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Academic Standing (Undergraduate)

Academic Probation / Suspension (Undergraduate)

The minimum Overall GPA required to graduate is 2.00. To view GPA(s) go to PipelineMT >Registration & Student Records menu >Academic Records >GPAs.  All GPAs are displayed with explanation.

An undergraduate student failing to meet one of the following standards during any term will be placed on academic probation for the subsequent term:

  • attain a 2.00 GPA for the current semester, or
  • meet one of the following retention standards:
    • if you have 0 – 29.99 overall combined quality (GPA) hours, you need a 1.50 Overall Combined GPA
    • if you have 30 – 49.99 overall combined quality (GPA) hours, you need a 1.80 Overall Combined GPA
    • if you have 50 or more overall combined quality (GPA) hours, you need a 2.00 Overall Combined GPA

A student on academic probation who fails to meet one of the above standards the next term in which enrolled, will be suspended. First time suspension is for one semester (not including summer) and any subsequent suspensions will be for 2 semesters (not including summer). Students with a prior suspension from MTSU or previous institution(s) are not eligible for probationary status and will be suspended for 2 semesters (not including summer) if the retention standard is not met.

Academic Suspension Appeal (Undergraduate)

Undergraduate students placed on academic suspension are provided the opportunity to appeal for early reinstatement. The Fall 2024 Academic Appeal process is now available. The deadline to submit an appeal for the August meeting to return in Fall 2024 is Monday, August 19, 2024 at 4:00 PM. Students who appealed at the May meeting for Fall 2024 and were denied may not submit another appeal at the August meeting. For questions please contact the MT One Stop at [email protected]

Academic Probation / Suspension – Graduate Students
Academic appeals for graduate level students are handled by the College of Graduate Studies, call (615) 898-2840 or email [email protected].