MTSU Campus Recreation
What is Wellness?
Health vs. Wellness
When defining wellness, we also want to define health and understand how they work together. There a several different ways to define both health and wellness depending on who is defining the terms. Use these as a start and consider how they fit in with your life!
Health can be defined as an individual’s capacity to reach your full potential. It takes in several factors and is different for each person. Our maximum health level can also fluctuate throughout our life, so re-evaluating is important. Your maximum health may not be disease-free, but being the healthiest you can be considering any diseases or diagnoses.
What can impact our health?
- Genetics & family history
- Education & knowledge
- Social & community support
- Childhood experiences
- Housing & location
- Finances & income
- Access to healthcare & health services
- and more
Wellness is a self-directed, conscious, and evolving process towards achieving your full potential. In this case, your full potential would be your maximum health. It is fluid and ever-changing, so check in with yourself to determine if some dimensions need more attention. Wellness can be made up of several different areas, or dimensions. The original theory was developed by Dr. Bill Hettler and has been modified to meet the needs of the population using it. Within the realm of colleges and universities, the 8 dimension model is the most common and what we use at MTSU.
The 8 Dimensions of Wellness
Emotional | Coping effectively with life and creating satisfying relationships |
Environmental | Occupying and caring for pleasant, stimulating spaces that support wellness |
Financial | Satisfaction with current and future financial situation |
Intellectual | Recognizing creative abilities and finding ways to expand knowledge and skills |
Occupational | Personal satisfaction and enrichment derived from one’s work |
Physical | Recognizing the need for physical activity, nutrition, and sleep |
Social | Developing a sense of connection, belonging, and well-developed support system |
Spiritual | Expanding our sense of purpose and meaning in life and developing values |