations set forth in this handbook. The Department of Campus Recreation and the Division of Student Affairs governs these policies and procedures. Violations of a serious nature may be sent to the university judicial board of the Vice President of Student Affairs.  

What is a Sport Club?

A sport club is a registered student organization that has been formed for the purpose of educating, competing, and/or participating in a particular activity or sport. Many sport clubs exist because of the desire to continue participation in a sport by students other than varsity athletes. Each club’s level of competition or activity is unique, and is dependent on club leadership.  Sport clubs are student-initiated, student-led and student-managed, providing an opportunity for the development of leadership and other life skills and to contribute to the overall college experience.

Middle Tennessee State University Sport Club Program Mission Statement

The Middle Tennessee State University Sport Club Program is dedicated to providing safe opportunities to students for engagement in a variety of sport activities, including activities that are competitive, recreational, and instructional in nature. Students are afforded leadership opportunities and experiences, as each club is organized, managed, and led by students. The program strives to contribute to the health, well-being, development, and education of students through involvement with sport club activity, while supporting those activities by providing use of Campus Recreation facilities and services.

Middle Tennessee State University Campus Recreation Mission Statement

Campus Recreation’s mission is to serve and educate the MTSU community with recreational opportunities to promote healthy lifestyles in a safe environment.

Sport Club Contact List

Competitive Sports Office(615) 898-5068[email protected]
Dan Payne, Competitive Sports Coordinator(615) 898-5341[email protected]
 GA of Competitive Sports(615) 898-5068[email protected]

Competitive Sports Staff

The Sport Club Office, led by the Competitive Sports Coordinator, is designed to help clubs function. The Department of Campus Recreation employs a full-time professional to supervise and assist sport clubs and their activities within the Competitive Sports Program.  The Competitive Sports Coordinator serves as an advisor for clubs on day-to-day operation as well as special events.  The Competitive Sports Coordinator works to ensure that all rules and regulations are followed in accordance with the Competitive Sports Program, Department of Campus Recreation, and The Middle Tennessee State University guidelines.  Finally, the Competitive Sports Coordinator serves as a liaison between the individual clubs and University administration.


All things mailed to the club can be sent to the Competitive Sports Office. Make sure you come into the office periodically to check your clubs’ mailbox. The mailing address for the Competitive Sports Office is

P.O. Box 556 
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN 37132

General Participant Eligibility

  • All current fee-paying Middle Tennessee State University students that meet the minimum accredited hours are eligible for participation in the Sport Club Program. This includes undergraduate, graduate, professional, full-time and part-time students.  Minimum accredited hours for both undergraduate and graduate students are listed as follows:
    • Graduate – 3 hours
    • Undergraduate – 6 hours
  • Alumni, faculty, and staff are not eligible for participation in the Sport Club Program. However, they may be able to be involved in a club in other ways depending on the leadership and organization of the club. The sport club’s faculty/staff advisor may travel with the club.
  • Individuals that are not taking classes during the current semester are not eligible. Members participating with organizations that are competing in regional and/or national competitions that extend into the summer semester may request an exemption from this requirement from the Sport Club Office on an individual basis in order to continue participating during the club’s established postseason period.
  • Specific National, State and/or Local Governing Bodies may have eligibility requirements that are not consistent with the eligibility requirements of the MTSU Sport Club Program. Contact the governing body for specific eligibility requirements. When such requirements conflict with Sport Club Program or other University requirements, Sport Club Program and University requirements will take precedence.
  • As required by Public Chapter 1005 (2022), any intramural teams, sports club or sport that are designated as being for females or women only will not be open to students of the male sex. For purposes of this requirement, the sex of the participant shall be determined by the sex listed on the participant’s original birth certificate, if the certificate was issued at or near the time of birth. If the birth certificate provided by the participant is not the participant’s original birth certificated issued at or near the time of birth, or does not indicate the participant’s sex, the participant must provide other evidence indicating the participant’s sex.

Sport Club Membership

Sport Club members are defined as individuals who meet any one of the following criteria:

  • Name appears on sport club team roster during the academic year
  • Actively participating with the club following the designated try-out period (if applicable)
  • Paid dues for that club

Club Rosters

All members participating in club activities should be listed on the clubs official roster. It is the responsibility of the club officers to add or remove club members throughout the year. The Competitive Sports staff will add each club to this page every semester. Once that is done, the staff will add all of the current officers for each club. Once each officer has been added to the club roster, they may start adding all of the other club members. Add students to your Official Club Roster using the steps below:

  1. Here is the link for the Rec Portal. Have them sign in using their MTSU credentials.
  2. Click “Sports Clubs”
  3. Click “Player Registration”
  4. Sport Clubs will show up on the right side of the screen, click this
  5. Under Program Offerings, find your club and click “Register”
  6. Now the full waiver will pop up, please read and click “Accept Now”
  7. It will take you to a shopping cart for $0.00.  Click “Checkout” and “Checkout” again.
  8. Once that is done, it will show “Payment was successful” and you will receive an email confirmation

Sport Club Officer Positions

Each club must have the following elected officers who meet the requirements listed under Officer Eligibility.  Contact information for each officer must be kept up-to-date with the Competitive Sports Office.

Mandatory Positions. An individual cannot serve in multiple positions at one time.

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • 2 Safety Officers
  • Advisor

Additional (optional) Sport Club officer positions:

  • Secretary
  • Fundraising Chair
  • Community Service Chair
  • Recruitment Chair

Intramural Sports Participation Policy

Members of MTSU Sport Clubs will be allowed to participate in Intramural competitions in their related sports. However for all single gender or Co-Rec Intramural teams a maximum of two (2) Sport Club participants may appear on the team’s roster. If you have even one (1) sport club participant on your team you must play in the A League. Once a person has been deemed a club member, they will be considered as such with regard to intramural Sports for the remainder of that semester. Intramural players who join a club team during the intramural season may be required to discontinue playing for their intramural team in order to keep their intramural team eligible under this rule.

Similar/Related Sports

Club/Professional/Varsity SportsIntramural Sports
Baseball, SoftballIndoor Baseball, Softball, Home Run Derby
Basketball3-on-3 Basketball, 5-on-5 Basketball, 3 Point Contest
E-Sports (specific to individual game)E-Sports (specific to individual game)
Football4-on-4 Flag Football, Flag Football
Kan JamKan Jam
SoccerIndoor Soccer, Outdoor Soccer
Ultimate FrisbeeUltimate Frisbee
VolleyballIndoor Volleyball, Outdoor Volleyball, Wallyball

Insurance and Medical Considerations

  1. The university holds NO blanket insurance policy for sport club participants. Consequently, all club members are strongly encouraged to purchase some type of personal comprehensive accident-health insurance.  An injured participant is responsible for all financial obligations incurred and any treatment necessitated by injury.  Club officers should notify their members of this fact.
  2. The University does not provide insurance for club members while traveling. Club members are responsible for their own auto insurance if traveling in a private vehicle. Passengers in private vehicles that are driven by club members are at the sole risk of the driver.
  3. Sport Clubs at MTSU are responsible for their events and activities, as well as the actions or negligence of the organization membership.
  4. Each participant is always responsible for their own well-being when participating with the group they are affiliated.
  5. Each participant shares with the other members the concern and responsibilities of safety and agrees to follow safe procedures and to avoid any unnecessary, hazardous situations.
  6. Participants are encouraged to discuss with the MTSU Student Health Center medical staff or with their family doctor any known physical problems which may limit participation in the club sports program. This should be handled before participation.
  7. Participants are encouraged to wear proper dress and appropriate protective equipment. If the participant chooses not to use such equipment, the participant must realize that he/she is doing so at his/her own risk.
  8. Arrangements will be made to have proper supervision at home club contests to be held on campus that have been properly scheduled through the Competitive Sports Office.

This guide is to help you prioritize what someone needs to do in order to start a new Sports club. Starting a new club sport is a lot of work and will take several months to become a full member organization. The MTSU Competitive Sports staff are available for questions and advice every step of the way.

There are several things that should be considered to determine if the new club will fit into the MTSU Sports Club model. Because our clubs operate independently and do not have direct day-to-day supervision by trained professionals, there are activities that are prohibited from becoming sports clubs on campus. This includes clubs where the risk of serious injury or death are a regular risk inherent in the activity (even when operated properly) or where the resource demands for support and/or medical care are outside the ability of the university’s model to provide. A risk management review is part of any new sport club request process and would be conducted prior to any sport being started even on a trial basis. The following are steps that should be taken in order to begin a new Sports Club. Steps in each tier should be completed before moving on to the next one.

For more information about Sport Clubs, check out our website,

Tier 1 (Proving there is enough student interest to start a club)

  • Recruit members and officers
    • Each club needs a minimum of 5 active members and 4 officers
    • Find at least 2 people that are dedicated to completing all the steps and doing all the work to form the club. The more dedicated people you have, the less will be on each of their plates
  • Submit names and contact info of all officers to Competitive Sports
  • Find a faculty/staff advisor
    • Must be a full-time faculty or staff member at MTSU and cannot be the Competitive Sports Coordinator

Tier 2 (Officially registering as a club)

  • Write a constitution for the club
  • Complete a risk statement for the club
    • Should detail risk associated with the activity, how participants could be injured, and how the student participants (officers) take measures to minimize injury.
    • Should include facility needs to be successful and detail the possible risks associated with facility usage
    • Should include what equipment is needed and any standards of equipment
  • Completely register your organization (club) in MyMT
    • Should be done during the first semester the club is meeting
    • Will need all of the above info to complete

Meet with Competitive Sports staff once all of the Tier 1 and Tier 2 steps are completed.

Tier 3 (Completing the requirements to operate the club)

  • Have officers (other than Safety Officers) attend training
  • Have 2 people attend Safety Officer training and become CPR certified
  • Add people to official roster on RecPortal and have them complete their waiver
  • Schedule practice times (if meeting/practicing on campus)

Tier 4 (These items will be done during the first “pending” semester of the club)

  • Submit projected budget
    • Budget should include all expected and desired purchases as well as expenses (equipment, rental space, fees, etc.)
    • Budget templates can be found on the MTSU Sport Club website at
  • Set-up an EIN through the IRS
  • Set-up a bank account. (Most of our clubs use Ascend Federal Credit Union because they are familiar with student org bank accounts)
  • Get an M# and complete direct-deposit information with the university
  • Faculty, staff, and students may access the “ACH Payment Enrollment Authorization” by clicking on the “Dynamic Form” next to the form name at the Office of Business and Finance Forms page:
    1. When completing the form for a student organization, the faculty, staff, or student representative should select the “Student Organizations/Sports Clubs” radio button.
    2. The representative should select the “Direct Deposit (Initial Setup)” or “Direct Deposit Update” radio button.
    3. In the Payee/Company Information section, the representative should list the organization’s name, taxpayer identification number, e-mail address, and phone number in the applicable fields.
    4. In the Financial Institution Information section, the representative should also provide the responsible financial institution’s name, the routing number, account number, and type of account (Checking or Savings).
    5. In order to process the document, the filer must attach a voided check, deposit slip, or other information verifying bank account and routing number. This information can be a picture image or a .pdf document. Regardless of the attachment format, Dynamic Forms should convert the attachment to a .pdf document for review by the Business Office.
    6. If payments to the student organization (via ACH) are not being forwarded from a U.S. financial institution to a financial institution in another country, then the representative should select the “No” radio button when answering the IAT question. If the student organization must answer “Yes”, please contact Accounting Services for additional guidance.
    7. After completing the information requested, the representative should check the certification box and electronically sign the form.

Each new club will operate as a “pending club” for at least 1 full semester prior to becoming a full club sport. During the pending period, clubs will need to complete all of the necessary requirements of being a club sport but will not be allocated any money from the university and will not be allowed to travel, or host. After the pending semester, the Club Sports staff will decide whether or not to accept the club as a full member organization.

Club Operating Requirements

  • Notice of Club Standing
    • At the beginning of every semester the club should contact the Competitive Sports staff acknowledging that you are or are not participating for the semester. If you are participating you need to provide practice schedule, game schedule, and budgets that go along with the beginning of your season.
  • Register as a Student Organization
    • All Sport Clubs are required to be a registered student organization.
    • Clubs will need to (re)register their organization every academic year they are participating/operating as a club using the following procedures
      • Re-registration Form completed on
      • Log into myMT using your pipeline credentials.
      • Click the “organization” tab at the top.
      • Click “Registration” on the left hand side.
      • Find your organization and click “re-register”.
    • Finance Report submitted and approved. This will require information about the financial history of the organization including signatures of the Treasurer, President, and Advisor.
    • Advisor Agreement completed and approved.
      • All student organizations must have the following clause in their constitution: “In the event the organization dissolves, the distribution of funds and assets will be given to ________________________.” Any constitutions that fail to contain this information will be sent back for revisions.Check out the Student Organizations & Service website for more information at
  • Budgets
    • If your club is operating that semester and need funding from MTSU Campus Recreation, then you must submit a budget proposal. More information about budgets is listed later in this document and will be provided each semester.
  • Meetings
    • At the beginning of every semester all club presidents and vice presidents will be required to attend an Officer Meeting to go over all pertinent info.
    • At least 2 Safety Officers will be required to have a current CPR/First Aid/AED certification. If they do not, they will need to attend a class taught by Campus Recreation staff. Safety Officers will also be required to attend an addition training.
    • We will have a meeting with coaches at the beginning of the semester as well. Coaches are required to attend these meetings as needed if you are participating in the semester.
  • Games and Practice Schedule Request
    • Clubs will need to submit a game and practice schedule request at the beginning of the semester. If games are added after initial submission of game schedule, please communicate with the Competitive Sports office at least one week ahead of time.
  • Travel
    • If you are traveling and plan to request reimbursement money, you must submit a roster and travel itinerary a minimum of 3 days prior to the departure day.
    • In addition, a reimbursement form will need to be completed and submitted at least 3 days after your travel with all receipts.
    • The university does not have vehicles for clubs to use for travel. Clubs will need to arrange vehicles from a rental car company. AVIS has a deal with the university that offers a discount for MTSU club members if you rent vehicles through them. Use the code P059800 when making your reservation. 15-passenger vans are not to be used for club travel. 

Image and Perception

Sport Clubs, as with any organization, need to be aware of the image they may portray to the general public, campus community, potential and current members.  In addition to representing themselves, sport clubs represent the entire Competitive Sports Program, Department of Campus Recreation, Student Activities Center, Division of Student Affairs, and Middle Tennessee State University.  Common sense and good taste should be employed when a club or its members share information about the club via in-person communication, websites, message boards, or any social media. Sport clubs that are discovered to be engaging in inappropriate behavior or are representing the club in poor taste will be sanctioned.  Examples of this type of behavior include, but are not limited to, lewd acts, alcohol consumption, hazing, sexually explicit images, or a general disregard for a standard of decency.


Sport clubs should focus on making their organization as welcoming as possible and any hazing activity directly contradicts that environment. There is no place for hazing at MTSU. The university is committed to developing and nurturing a community devoted to honesty and integrity, respect for diversity, engagement in the community and commitment to nonviolence. Campus Recreation and Sport Clubs is committed to the university’s mission and values. All students are expected to treat each other with dignity and respect, regardless of their membership classification or level of seniority within an organization or group.

Hazing is any action or any situation created intentionally that causes embarrassment, harassment or ridicule and risks emotional and/or physical harm to members of a group or team, whether new or not, regardless of the person’s willingness to participate.

Hazing can often times be difficult to identify. If you’re not sure whether or not something happening to you or to someone else is hazing, ask yourself these questions:

  • Would I feel comfortable participating in this activity if my parents were watching?
  • Would we get in trouble if a school/college administrator walked by and saw us?
  • Am I being asked to keep these activities a secret?
  • Am I doing anything illegal?
  • Does participation in this activity violate my values or those of this organization?
  • Is this causing emotional or physical distress or stress to myself or to others?
  • Am I going to be able to get a job if I have to put a criminal arrest on my application?

If a sport club is found to be in violation of the hazing policy, they may be subject to disciplinary actions including but not limited to club probation, officer suspension/termination, loss of allocation money, and/or club termination.

Club Expectations

  • In all club-sponsored activities, club members must assume full responsibility for following local, state, and federal laws.
  • Each club must maintain goals and objectives that are consistent with the educational mission of the university.
  • Each club must review and update its constitution as needed.
  • Each club is responsible for completing and submitting proper forms.
  • Each club is responsible for assuring representation at Competitive Sports Program meetings and mandatory workshops.


Every sport club must have an MTSU staff member to serve as their advisor in order to be a fully recognized sport club by the university. The Competitive Sports Coordinator cannot be listed as a club’s advisor. Each organization shall be free to choose its faculty or staff advisor who, by accepting appointment, agrees to maintain contact with the organization so as to be familiar with its programs and personnel. The advisor shall be responsible for advising the organization as to its programs and personnel, having in mind not only the objectives of the particular group, but also the best interests of the University.

  • Approved Advisors. An approved advisor shall be one (1) or more of the following:
    • An MTSU employee with the rank of instructor or above;
    • An MTSU employee engaged in research duties, holding the equivalent rank of instructor or above;
    • An MTSU full-time administrator employed in an administrative unit of the University;
    • A director of a religious organization;
    • A chapter advisor of a social fraternity or sorority appointed by the national organization of that particular group; or
    • If the advisor appointed does not meet one of the criteria in 1-3 above, an additional advisor must be appointed to meet said requirement.
  • An advisor must be knowledgeable of the financial activities of the organization in the following areas:
    • Sound accounting protocol and money management;
    • University policies as they relate to fundraising;
    • University policies as they relate to funds disbursement; and
    • University policies as they relate to student activity fees including the application and reimbursement processes.
  • The advisor must assist with the financial duties associated with the organization by:
    • Counseling and assisting officers;
    • Reviewing financial statements and accounts;
    • Assisting with the organization’s processes designed for safeguarding funds; and
    • Review and confirm the legitimacy of all receipts submitted to the University for reimbursement.

Advisors may travel with clubs to events and get reimbursed for travel related expenses such as rental vehicles, gas, hotel rooms, etc. However, advisors are not allowed to get reimbursed for competition related expenses such as tournament entry fees.


If desired, it is the responsibility of the sport club to secure the services of a coach/instructor for their club. 

If a club chooses to financially compensate a coach/instructor, it is the sole decision and responsibility of that club to fulfill such request, however the Competitive Sports staff must be informed beforehand. It is not the responsibility of the Competitive Sports Program to financially compensate any coach/instructor.  Sport Clubs who choose to enter into contracts with coaches/instructors are strongly advised to seek legal counsel with regard to contract terms, liability, etc.  Middle Tennessee State University, MTSU Campus Recreation, and the MTSU Competitive Sports Program are not responsible for damages or other issues arising out of contractual arrangements. The Club or Competitive Sports Program can remove a coach for any reason at any time.

Coach/Instructor Responsibilities

  • Coaches are required to fulfill a background check and sign a Coach’s Agreement in order to coach or instruct clubs at practice or games.
  • The Coach/Instructor should restrict their contributions to coaching and/or instruction and should refrain from activities involved in the club’s management. A sport club is first and foremost a student organization and, as such, the student representatives (not the coach/instructor) should serve as the liaison between the club and the sport club staff, the University, and all non-University agencies. The philosophy and key to the success of the Sport Club Program has been the continued emphasis placed on student leadership and participation.
  • The Coach/Instructor must be aware of and follow all University and Sport Club policies and procedures.
  • It is recommended that all coaches/instructors purchase medical and liability insurance, as they are not covered by the University.
  • Coaches should not, under any circumstances allow hazing to take place within the club, nor should they allow an environment of hazing to exist.

Off-Campus Banking Accounts

A club may open an off-campus bank account, however, Middle Tennessee State University, the Department of Campus Recreation, and the Competitive Sports Program have no responsibility and supervision of student organization off-campus bank accounts. The club is responsible for all oversight and operation of an off-campus account. One best practice in managing this account is to make sure at least 2 current club officers are added to the account.

These bank accounts should house the funds earmarked for the club and should not be used for personal reasons. The club is responsible for spending these funds in a manner that represents MTSU in a positive light, is safe to the club, and used to benefit the club as an organization.

Budget Requests

Budget requests must be sent to the Competitive Sports Office by the date advertised by the Competitive Sports staff each semester. Budget requests need to be reasonable and be presented in the format that is provided at

Once the budget deadline has passed, the Competitive Sports staff will balance the requests of each club with the amount of money allocated to the Sport Club program for that semester. Each club may or may not be granted the requested amount of reimbursement money each semester. In addition to balancing each club’s request, the following will be used to help determine how much money each club will receive:

  1. Cost of Sport
    • Practice facilities, conference fees, etc
  2. Club needs for operation
  3. Compliance to Sport Club Policies and Procedures
  4. Longevity of club
  5. Club roster size


Each club will be required to fundraise 25% of their semesterly reimbursement request. This fundraising money can include any type of revenue generated by the club such as dues, sponsorships, fundraisers, etc.


All item purchases need to be approved and inventoried by the Competitive Sports Coordinator if the club is planning to be reimbursed. Items that are ordered online or by mail, must be shipped to Campus Recreation in order to be inventoried. Please use the following shipping address for all purchases:

Attn: Campus Recreation – Dan Payne
P.O. Box 556 
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN 37132


If a club wishes to be reimbursed for any purchases, original receipts need to be used. These receipts need to be turned in with a completed reimbursement form that can be found at If needing a receipt for a trainer or official, we have one formatted that clubs can use at All equipment purchased with reimbursed funds must be stored at the university. Since the club was reimbursed for this equipment it is technically owed by the university.

List of what can be reimbursed:

  • Governing Organization Dues/Fees
  • Officials/Athletic Trainer
  • General, non-personal Equipment/Uniforms to be used by the club
  • Travel (transportation, gas, lodging, tourney fees)
    • Advisors may travel with clubs to events and get reimbursed for travel related expenses such as rental vehicles, gas, hotel rooms, etc. However, advisors are not allowed to get reimbursed for competition related expenses such as tournament entry fees.

List of what cannot be reimbursed:

  • Facility Space Rental and Usage (dependent on availability of Rec Center facilities)
  • Food and Drink
  • Fundraising events will not be funded unless the sponsoring organization can show that it will not benefit financially from the event or program
  • Personal Equipment/Uniforms
  • Individual Player Dues/Coaching Fees
  • Parking/Speeding Tickets
  • Transportation related incidental charges such as early bird check-in, upgraded seating, pets or emotional support animals on trips, etc.
    • Under the ADA laws, hotels and other lodging companies cannot charge an extra fee for a service animal. However, some may charge an extra fee for animals that are not service animals. Those extra fees are not reimbursable.

If you have a question about whether or not a purchase is reimbursable, please ask the Competitive Sports staff before making the purchase. For more information about monetary, club related items, feel free to check the Student Activity Fee Guidelines here at

Practice Requests

Sport Clubs can request facility space for practices on a recurring basis through the Competitive Sports Program. All Sport Club Practice Requests that are properly turned in by the deadline to the Competitive Sports Office will be used by the Coordinator to create a practice schedule for each facility, each semester.  Practice schedules are made at the beginning of each semester – Fall, Spring and Summer – and continue throughout that term.

In all facilities, a limit may be placed on the number of regular weekly or monthly practice sessions scheduled in order to accommodate as many groups as possible with a practice schedule of reasonable frequency. Clubs must make use of their allotted practice space once it is scheduled to them. If clubs wish to discontinue regular practices, club representatives must contact the Competitive Sports Office.

Practice Cancellations and Conflicts

Practices at the Sport Club Complex can be cancelled at any time at the discretion of the Competitive Sports Staff. If possible, the Competitive Sports Coordinator will try to provide practice space in the Campus Recreation building if space is available.

The following is a list of MTSU Campus Recreation facilities:

  • Intramural Sports Fields
  • Sport Club Complex (2111 E. Main St.)
  • MTSU Campus Recreation Building

If the club is seeking use of the MTSU Campus Recreation Building for practices, events, tournaments, or games, the club should submit a Facility Reservation Form to the Competitive Sports Coordinator by clicking the link below. Once at the site, click on MTSU groups. 

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Office Phone
615.898.2104 (8am - 5pm)

Main Entrance

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 556
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN 37132

Physical Address
1848 Blue Raider Drive
Murfreesboro, TN 37132